The Morning Briefing: Bernie Will Stick Around as Long as He Can Just to Embarrass the Democrats

News & Politics

Let’s Make This Happen

Super Tuesday Part II obviously didn’t go well for Bernie Sanders, who just a few weeks ago looked like a bit of a juggernaut. It was the second week in a row that Grandpa Stalin got his clock cleaned by Crazy Joe the Wonder Veep, making it clear that the Democrats prefer moderately-socialist senility to communism.

Bernie’s path to the Democratic nomination hasn’t just been choked off by Biden’s recent wins, but by the fact that most Democrats are — in true hive-mind fashion — are falling in line and endorsing the former vice president.

After this past Tuesday’s results many people, including me, wondered if Sanders would soon be dropping out of the race.

Well…he’s not:

Following another round of devastating primary losses on Tuesday, Bernie Sanders delivered a statement to the media from Burlington, Vermont. The one-time frontrunner was facing calls to drop out, with some are already declaring the race over. But Sanders made it clear that he’s not going anywhere, saying he looks forward to debating Joe Biden on Sunday, and telling the former vice president directly that he has questions he expects him to answer during that debate.

While it is true that Sanders isn’t mathematically eliminated, it takes an extraordinary amount of optimism to see him overcoming the overwhelming establishment opposition against him. “Establishment” refers to the party and its media mouthpieces. Yesterday, the New York Times ran an Op-Ed titled “The Sanders Coalition Is Not Quite What We Thought It Was.”

Bernie is fighting an uphill battle against a political machine that he has been pretending to be a part of, despite the fact that everyone knows it isn’t true.

The Democratic party would love nothing better than to have Bernie do a quick “Peace out!” now, and not expose Biden to another debate. They all know that Biden is the senile uncle who no one wants to get cornered by at a family gathering. Some in the party are publicly pleading for the party to get involved and strong-arm a finish to it all and minimize Biden’s chances to implode.

The uneasy relationship between Bernie and the party he uses only to run for president is now entering another ugly phase, as far as the Democrats are concerned, anyway.

Sanders and his supporters never got rid of the resentment from 2016, when the party had rigged the nomination for Hillary Clinton from the beginning.

This year the fix isn’t in quite as overtly, but it’s safe to say that no one at the DNC is sporting a Bernie bumper sticker on their cars.

Bernie knows that they want him gone quickly, which is precisely why he will linger as long as he possibly can. Like all commies, he stays in a perpetual state of victimhood. He may rail against billionaires all of the time, but it is the Democratic National Committee that is the real monster under his bed.

If — in true commie fashion — Sanders thinks he can stick it to “the man” by hanging around and exposing Biden as the drooling slow kid that he is, then he is going to do so.

With relish.

Enemy of the People Update

After President Trump addressed the nation about the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak, the faux journalism machine at CNN began whirring.

Don Lemon had one of his signature hissy fits because John Kasich wouldn’t badmouth the president’s speech.

Then (or maybe before, it’s not like I watch CNN) Village Idiot Jim Acosta joined Fredo Cuomo to let everyone know that Trump’s referring to the virus as “foreign” would seem like xenophobia to many Americans.

This precisely showcases why CNN is deserving of all of the scorn heaped upon it by the president and his supporters. Acosta isn’t reporting here, he’s editorializing.

That’s not journalism.

As long as they call themselves journalists and continue to merely offer opinions, they earn all of the negativity that comes their way.

Here were my two cents on Acosta’s latest idiocy:

Welcome to Crazy Week

Sleep Well

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Reduct This

The Kruiser Kabana

From my ancestral homeland…

This may be the only song we have here for a while. Also, Lenny Bruce is not afraid.

I have plenty of toilet paper and I didn’t even lose my sense of humanity at a Costco to get it.


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PJ Media Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author ofDon’t Let the Hippies ShowerandStraight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.”

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