
The View’s Alyssa Farah Griffin and Rolling Stone’s Jay Michaelson teamed up on Wednesday’s CNN Tonight to attack conservatives for wanting to boycott Target for certain Pride-themed merchandise aimed at children. In things never said about liberal boycotts, Farah Griffin labeled it “very totalitarian,” while Michaelson warned of “stochastic terrorism.” CNN did have an actual
Tech issues dogged Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ presidential announcement Wednesday, prompting his biggest Republican primary opponent and critics on the left to suggest the troubled medium was the message. Unfazed, the Republican governor spoke to nationally syndicated radio host and co-founder of Blaze Media Glenn Beck Thursday morning, elaborating on his vision for America —
The Trump campaign has accused Florida Governor Ron DeSantis of plagiarizing the former president in his candidacy announcement. DeSantis launched his campaign by saying, “I’m running for president to lead our Great American Comeback.” I’m running for president to lead our Great American Comeback. — Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) May 24, 2023 The Trump campaign
The Biden administration plotted to hide COVID-19 vaccine injuries, a damning lawsuit claims. The New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) accused the Biden administration of hatching a scheme to mandate that Big Tech companies censor content posted by individuals who were reportedly injured by the COVID-19 vaccines. The lawsuit, which NCLA announced on May 22, asserted
How many PolitiFact fact-checkers does it take to fact-check a presidential announcement? Apparently four, as that is how many reporters it took to assess seven statements from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s Wednesday campaign launch on Twitter Spaces. The first claim the intrepid quartet checked was “We eliminated critical race theory from our K through 12
Portland, Oregon is such a disaster, even singer/songwriter John Mellencamp, who boasts he is “as left-wing as you can get,”  has penned an ode to the socialist hellhole and its failures. The song “The Eyes of Portland,” highlights the homelessness crisis as the city continues to devolve into squalor and violence. Failed Portland Democrat Mayor
(Natural News) Attorneys from Brisbane, Australia, the United Kingdom and elsewhere are suing governments and the pharmaceutical industry for the role they played in unleashing deadly “vaccines” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) that have injured and killed millions of people. Numerous class-action lawsuits, we are told, have already been filed – and more are on
A school district in Fargo, North Dakota, will conceal the gender identities of students from parents in spite of a state law prohibiting the policy. “We will not openly out any student because of one law if we know that that’s going to cause harm to that child,” said Fargo Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Rupak
Target has recently come under fire for its efforts to pander to the transgender community. Target stores nationwide recently unveiled their “Pride collection,” featuring a range of merchandise and clothing with trans-friendly slogans and books pushing radical leftist gender ideology. What makes this particularly troubling is the clothes, merchandise, and books are not exclusively aimed
After Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced a presidential bid on Wednesday, his campaign claimed that it had scored more than $1 million in an hour. “Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced his campaign for president tonight to lead our Great American Comeback in a conversation with Elon Musk on Twitter Spaces. The conversation garnered so much
Louisiana state Sen. Fred Mills joined with Democrats to kill a bill that would have prohibited health care professionals from providing gender transition measures, such as hormones, puberty blockers, and surgeries, to minors. A state Senate committee reportedly voted 5-4 to kill the measure, with Mills siding with Democrats in the vote. Reports quoted the
Former President Donald Trump responded to the presidential announcement from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) with various mocking videos and a cryptic statement about North Korea. DeSantis made the announcement with billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk in a Twitter Spaces audio stream. The platform kept crashing for many users, and some reported minutes of uncomfortable silence
The IRS whistleblower who went to Congress with claims the Justice Department interfered with a years-long high profile tax investigation–reported to involve Hunter Biden–has gone public, granting an interview with CBS News that aired Wednesday evening. Supervisory Criminal Investigative Agent Gary Shapley, a 14-year IRS veteran, spoke to CBS two days before he is scheduled
The 95-year-old Australian great-grandmother with dementia who was tased by police in her nursing home died Wednesday, the New York Post reported, and an officer is facing charges. What are the details? Clare Nowland fractured her skull when she fell to the ground after Constable Kristian White used a taser on her May 17, the
Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom of California criticized the CEO of Target after he appeared to back off on publicizing products for the LGBTQ agenda. Newsom assailed the decision to move LGBTQ products to the back of stores after outrage from many on the right. “CEO of Target Brian Cornell selling out the LGBTQ+ community to
The anti-free speech Biden administration has yet another woke initiative aimed at turning artificial intelligence into another political tool to advance wokeness. Following recent executive actions on artificial intelligence (AI), the Biden White House announced May 23 “New Steps to Advance Responsible Artificial Intelligence Research, Development, and Deployment.” These so-called “steps” included an “updated roadmap
On Wednesday, NBC Nightly News dedicated an entire segment of their newscast to Target being forced to remove some of their clothing from their stores which visibly worship satan. In addition, Target announced they were reviewing some of their other clothing which caused a national uproar. Most notably, their “tuck friendly” bathing suits in which
Soros-backed Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón has a backlog of 10,000 cases after his ultra-woke policies and “toxic” management caused the office to “hemorrhage” staff, multiple sources told the New York Post. Gascón, 69, has dodged two separate recall attempts since taking office in 2020. Despite the public’s pushback, the leftist DA has repeatedly
(Natural News) Today we are announcing official support for Epic Cash across our online retail stores (, and as a tipping system for content creators on the free speech video site. Epic Cash is a mostly undiscovered, yet vastly superior form of digital private money that is non-confiscatable, borderless and truly private. Our