News & Politics

Leaks are what the D.C. establishment media feeds on. Every day there’s a story sourced to “someone familiar” with some matter “on which the source is not authorized to speak publicly” — or some similar turn of bafflegab. Of course, the establishment media expect this to be taken as completely authoritative, no matter how many
Five Hong Kong speech therapists were convicted of sedition this week after they printed a series of children’s books that a court said was anti-government. Reuters reports that the therapists “were accused of publishing three picture books, featuring cartoons of sheep and wolves, which government prosecutors alleged had spread separatism and stirred up hatred and
On “The News & Why It Matters” Friday, BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales and guests Jaco Booyens and John Doyle talked about a disturbing book called “Sex Education for 8-12-Year-Olds: Kids Book for Good Parents,” which according to screenshots circulated on social media, lists several increasingly bizarre ways for parents to introduce their children to “the
As part of CNN’s Friday coverage of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Christiane Amanpour demanded that the new monarch, King Charles III, violate his constitutional duty of being apolitical and address left-wing pet causes like Black Lives Matter and reparations. Amanpour rejected the idea that Elizabeth’s death should be free of politics, “I really
The NYPD released a video of what they said was an unprovoked beating and slashing attack on a man during the West Indian Day Parade in New York City, New York. The cellphone video showed a chaotic attack on a 44-year-old victim during the annual parade in Crown Heights at about 7 p.m. on Monday.
Whether here or abroad, conservatives can’t win. As a new conservative prime minister takes over in England and installed a multi-racial cabinet, the New York Times has abruptly shifted the diversity goalposts. If reporters Stephen Castle and Mark Landler can’t attack conservative parties for being lily-white, they can attack them for being diverse in ethnicity
A former school bus driver is being accused of stalking and threatening an 8-year-old and tracking the cars of the boy’s parents. A statement from the U.S. Attorney’s office in New Hampshire said that 39-year-old Michael Chick of Eliot, Maine, was arrested after a search of his home on August 5. Parents of the boy
“Let it begin with me.” Those were words of Joe Scarborough used Friday morning, as he took up the challenge of living in accordance with qualities, as described by Andrew Sullivan, that marked Queen Elizabeth’s life.  Chief among those qualities: restraint, grace, and reticence. None of which, we’ve documented from Scarborough over the years. In fairness,
Oberlin College, a notably woke institution, indicated on Thursday that it would pay the $36.59 million it owes to Gibson’s Bakery — the local establishment that the college had defamed and falsely accused of racism. Payback After the Ohio Supreme Court decided not to hear its appeal in August, the college issued a release on
Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced Thursday that the influx of migrants bused to the sanctuary city caused a public emergency. As a result, the mayor introduced plans to establish an Office of Migrant Services to provide additional assistance to the individuals. In a November 2016 statement, Bowser reaffirmed Washington D.C. as a sanctuary city,
I date men, am white and am a Christian. I guess that means I’m a fascist. An English teacher from Madison High School in San Diego decided to give a lesson on facism. His definition mentioned that fascists are “whites,” “heterosexuals” and Christians,” The Washington Examiner reported. If you were looking for another reason to homeschool your
One of the more confusing parts of election night 2020 was seeing Georgia go from a sure thing to a narrow victory by fewer than 12,000 votes for Joe Biden. Accusations of fraud and irregularities aside, that stung. It doesn’t help to know that illegal votes may have swung the election to Biden; what good
On Thursday, Delaware Judge Laurie Selber Silverstein approved the Boy Scouts of America’s $2.46 billion reorganization plan to compensate individuals who say organization leaders sexually abused them as children. The plan will simultaneously allow the BSA to continue operating. The ruling awaits approval from a federal district judge. The Boy Scouts of America filed for
During the pandemic, teachers’ unions exerted their influence to shut down schools. These closures constituted the longest interruptions in schooling since formal education became the norm. Some schools adopted a so-called hybrid model of teaching, while others went fully virtual. The primary reason cited for this unprecedented move was the need to protect teachers’ and
Krystle Matthews, a Democratic state representative in South Carolina, planned to unseat and replace the widely popular Republican U.S. Sen. Tim Scott in the fall. Members of her own party are beginning to think that’s not such a good idea, some going so far as to encourage her to end her campaign. In July, the