
The Anti-Defamation League made abundantly clear this week that it won’t let reality get in the way of its preferred political narrative. The New York-based leftist group’s annual report on murder and extremism claims that all of the “extremist-related murders” in the U.S. last year “were tied to right-wing extremism.” This claim caught the eye
The Israeli ambassador to the United Nations (UN), Gilad Erdan, insisted that the depth of the ties between terrorist Hamas and UNRWA makes the latter nothing short of a “terrorist organization.” Advertisement Erdan is never one to mince words, and his anger is understandable in that the UN continues to demand Israel agree to a
FIRST ON MRC: One of the most extremist artificial intelligence chatbots appears to be peddling anti-Israel rhetoric by whitewashing the sexual violence carried out by Hamas on Oct. 7. Gemini, Google’s No Whites Allowed artificial intelligence chatbot, blatantly downplayed the clear evidence demonstrating that Hamas terrorists committed mass sexual abuse, including rape, on Israeli women,
American investment giants JPMorgan Chase, BlackRock, and State Street Global Advisors have dropped out of a United Nations-backed climate group reportedly because the next phase of the group’s sustainability goals takes things too far. The climate group claimed that companies are not reaching their goals “fast enough.” Climate Action 100+ is an initiative making a
Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach called out the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for prioritizing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) over passenger safety and employee competence. During a Feb. 22 appearance on Fox Business’s The Big Money Show, Kobach said that the FAA is proudly “making passenger safety take back a seat to diversity” by prioritizing
Politico is a member in good standing of the “establishment media.” Its journalists rotate in and out, to and from other pro-Biden outlets. But when Politico has a reporter who delves into the Biden family influence-peddling business, you can expect that work to be ignored routinely. Ben Schreckinger authored a book in the fall of
Texas AG Paxton SUES Catholic Annunciation House NGO for aiding, abetting illegal immigration The border wars rage on as Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton takes aim at a Catholic non-governmental organization (NGO) called Annunciation House that he says is encouraging and supporting illegal aliens as they invade the United States. In a new lawsuit, Paxton
Squatting is a widespread problem that’s flooding American neighborhoods with heightened criminal activity Squatters are increasingly taking over homes across the nation in a trend that is bringing crime to previously safe neighborhoods and leaving homeowners frustrated and broke. Many squatters are turning to online listings to find vacant properties they can capitalize on, and
Pregnant women should minimize EMF exposure at all costs – unborn babies receive 20x more electromagnetic concentration A prominent medical doctor is warning that pregnant women especially need to stay as far away from electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) as possible to protect their unborn babies from radioactive harm. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, says that microwave
For the first time in the U.S., KFC is poised to roll out a combination fried chicken and pizza dish, appropriately dubbed the “Chizza.” Instead of a dough crust like traditional pizza, the Chizza features a base layer of fried chicken topped with sauce, cheese, and pepperoni. “It’s not pizza, it’s Chizza: two 100% white
The nation reels over images of Venezuelan migrants beating up on New York cops in Times Square, and is disgusted to discover that the dangerous transnational criminal gang known as Tren de Aragua has established beachheads in New York, Miami and Chicago. Reasonable people might believe that it is time, perhaps, to accelerate deportation of
A man aboard a recent Alaska Airlines flight constructed a makeshift weapon to stab a fellow passenger, according to multiple reports. The suspect allegedly said that he needed to protect himself because the “mafia had been chasing him.” The bloody stabbing took place during an Alaska Airlines flight traveling from Seattle to Las Vegas on