
(Natural News) As new coronavirus mutations are discovered around the globe, everyone lining up for the current covid-19 vaccines must wonder: “How many coronavirus vaccines does my body require in order for me to feel safe?” A microbiologist from the Czech Republic sees evidence that the current coronavirus vaccine supply is outdated, and will have
(Natural News) The communist Chinese regime is reportedly in the process of developing a new “master race” of human-robot hybrids to help the authoritarian empire attain global rule. In order to achieve “biological dominance” over all other nations, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is utilizing various methods of genetic engineering to develop artificial transgenic humans,
(Natural News) The Seattle office of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a “stop sale” order to Amazon to have illegal pesticides removed from its online shopping platform, the agency announced on Tuesday. Issued on Jan. 7, the order targets 70 potentially dangerous or ineffective unregistered pesticides and pesticide devices with illegal and misleading claims that they offer
(Natural News) A human rights group has filed a lawsuit against some of the biggest names in the chocolate industry for allegedly trafficking children across national borders to harvest cocoa. Eight Malian men claim they were victims of this child slave labor scheme, which involved their being recruited under false pretenses, trafficked into Côte d’Ivoire,
(Natural News) The government of the United Kingdom has been collecting critical safety data on the Pfizer/BioNTech and Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines, and the latest report doesn’t paint a pretty picture. The first dose of the experimental Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine has been introduced into the arms of 5.4 million citizens, with 500,000 of these people receiving a second
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(Natural News) Public Health England warns that young people with learning disabilities (ages 18-34) are dying from COVID-19 at thirty times the rate of their peers! This group of people do not unilaterally suffer from the same underlying health conditions and immune-deficiencies, so what could be going wrong? In the view of medical authorities at
(Natural News) A new study found that the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been massively inflating its Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “case” and death counts to make the “pandemic” appear far worse than it actually is. Entitled, “COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective,” the paper estimates that
(Natural News) According to the mainstream media, Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick was “killed by a pro-Trump mob” on Jan. 6, the alleged fallout of President Donald Trump’s election fraud rhetoric. If this is truly the case, though, then why has nobody been prosecuted yet? More than a month has passed and prosecutors have still
(Natural News) An academic conference on media censorship and the dangers of free speech infringements online has, ironically, been censored by YouTube. The Google-owned video platform decided to pull all videos from the Critical Media Literacy Conference of the Americas 2020 for violating its “community standards,” which include never saying anything bad about censorship. “At
(Natural News) Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has ordered a 60-day stand-down of the military to root out anyone remaining who supported the Jan. 6 protest at the United States Capitol. Austin reportedly held a meeting last Wednesday with the service secretaries and Joint Chiefs to address their concerns about conservatives in the military and what
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(Natural News) Prior to the Biden regime, the U.S. government had 17 bonafide intelligence agencies spread across the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. military and the Intelligence Community. But now, it looks like we can add an 18th agency: Bank of America. In recent days, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson reported exclusively
(Natural News) The United States Military is about to get a massive metal printing machine that will allow for gear, vehicle parts, and even weapons to be 3D printed on the fly. 3D Systems was awarded $15 million back in 2019 to develop the “World’s Largest, Fastest Powder Metal 3D Printer.” The technology includes a
(Natural News) A scholar of international relations in Beijing warned that if the relationship between China and the United States is not immediately stabilized, “there will be war.” “It cannot be taken for granted and fantasized that conflict will never erupt between [the U.S. and China],” said Shi Yinhong a professor at the Renmin University of China’s Institute of
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(Natural News) The mergers and acquisitions that are constantly taking place within Big Pharma and the United States “healthcare” system at large are helping the drug industry to rake in record profits, even as more lives than ever before are being destroyed in the process. Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.) published a damning report on Jan.
(Natural News) A recent study published in Science warns that antibiotic resistance in animals is on the rise. To note, this occurrence is seen in livestock from developing countries – with chicken and pigs showing a marked increase in antibiotic resistance. In particular, the authors noted that antimicrobial resistance in bacteria found in livestock grown in low to
(Natural News) On Jan. 29, the German parliament ratified the implementation of Agenda ID2020, the next phase of the global Mark of the Beast rollout being ushered in on the back of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic.” This centralized general electronic data collection program will profile every citizen in Germany and grant access to every
(Natural News) Dementia Joe is standing by as the Department of Justice (DoJ) launches a “discrimination” investigation into Elon Musk’s SpaceX company for allegedly hiring American citizens over non-citizens. The Xiden regime is apparently concerned that people who are not from the United States are being overlooked for hiring at SpaceX, which seeing as how
(Natural News) Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Tex.) is proposing new legislation that would create a national database of who owns firearms and how many they own. The database would be made public, allowing local criminals to target firearms owners by simply looking up their home address in the government database. House Resolution 127 was filed earlier
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(Natural News) In 2017, four states had laws in place that expressly recognize gold and silver coins as legal tender: Colorado, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Utah. Since that time, nine more have joined them. Arizona, Wyoming, Texas, Kansas, Louisiana, Indiana, Tennessee, West Virginia, and South Carolina all now accept gold and silver as cash, their representatives