Ever since it was discovered that several armed churchgoers drew their weapons to stop a gunman at a church in Texas last week, the anti-gun mainstream media types have been trying to tell the public that armed, law-abiding citizens are a bad thing. The New Year’s Day installment of media malpractice hyperbole arrives courtesy of
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (Carlo Allegri/Reuters) Little about the judicial confirmation process is like it used to be. Few, if any, of the significant changes can be explained by anything rationally related to the actual process. The answer seems to be that Senate Democrats and their allies on the left are fighting President Donald
Just when the commotion caused by a top bundler for Pete Buttigieg was fading from political conversations, another problematic bundler has been exposed. This time it is Wendy Wanderman, an entertainment executive who specializes in film marketing and production. A taxpayer-funded initiative she proposed in 2009 has surfaced and is causing some heartburn for Buttigieg’s
(Carlo Allegri/Reuters) Census Bureau estimates released Monday reportedly showed the country’s slowest population growth rate in a century, as demographic shifts to the south bring impending changes to the House of Representatives. “While natural increase is the biggest contributor to the U.S. population increase, it has been slowing over the last five years,” Sandra Johnson,
Pistol at a rally in support of an open-carry gun law in Romulus, Mich., in 2014. (Rebecca Cook/Reuters) Tom Nichols can’t think of good reasons that people would carry guns and take an interest in gun policy. That’s telling. My friend and former colleague Tom Nichols has been going on one of his regularly scheduled
Welcome to 2020. From all of the staff here at Hot Air and our other Salem Media affiliate sites, our best wishes for a safe, happy, healthy and prosperous new year. I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions, personally, so I thought we might instead take a moment to reflect on how things went in
I learned three new things this year that made my life better! I share them with you here, hoping they make your 2020 easier. My “life hacks” are about popcorn, iPhones and butter. Weird? Maybe. Now I report on how politicians wreck just about everything, but at ABC’s show “20/20,” I was a consumer reporter.
A demonstrator holds a sign during the Women’s March in Washington, D.C., January 19, 2019. (Joshua Roberts/Reuters) The proposed amendment has long since expired, as has any real need for it. Nearly 50 years ago, just one year before the U.S. Supreme Court’s infamous decision in Roe v. Wade, the feminist movement successfully petitioned Congress
There have been so many anti-Semitic attacks in the New York area within the past month that it’s difficult to keep them all straight. In trying to sift through this timeline myself using YouTube and local news reports, I kept coming across earlier incidents. I decided I would close out 2019 by attempting to assemble
The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan under way in the South China Sea, August 2018. (Mass Communication Specialist Second Class Kaila V. Peters/US Navy) After decades of wishful thinking, it’s finally become clear that cultural influence is no substitute for economic and military strength in foreign policy. On the night of October 2, 2019, Comedy
It is common to hear that workers’ productivity no longer determines their wages. “Workers are delivering more, and they’re getting a lot less,” former vice president Biden recently argued. Income inequality supposedly demonstrates that the economy’s rewards are flowing, undeservedly, to those at the top. But does inequality necessarily mean that workers aren’t getting what
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee weighs in on presidential hopeful Tulsi Gabbard’s comment on Trump’s impeachment. FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, FOXNews.com and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX Nation. FOX News also produces FOX News Sunday on FOX Broadcasting Company and
Every year since college, my best friend Dan and I have compiled our best observations on a wide range of topics that reflect on the year that has just expired. We follow the well-established template of “The McLaughlin Group” program. We lost the venerable John McLaughlin in 2016, but the 2018 reboot of the program,
Workers unload numerals for News Year’s Eve celebrations at Times Square in New York City, December 11, 2019. (Carlo Allegri/Reuters) Or, at least, it’ll be the year we make of it. ‘This will be our year,” the Zombies sang. “It took a long time to come.” There’s going to be an election in 2020. Political
Senator Elizabeth Warren speaks at Keene State College in Keene, N.H., September 25, 2019. (Brian Snyder / Reuters) On the Electoral College, guns, Jack Nicklaus, Barry Switzer, Mariah Carey, and more Elizabeth Warren could not have been plainer, in this tweet: “My goal is to get elected — but I plan to be the last
Judge Vaughn Walker 2009—Judge Vaughn Walker, the chief judge of the Northern District of California, issues a notice concerning a proposed revision of the local rule barring public broadcasting of judicial proceedings and calls for public comments to be submitted within five business days. Why the rush? Walker is presiding over the challenge to California’s
The New York Times has a long, narrative account of the block on Ukraine aid that adds some new details to the story. A major theme is how Trump’s top national-security advisors, rightly and understandably, opposed the hold, while other officials scrambled to come up with a legal justification for it. But the Times article