News & Politics

On September 21, an indictment was returned charging 31-year-old Gerald Brevard III with first-degree murder while armed, assault with intent to kill while armed, aggravated assault while armed, mayhem while armed, and multiple firearm offenses. Brevard, previously spared a felony conviction by a Soros-backed Democrat prosecutor for violent crimes, will likely face additional charges, as
FBI Special Agent Steve Friend, a 12-year veteran of the agency and a SWAT team member, was reportedly suspended on Monday, stripped of his gun and badge, and marched out of the FBI field office in Daytona Beach, Florida. He had neither conspired against a national security adviser nor tampered with evidence, but rather refused
Progressives really have no sense of humor. The famous comic strip “Dilbert,” a fictional story about a character with the comic’s name that serves as a satirical commentary on office politics and workplace culture, has been removed from over 80 newspaper publications. Lee Enterprises, the company that distributes the comic, has not commented on why the comic was
Socialist Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York opined that birth rates are dropping because of capitalism and more immigration was the only solution to keep the social safety afloat. Ocasio-Cortez made the claim in a video post on social media. “You take a look at it, there are, and it’s not just Japan and
Liberals are melting down over an anecdote about a dinner party prank from the memoirs by longtime NPR journalist Nina Totenberg. Totenberg is promoting her book, “Dinners with Ruth: A Memoir on the Power of Friendships,” but at least one story about the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, a conservative, provoked outrage. Here’s the
On Wednesday, New York Attorney General Letitia James announced a major civil lawsuit against the Trump Organization, former President Donald Trump, and his three adult children, over alleged fraud. Even former attorney general Bill Barr saw through Letitia James’ lawsuit, calling it a “political hit job” during an appearance on Fox News Wednesday, citing James’ past
Big Tech’s recent attempts to ramp up pre-election censorship are not restrictive enough for the leftist New York Times. A Stern Center for Business and Human Rights at New York University report complained that social media platforms do not censor enough alleged election “misinformation” as the 2022 midterms approach. “If even a handful of Republican
Police said a 16-year-old girl pulled a gun on a popcorn store owner at a Mississippi shopping mall Saturday — but the store owner also had a gun and shot the girl in the leg in what police said was an act of self-defense. The suspect — Za’Lill D’Chelle Patterson — was charged with aggravated
The military may have acted too speedily to deny religious exemptions for COVID-19 vaccination requested by service members, a Defense Department watchdog concluded in a report. Pentagon Inspector General Sean O’Donnell wrote there was a “concerning” trend in the number of exemptions and the rate at which they were rejected, according to a June 2
Judicial Watch said Tuesday it filed a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security for Secret Service records related to the investigation surrounding Hunter Biden’s infamous gun. What’s the background? Two years ago, TheBlaze was the first to report that Hallie Biden — widow of President Joe Biden’s son Beau — in October 2018 took
The taxpayer-funded, nonpartisan early childhood development organization Zero to Three held its annual four-day conference last week. The organization’s speakers discussed an array of controversial topics, including how educators and parents can recognize the “emergence of a transgender identity” in 2- to 3-year-old children and how the “tenets of Critical Race Theory” can be used
Tom Jones at the Florida-based Poynter Institute — touted by Johnny Dollar as a “Stelter press agent”  — has penned a deeply disturbed piece headlined “CNN ‘hewing toward the center’ is not necessarily good for our democracy: Pushing for fairness and completeness in journalism is never a bad idea. But presenting ‘both sides’ sometimes can be.”
That Vanderbilt trans clinic deleted its entire website hours after Matt Walsh exposed it for performing permanent body mutilations and wrong-sex hormone “therapy” on minors for the “big money.” Walsh assured readers via Twitter last night that “We knew this would happen and have spent the past week saving videos and screenshots.” “We have it
On Tuesday, the National Transportation Safety Board recommended that all new vehicles come standard with alcohol impairment and speed limiter systems to reduce crashes. The guidance is in response to an investigation into a California collision that the department said could have been avoided with the implementation of available technology. The investigated crash occurred on
The saying “the chickens have come home to roost” seems to apply to the immigration policies of the Biden administration, sanctuary cities and states. Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) and Gov. Doug Ducey (R-AZ) have been sending hundreds of people who have illegally crossed the border into their states to Chicago, New York, Washington, D.C., and Delaware. Gov. Ron
Joy Behar said that a Democratic presidential ticket with California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams would be “pretty good” for 2024. Behar made the comments on Tuesday’s broadcast of “The View” and received loud applause from the show’s audience. She was talking about which Democratic candidates could beat former President Donald
PolitiFact had the audacity to argue like President Joe Biden’s eco-extremist policies didn’t really have anything to do with America’s energy inflation crisis, continuing to prove why its worthless so-called “fact-checks” belong in the trash bin. The Facebook fact-checker seethed at Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) for daring to tweet in August: “Democrats’ radical green energy