News & Politics

Even amid the throes of the coronavirus crisis, with Americans either at home or practicing heavy social distancing, many companies are looking to hire. Many essential businesses, like grocery stores and delivery companies, need more workers to meet demand. Many other companies have transitioned to telework, and some telework companies may also be hiring. This
On Friday, President Donald Trump signed a $2.2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package in order to provide essential relief to individuals and businesses struggling with the fallout from the social distancing measures required to fight the spread of the virus. The government arguably had the responsibility to help the economy after the government warned citizens not
The Iranian regime is trying to exploit the coronavirus catastrophe, which has left 11,900 dead in Iran, to defuse U.S. and international sanctions. The regime’s officials, who downplay the number of fatalities to about one-fifth of the true figure, follow a carefully orchestrated campaign to this end. First, Iran’s Central Bank director asked for a
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s attempted partisan sabotage of the coronavirus relief bill might mark a new low for her. That the bill finally passed doesn’t excuse her reckless gamesmanship. Republican and Democratic Senate leaders were close to an agreement when Pelosi parked her partisan broomstick and poured poison into the congressional punchbowl. “Talking to some
From “Russia! Russia! Russia!” to impeachment, the left has been desperately trying to oust Donald Trump from the presidency. After repeated failures, they saw a new opportunity in the coronavirus outbreak, and immediately began politicizing it, accusing him of overreacting, then under-reacting, spreading lies about what he and his administration has done. Over the past
Rapper and actor O’Shea Jackson, commonly known as Ice Cube, supported President Donald Trump’s impeachment and removal from office. Ice Cube recently said he “can’t wait to see” Trump in handcuffs. So, the black rapper, who became rich and famous by attacking the country’s “racist” criminal justice system, now cheers on criminal justice — at
Coronavirus is frightening. I’m working from home, practicing “social distancing.” Experts say it’ll help “flatten the curve” so fewer people will be infected simultaneously. Then hospitals won’t be overwhelmed. But the infection rate grows. Doctors and hospitals may yet be overwhelmed. It didn’t have to get to this point. Coronavirus deaths leveled off in South
As I said in my previous column, there really is a lot of fascinating scientific detective work going on about SARS-CoV-2, the Wuhan coronavirus formerly known as “Wuhan Coronavirus 2019-nCoV” and COVID-19, the disease it causes. For me, the frustrating thing is that the really fascinating story is being ignored as everyone rushes to find
The Islamic world—minus Shia Iran, a point to be addressed anon—is not suffering from COVID-19 the way non-Muslim nations are because Islam naturally makes Muslims “cleaner” than infidels. Such is the contention Muslims around the world are currently making. Thus, the recent article, “Coronavirus – an Islamic Perspective,” begins as follows: Allāh has blessed us
(Image via Wikipedia) In recent days I’ve seen multiple articles warning of dire hospital conditions, anonymous reports of shortages without naming the hospitals, rumors online about panicked nurses, and other “sky-is-falling” Chicken Little-ism over the Chinese-made Coronapocalypse. One of the claims comes from Hillary Clinton herself, citing a CBS News article and claiming nurses are
On Wednesday, Senate Republicans unveiled the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which would be the third major piece of legislation to help Americans amid the coronavirus crisis. The Heritage Foundation analyzed this byzantine labyrinth of proposals and raised important alarms about many provisions while acknowledging the bill’s many positive reforms. American businesses are
Deutsche Welle reports that researchers at Iran’s own Sharif Institute of Technology in Tehran have come up with a best-case and a worst-case scenario on Iran’s coronavirus crisis. In the best-case scenario—“in which the government quarantines all high-risk areas, people strictly obey quarantine rules, and access to sufficient medical supplies is guaranteed—the country would reach
It’s a fait accompli. Former Vice President Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee. Sure, Sen. Bernie Sanders (S-USSR) still has a slight mathematical possibility of winning enough delegates to unseat the frontrunner, but it’s effectively a done deal. CNN is shutting down its Democratic primary podcast, the Forecast Fest, because the battle’s over, and