
To cleanse the palate, it feels like the right moment culturally for Planters to finally phase out Mr. Peanut. This is a populist era. Not for us, a top-hat-sporting, monocle-wearing peanut aristocrat. The new Mr. Peanut should be a peanut of the people. Blindly trustful of authoritarian leaders. Skeptical of expertise and vaccines. Big —
Call this the Witnesses? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Witnesses gambit from Donald Trump’s legal team. Jay Sekulow argued yesterday in the opening presentment of the articles of impeachment that the entire process has been tainted by the House’s unconstitutional approach to impeachment. Nominally, Sekulow was arguing for the adoption of Mitch McConnell’s rules for the
Once Berned, twice shy? Not if you’re Hillary Clinton. Four years after Bernie Sanders’ improbable trajectory from socialist crank to heavyweight Democratic presidential contender, the previous nominee still sounds bitter about Sanders’ attempt to block her coronation. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter promoting a new four-hour documentary on Hillary’s favorite subject, she blasts
A first-time author wrote a science fiction story about sexual identity and got it published in a monthly magazine. Critics of the piece attacked the author until she asked that it be taken down. Writing in the Atlantic, Conor Friedersdorf called it a case of “self-cancellation.” Recently, Clarkesworld, a monthly science-fiction and fantasy magazine, published a short
I’m old enough to remember when it didn’t take anything more than Donald Trump saying he’d like to make America great again to see ten thousand people out in the streets of any major city screaming about how the Bad Orange Man was bad. And orange. But these days, if you’ve been getting the impression
It’s a temporary injunction, but don’t expect this case to fare any better for the White House after a full hearing. Federal judge Peter Messitte issued the TRO late yesterday enjoining states and localities from vetoing refugee resettlement under a new policy from the Trump administration. Messitte made clear in his order that he believes
Could it get any worse for Michael Avenatti? Apparently, yes. The man who briefly embodied the La Résistance dreams of defeating Donald Trump faces extortion charges on one coast while battling fraud charges on the other. In the middle of the court hearing in California, where the State Bar Association wants Avenatti’s license pulled, federal agents
Nancy Pelosi may not know why people are protesting in the streets of Tehran, but it appears that the leadership in Iran has figured it out. After days of demonstrations where Iranian police unleashed tear gas and live ammunition on the protesters, state media announced that “arrests” have been made in the case of the
Ten minutes before I read this post: “Nothing could make me watch the debate tomorrow night.” Ten minutes later: “I should knock off work early tomorrow to make sure I can watch the debate.” It is … convenient that a news story that’s potentially helpful to Elizabeth Warren in drawing progressive voters away from Bernie