(Natural News) Indian scientists have discovered a “double mutant strain” of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) in their country. An Indian virologist stated that the variant has raised alarm bells because it could bypass the immune system and become more infectious. The variant features two mutations coming together in the same virus. Speaking to the BBC, Ashoka University virologist Dr. Shahid Jameel
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf (Mark Makela/Reuters) Keystone State citizens will have a chance to vote on ballot initiatives that would restrain Governor Wolf’s executive authority. In Pennsylvania, the business community is challenging Democratic governor Tom Wolf’s executive overreach amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Pennsylvanians’ year-long calls for lawmakers to limit Wolf’s emergency powers have resulted in
People walk past Soviet-era statues, mostly of Vladimir Lenin, in Aksu, Kazakhstan, February 21, 2018. (Shamil Zhumatov/Reuters) Scenes from an almost-debate NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE P rofessor Richard Wolff of UMass–Amherst seems to be a courteous man, so I will put this question as courteously as I can: Rounded off to the nearest 100 million, how
A Minnesota National Guard neighborhood security team says it was attacked early Sunday morning. Two guard members were injured from a drive-by shooting in Minneapolis, according to the Minnesota National Guard. A neighborhood security team comprised of Minnesota National Guardsmen and Minneapolis Police Department officers were reportedly fired on around 4:19 a.m. on Sunday near
Authorities in Ontario, the most populated Canadian province, recently enacted pandemic-related restrictions that are so strict that not even law enforcement agencies are willing to enforce them. Now, they’re already being rolled back. What happened? Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced new extreme public health restrictions that tightened existing restrictions and enacted new, even stricter COVID
I was amused by the absurd by the faux shock expressed in headlines last week, which trumpeted the U.S. Intelligence Community backflip on its previous claim that Russia was paying the Taliban bounties to whack U.S. military personnel. Sure, it reminded me of Gilda Radner’s quirky Saturday night live character, Emily Litella, whose trademark was
A barber shop in Encinitas, Calif., closed as new stay-at-home orders begin in Southern California during the coronavirus outbreak, December 7, 2020. (Mike Blake/Reuters) For most of the last year, we have been inundated with stories in the media about the utter horror of COVID-19. Those stories have engendered in a great many Americans the
A reporter is being skewered for visiting the home of a Utah paramedic who donated $10 to the legal defense fund of Kyle Rittenhouse. The fire department where the paramedic works has launched an investigation following the report on the private citizen’s donation. There was a data breach at GiveSendGo, the self-described “fastest-growing Christian crowdfunding
The insanity of American culture right now, be it ever-increasing wokeness or the censoring of thoughts, has repeatedly caused Bill Maher to sound like someone conservatives could have a conversation with. The liberal host on Friday night closed his show by accusing the liberal media of overreacting to the conservatives and Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic,
Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) during a national day of action to protest the Trump administration’s “Zero Tolerance” policy in Los Angeles, Calif., June 30, 2018. (Monica Almeida/Reuters) Representative Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) told demonstrators to “stay in the street” and become “more confrontational” if former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is acquitted of killing
A Chicago prosecutor was suspended on Friday after he allegedly “failed to fully present the facts” regarding the death of 13-year-old Adam Toledo. What is the background? In the early morning hours on March 29, Chicago police officers responded to the Little Village neighborhood after reports of shots fired. Officers encountered Toledo and then-21-year-old Ruben
Dan Sundstrom of Ten Mile Brewing in Brewmance. (Brocklamation Films) We may not have invented beer, but over the past 40 years relentless American ingenuity built a wonderful new industry. In a bitterly divided land, the great uniter is staring us squarely in the face: craft beer. From faithful Christians to revolutionary socialists, from beardy
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and his wife Casey at a Trump campaign rally in Sanford, Fla., October 12, 2020. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) Florida governor Ron DeSantis warned corporations against trying to “genuflect” to “wokeness” in comments on Fox News’s Sunday Morning Futures. When asked what he thought about Major League Baseball’s decision to move the All-Star Game
Police bodycam video shows a man throwing a liquid at an NYPD cop during a traffic stop in Brooklyn, New York. The New York Police Department also claimed the suspect hurled a Molotov cocktail at police officers during the tense confrontation on Saturday morning. Law enforcement officials say that NYPD officers pulled over Lionel Virgile
Many states across the United States have rescinded their pandemic-related mandate requiring residents to wear face masks because the COVID-19 vaccines have proven to be highly effective in combatting the virus. But Oregon may go the complete opposite direction. What are the details? A top Oregon health official is considering a “permanent rule,” according to
(aijohn784/iStock/Getty Images) New research suggests it might be wise to cut back on prosecuting petty crimes. But we shouldn’t overinterpret the findings. Every year, something like 13 million misdemeanor charges are filed in the United States. These charges, ranging from traffic violations to serious assaults, may be less flashy than felonies, but they are the
AR-15 rifles for sale at the Guntoberfest gun show in Oaks, Penn., October 6, 2017 (Joshua Roberts/Reuters) The former FedEx employee who fatally shot eight workers at a company facility in Indianapolis on Thursday legally purchased two semiautomatic rifles months after police confiscated his shotgun, the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department said on Saturday. The Bureau
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