
(Natural News) If you’re someone who still believes that special counsel Robert Mueller’s ‘Russian collusion’ investigation was anything more than a deep state coup attempt against President Donald Trump, you need to disabuse yourself of that fiction because it’s a myth. But don’t take our word for it; let the actions of Mueller’s own team
(Natural News) If you’re sick or if you have a chronic health condition, you may not think twice about getting your prescription filled at the nearest pharmacy. However, according to a leaked email, a CVS district leader warned employees not to tell customers that their medications were filled by a worker who has tested positive for coronavirus
Friday, September 11, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: chaos, Collapse, depopulation, enslaved, food scarcity, food supply, Globalism, groceries, Ice Age Farmer, Orwellian, starvation, Tyranny Bypass censorship by sharing this link: https://www.clearnewswire.com/457116.html (Natural News) Christian Westbrook is known as the “Ice Age Farmer,” and he’s a sharp analyst who has been monitoring and investigating the food
(Natural News) In what is clearly a preemptive strike against Americans who will try to exercise their right not to be infected with an experimental coronavirus vaccine, the head of big pharma Pfizer, which is in the competition to develop a COVID-19 shot first so the company can rake in billions, is already blaming ‘anti-vaxxers’
(Natural News) In the nearly four years that President Donald Trump has been in office, Left-wing big tech censorship of his supporters, as well as conservatives in general, has been a thing. In fact, the censorship has really gotten bad this year, as tech gods like Twitter’s Jack Dorsey and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg instruct their
(Natural News) Wildfires continue to rage, out-of-control, in the states of Washington, Oregon and California. Wildfires have spread into populated areas east of Salem and Eugene Oregon, requiring evacuations across several communities. Twenty large wildfires have already burned out more than 476,000 acres. Federal law enforcement officers now have evidence that these fires are being
(Natural News) It has finally been revealed that the participant in AstraZeneca’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine trial who suffered a “serious adverse event,” causing a global shutdown of the company’s entire phase-three trial, developed a spinal inflammatory disorder known as transverse myelitis. Company CEO Pascal Soriot told JP Morgan and other investors over a conference
Wednesday, September 09, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: Big Tech, Brighteon Social, Censored, Censorship, First Amendment, free speech, freedom, Liberty, patriot, Social media, tech giants, Twitter Bypass censorship by sharing this link: https://www.clearnewswire.com/456554.html (Natural News) All those who grow tired of the relentless, unfair, politically motivated censorship on Twitter now have a new alternative: Brighteon.social
(Natural News) The Walt Disney Corporation is back in the news after it was revealed that its new live-action remake of Mulan was filmed in Xinjiang, a province in communist China that is jam-packed with Uyghur Muslim concentration camps. After earlier threatening to cease all business in Georgia due to the state’s efforts to protect
(Natural News) The state of Ohio, under the leadership of Republican Gov. Mike DeWine, is opening up quarantine camps all across the state to detain children who are suspected of being infected with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). According to a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advisory, kids who are believed to potentially
(Natural News) The overwhelming majority of people who supposedly test “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are actually virus-free, according to The New York Times. As it turns out, the PCR tests that millions of scared Americans have been hoodwinked into getting are a sham. They only pick up partial viral fragments rather than whole
(Natural News) Remember when I warned the government would dispatch vaccine enforcement teams to go door-to-door, forcing people to be injected with chemically-laced vaccine shots at gunpoint? At the time I first warned this was coming, many people found it difficult to believe. No longer. This is 2020, and now the full tyranny of the
(Natural News) Air travel giant American Airlines (AA) has altered its company policy to allow flight attendants to wear Black Lives Matter (BLM) pins and other associated “bling” on their work uniforms. To show its support for all the rioting, looting and other violence taking place in cities all across the country, AA is lifting
Tuesday, September 08, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: Brighteon, first responders, freedom, law enforcement, Liberty, military, patriots, Police, rule of law, thin blue line, veterans Bypass censorship by sharing this link: https://www.clearnewswire.com/455818.html (Natural News) To say “Thank you!” to our nation’s first responders, law enforcement officers and military veterans, we are announcing an across-the-board discount
(Natural News) A new report from the Department of Homeland Security said the agency is continuing to prepare for a potential electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack ahead of the November election. In accordance with an executive order, DHS released the “Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Program Status Report Sept. 3 detailing ongoing efforts to shore up and defend
(Natural News) The euphoria of today’s Wall Street investors is based primarily on two things: 1) Continued Fed money printing, and 2) Expectations that a coronavirus vaccine will arrive in November and magically end the pandemic. At the same time, President Trump is also aggressively pushing a coronavirus vaccine to be released before Election Day,
(Natural News) Generally speaking, Republican presidents, especially in the World War II post-war era, have been extremely pro-military, and Donald J. Trump is no exception. In fact, you could legitimately say that Trump is more ‘pro-military’ than even George W. Bush — who did love the military — because Trump is the first president in
(Natural News) The reason why Democrat-run cities are failing is because Democratic policies are so destructive. And they are failing, to be sure: In fact, according to a recent analysis by John Perazzo, author of “Betrayal: The Democratic Party’s Destruction of America’s Cities,” found that 42 of 43 cities with the highest crime and poverty
(Natural News) The results of the 2020 election are already locked in: Trump wins, and he goes on to dismantle the corrupt, criminal Democrat party that tried (and failed) to destroy America and replace it with a communist regime of left-wing authoritarian tyrants. How does Trump accomplish this? President Trump has a “secret weapon” that
(Natural News) If you listen long enough, Democrats will always reveal their diabolical plans, but they always disguise them as things that Republicans are planning to do. Like steal the 2020 presidential election. No, really. They’re planning on stealing it because they know there is no way anyone they nominated was going to beat President
(Natural News) The Democratic Party has lost all civility over the past four years, ever since Donald Trump became President of the United States. In front of audiences and cameras, the Democrats have repeatedly fantasized about assault, riots, chaos and assassination. By 2020, the Democrats vision has become a morbid reality. Not only have they
Saturday, September 05, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: agitators, antifa, chaos, civil war, encampment, left cult, looters, Portland, riots, Ted Wheeler, tent city, treason, violence, War Bypass censorship by sharing this link: https://www.clearnewswire.com/455555.html (Natural News) A shocking new video has surfaced that appears to show a tent city compound in Portland, Oregon, housing a large
(Natural News) A 25-year old Nevada man is the nation’s first case of COVID-19 reinfection. This makes the U.S. the fourth country to report COVID-19 reinfection. Just last week, the world’s first case of COVID-19 reinfection was reported in Hong Kong, followed by cases in Belgium and the Netherlands. The new case is detailed in
Friday, September 04, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: Australia, freedom, infections, James Bartolo, Liberty, lunatics, medical fascism, Medical Tyranny, outbreak, pandemic, police state Bypass censorship by sharing this link: https://www.clearnewswire.com/455263.html (Natural News) There’s more breaking news out of Australia, where a full-blown medical police state is now raging out of control, arresting and imprisoning people