
As city reaches “breaking point,” officials in sanctuary city Denver begin EVICTING illegals from overcrowded shelters Denver is so full of illegal aliens with no more room to house them that Mayor Mike Johnston, a Democrat, is suggesting that the city may have to stop accepting any more of them. Shelters all throughout the Denver
After decades of fighting Big Pharma drug cartels, Dr. Burzynski begins to reform cancer treatments in the U.S. The United States government has a history of targeting any American doctor, researcher or product developer who professes that there are cures for cancer. Some of the most brilliant researchers and doctors have been forced to flee
Marianne Williamson, who launched a bid for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination last year, has announced that she is suspending her campaign. Williamson, whose campaign website describes her as “a bestselling author, political activist, and spiritual thought leader,” failed to gain traction against incumbent President Joe Biden, who appears poised to easily lock up the
Authorities arrested a Honduran who was previously removed from the U.S. half a dozen times, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The gang member, who was arrested on February 1 after illegally entering the U.S. near Newport, Vermont, has a significant criminal record, the ICE press release indicated. “The Honduran national was removed from
While in Nevada covering the ongoing primaries and GOP presidential caucus, CBS News White House Ed O’Keefe correspondent sat down with several Biden-skeptical Latinos in Nevada. The interview resulted in a new installment in a series: the ongoing crack-up of President Biden’s 2020 coalition. Watch as a Democrat-leaning Latina expresses her lack of enthusiasm for
Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota, who is running against President Joe Biden for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination, is calling out Biden’s apparent decline over time. “I’m not seeing cognitive decline,” Phillips previously said to Sean Hannity, according to reports. “Of course, we’re seeing physical and communication decline.” Dean tweeted, “I’m attacked for being
Florida police said they opened a death investigation after a jogger reported finding the remains of a fetus washed up on a beach. The harrowing discovery was made Tuesday at Miami Beach, according to statements from Miami Beach Police Officer Christopher Bess. A jogger called in the report at about 1:30 p.m. near 79th street.
Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters said he received a letter from PETA communicating that the group wants him to display 10 vegan commandments in classrooms. In response, Walters trolled the group by taking a bite out of a burger. “The burgers are great here in Oklahoma,” he declared, telling the group that they are “welcome
As the United States continues to be invaded through its southern border, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has continued to downplay and allow it. The danger this spells out for the country has by and far made Mayorkas the most impeachable man in recent history. And yet, the GOP has failed to do so. Mayorkas
President Joe Biden appeared to forget the name of the terrorist group that refuses to release hostages taken during the Oct. 7 attack on Israel. On Tuesday, a reporter asked Biden about ongoing negotiations between Hamas and Israel to secure the release of the remaining 132 hostages and end the war. Hamas rejected Israel’s latest
You have to acknowledge Hamas’s chutzpah. As their enclave in Gaza is being pounded to dust and the terrorists are losing hundreds of fighters, they have responded to a cease-fire proposal hammered out between the U.S., Qatar, and Egypt with some ludicrous “counter-proposals” that are obviously more for propaganda purposes than any real effort to
A pro-Palestinian male who entered the U.S. illegally was caught on video Sunday stealing a pro-Israel flag from a home on Long Island, New York, and then beating up the homeowner who confronted him, police said. What are the details? Aleks Binyaminov had been displaying an Israeli-American flag as well as a sign reading “We
Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-MO) blasted the Biden administration’s obsession with censorship amidst revelations of a multimillion-dollar government campaign to silence free speech.  Schmitt reacted to news of the National Science Foundation spending millions towards developing artificial intelligence (AI) censorship tools to fight so-called “misinformation.” Schmitt accused President Joe Biden’s administration in an X (formerly Twitter)
SCANDAL: Senate “deal” would have allowed 1.5 million illegals to invade America annually while providing $2.3B to NGO traffickers, $60B more to Ukraine & $14.1B to protect Israel’s borders The United States Senate has come up with a bipartisan political agreement that will allow the Republican-majority House to continue shoveling cash, weapons and support at
Governments wasting TRILLIONS on “climate change” using faulty temperature data, experts warn The only reason why it seems like global temperatures are rising is because a whopping 96 percent of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) temperature monitoring stations are located in “urban heat islands” next to things like warm exhaust fans and “blistering-hot