Al Sharpton announces march on Washington on anniversary of MLK ‘I Have a Dream’ speech

News & Politics

Al Sharpton announced during the memorial for George Floyd that he would be leading a march on Washington D.C., on the 57th anniversary of the “I have a dream” speech by Martin Luther King Jr.

Sharpton made the announcement during his eulogy at Floyd’s memorial service in North Central University in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

“On August 28th, the 57th anniversary of the March on Washington, we’re going back to Washington,” he said.

In attendance was Martin Luther King III, the son of the late civil rights icon.

“That’s where your father stood in the shadows of the Lincoln Memorial and said ‘I have a dream,'” said Sharpton, addressing King.

“Well, we’re going back this August 28 to restore and recommit that dream, to stand up,” he continued, “because just like in one era we had to fight slavery, another era we had to fight Jim Crow, another era we dealt with voting rights, this is the era to deal with policing and criminal justice!”

The death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police lead to nation-wide protests, some of which descended into looting, rioting and destructive chaos.

Critics of Sharpton found it questionable to have him speak at the memorial service given his controversial past statements and extremism.

Here’s video of Sharpton’s announcement:

‘We Are Going Back To Washington’: Rev. Sharpton Announces March On Washington | NBC News

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  1. I am still waiting for Al Sharpton to lead an army of NFL and NBA saviors to end slavery where it has always existed, and still exists today, Africa.

    But, alas a shortage of itch free camo panties and solar wine coolers has delayed their departure.

  2. ….Martin Luther King Jr.?? Pfft!

    If alive today MLK would be called an Uncle Tom.

    $oros, CAIR, SPLC and BLM is running the DNC now.

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