Minneapolis leaders allowed protesters to destroy city. Now they demand taxpayers pay for damage.

News & Politics

The delayed action of Minnesota leaders to quell growing unrest in the shadow of George Floyd’s tragic death resulted in mass rioting across the Minneapolis-St. Paul area.

Now, the leaders want federal taxpayers to partially foot the bill for damage caused by violent protesters.

According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, more than 200 buildings across the Minneapolis-area have been destroyed or damaged in the riots, which will require at least $55 million in repairs. However, that number will likely be much higher — up into the “hundreds of millions,” Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, a Democrat, said this week.

“We will do everything we can as we shift to recovery mode,” Frey said. “We’re recovering from crises sandwiched on top of each other, from COVID-19 to the police killing and then the looting which took place afterward.”

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) and city leaders will seek federal assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to “offset” the cost of damage repairs, the Star Tribune reported. Walz’s administration is reportedly discussing the matter with Minnesota’s congressional delegation, including with Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D).

The request comes despite Frey openly admitting that city leaders allowed violent protesters to destroy the Minneapolis Police Department’s third precinct building.

The delayed response of city and state leaders to the growing unrest also contributed to out-of-hand violence, destruction, and endless looting.

Despite the impending request, FEMA is not likely to help the area.

From the Star Tribune:

After the 2015 riots in Baltimore following the death of Freddie Gray in police custody, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan repeatedly sought about $19 million in aid from FEMA for public agencies that responded to the unrest. At the time, Hogan pointed to federal assistance provided to Los Angeles following the 1992 unrest over the beating of Rodney King. FEMA denied Hogan’s request.

[Rep. Betty] McCollum expressed doubt about Minneapolis and St. Paul’s chances of getting federal disaster funding, a decision that is up to President Donald Trump. Alternatively, the state could seek funding through Congress’ annual appropriations, but that would require the Democratic-led House, Republican-led Senate and Trump to sign on.

To help chances of obtaining taxpayer-funded FEMA aid, McCollum suggested obtained a disaster declaration.

“If it is demonstrated outside provocateurs committed acts of destruction then there is a clear rationale for an emergency declaration by President Trump,” she told the Star Tribune.

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    1. You are absolutely correct. Let the looters fix the damages they caused, not the peaceful taxpayers. If the looters can’t pay they need to work it off.

      1. These stupid Mayors and Governors sat back and did NOTHING to stop the looting and burning. The President told them to call out the National Guard and they didn’t. I want to know how they intend to protect their city by disbanding the police department. Bunch of raving idiots. Antifa has been waiting their chance to do just this and TRAINING for it. They are absolutely the worst and we need to stop them. Trump has labeled them terrorists and they can and will be prosecuted. Let them have a bake sale to raise the money to fix their city. We shouldn’t have to pay for it!

        1. Yes, but they will just raise taxes on gas, registration, property, state income tax and give them self a raise for a job well done ????????????

          1. “Exactly.” They will not be held responsible for what they are responsible for.

          2. And this will cause a mass exodus of residents out of the state! All that will be left are the dirtbags who did the destruction and the leftists who allowed them to.

        2. The city leaders should get no paycheck. Make the impadent leaders pay for the repairs, they let it happen! Hold the leaders accountable for their lack of action to stop the damage from happening in the first place!

        3. The only solution to the problem of antifa, is a bullet. If the city council wants to disband the police force. Then the citizens have every right to defend themselves. This goes to show the true meaning why these idiots want to do a way with the ” CONSTITUTION”, “THE BILL OF RIGHTS” and the “ARTICLE OF CONFEDERATION” through laws that takes our Freedom and the rights these documents gives every person in this country. They’ve used unconstitutional laws and fear to control and condition the people for this day. It’s to take your rights and freedoms away and make this country a socialist one. That’s why they’ve dumbed downed the children for the past 30 to 40 yrs. If you allow them to take the weapons away. You will be slaves to the government and the rich people. Just like it was in 1700’s before the revolutionary war. Study socialism. You’ll understand!

          1. Neither the Constitution, Bill of Rights, nor the Articles of Confederation gives us our rights, they establish the limitations on government concerning those rights. If the government succeeds in taking away our rights, it’s because the people refuse to stop them. The conservative side has done absolutely NOTHING to stop the onslaught of unconstitutional actions by the left for the last 50 years, and by the time “we” wake up and take the physical action necessary it will make no difference.

      2. Not one red cent of federal money should be given to any of the states and cities that allowed this BS to take place. Let the taxpayers of those states and cities pay for it, it’s the voters there that put the incompetent politicians in office in the first place. You get what they voted for!! If people leave the poorly run states then that’s what needs to happen.

      3. How can that be achieved when they didn’t even identify, let alone arrest, the violent demonstrators? It’s the city’s job to use its own funds and insurance to pay for the damages.

        That means only one of two things. Either the city can sell off ifs properties such as buildings, parks, and equipment to pay for the damages, or it can tax the heck out of law abiding taxpayers, especially federal taxpayers, to pay for the damages. Now which method do you expect the august city leaders will choose?

        The same goes for EVERY city that allowed “peaceful” demonstrators to sack, loot, burn, assault, and murder.

        1. Neither the cities nor states can increase federal taxes, they can only increase taxes on residents or on goods/commerce.

    2. Taxpayers will pay 100% of the repair costs. The government’s money ALL comes from the taxpayers.

    3. Found something in the book Dogs of War.

      Long ago in the Congo he had seen the same attitude, the blank-eye sense of menace conveyed by an African of almost primeval cultural level, armed with a weapon, in a state of power – wholly unpredictable, with reactions to a situation that were utterly illogical, ticking away like a moving bomb. He had noticed this same menacing mindlessness, the sense of power without reason, that can suddenly and for no recollected explanation turn to frenetic violence.

      Sound familiar?

    4. This just shows the mentality of many of Minneapolis City and State leaders…They should have exercised their legal rights to call out the Nat. Guard to put down these riots…No, Minneapolis leaders need to dig into their own billfolds and come up with the funds to fix or repair those business and stores looted and burned by these rampaging Thugs before asking the citizens to fork over any money for repairs..They don’t need any federal funds (taxpayers) money of mine..I wasn’t there doing this burning and looting, it wasn’t my fault, I was sitting home watching T.V. and being a law abiding citizen, so, none of my taxpayers money should be used for Minneapolis’s leaders to cover their own a– and their losses when they should have stopped it in the first place before it got out of hand..

  1. B.S. The local citizens elected state and local politicians who allowed, and in some cases encouraged, their communities to be destroyed. Let them, NOT the rest of the country, pay for it.You let your community burn.. Well, to steal a “Russian” quote from Joseph Hellers great book, “Toughski Shitski.

    1. Just a rant, Most of the problems we had here were caused by “people” that did not live here. They came in like flies to a corpse. Some were driving around in cars and trucks with no VIN tags and no plates (that are required on the front and back).They were starting fires in residential areas or dropping propane or gas off behind garages and business’s to come back and light. These were mostly but not all white f***ers, (antifa). I was like my neighbors walking down the allie, all night checking for people and things out of place. I think the city CLOWcil and governor and the mayor should find the money some how and not look for us residents to cover the cost. (maybe stop spending money the dumb things like roundabouts, reducing the with of parkways for bike path’s) If they add a tax to anything, it would never come off and they would find a way to give them self a raise. I and my wife are reddy to get the “F” out of this town. Minneapolis is a nice place to live but it would be better, stronger freer if not for the lib’s

    1. Yes I like that, they are the ones that OK’d the protestors to ruin their city, let them be responsible for paying to repair.

  2. On top of all of that, who will want to visit, have business meetings and spend recreation money there in Minn. ???

  3. NO, sue George Soros organz then for damages & media IE NYT CBS NBC etc.
    NOT taxpayers.
    or ID riot, looter groups & sue them fools

    1. I totally agree, NOT TAXPAYERS, George Soros egged them on as well as the Mayors, media, NYT, CBS, NBC etc. SUE THEM ALL FOR ENCOURAGING THEM TO LOOT AND DISRUPT.

  4. We should not pay for your stupid mistakes. You let it go. A protest is a protest. these are just Thugs out to ruin as much as they can. They are paid by George Soros and Bill Gates let them foot the bill!

  5. No Federal aid. Let the cities/counties/state pay for it all, not U.S. taxpayers outside of those jurisdictions. Require reparation and restitution from the rioters, vandals, looters, arsonists, etc.

    1. No, No, No!! The tax payers of the cities, countries and state should NOT be paying for anything. The governors, George Soros and those who started this crap and let it get out of hand should be the ones to pay through the nose. That includes BLM.

    2. I would agree that the thugs involved with the destruction and looting of the city’s businesses should pay for the damage; but how is that to be accomplished? I don’t think the authorities can accumulate and charge all of those individuals responsible.

      But if they can, I do think that those individuals (that are working) charged and convicted for this mêlée should somehow contribute, maybe through an increase in their Local and State taxes by a payroll deduction method. Should they move? The payment on their part for all this destruction and looting should follow them to whatever City and State they may re-locate. Those that are not working, spend the appropriate length of time in detention.

      Additionally, the Local City and State Government where the destruction occurred should also be held responsible and help pay for the reconstruction of these businesses and not the Federal Government.

  6. Nope….just plain ol’ nope. You did it, you pay for your actions…or lack there of.

  7. The thugs looking for any excuse to riot, steal, destroy… are the result of your liberal policies, hypocrites. Now you want to blame Trump and want him to give you a handout. Typical irresponsible liberals

  8. I THINK assistance WAS offered at the time (and declined). Assistance that would have stopped the mayhem and destruction dead in it’s tracks. No, I believe it’s time we let those responsible be uh…responsible, as it were. Why would Alabama, Ohio, or New Mexico taxpayers have any interest in cleaning up for their political decision? And political it was. Maybe, just maybe, Minnesotans will consider changing who they vote for next time if their political leaders are going to make these types of decisions. THIS is what they seek for the rest of the country, hmmm.

  9. Not one dime!!!!

    I like the idea of using the government officials bloated pension and salaries their the ones that left it happen.

  10. Since they caused the events with their actions, they should be made to pay. I mean the citizens, their actions by voting for the sorry state of leadership in the state of Minnesota make them guilty and should have to pay. You get what you vote for so pay the piper so to speak and shutup. Do a better job of selecting leaders. You only have to look around and see the fact that nearly every democratic run city is turned into a broke begging for money shit holes where criminals have more rights than citizens and control the streets. You even pay higher taxes for the prevlidge of being made fools is, so shut up and enjoy it or pull your heads out of your asses
    I find you guilty so pay pay

  11. “Now, the leaders want federal taxpayers to partially foot the bill for damage caused by violent protesters.” No. We were not responsible for any of this, THEY are. It’s time the word “Responsibility” was introduced to a significant percentage of the citizenry.

    “According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, more than 200 buildings across the Minneapolis-area have been destroyed or damaged in the riots, which will require at least $55 million in repairs. However, that number will likely be much higher — up into the “hundreds of millions,” Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, a Democrat, said this week.” OF COURSE it will go into the ‘hundreds of millions’ of dollars! Every single one of the Democrat leadership, including the muslims they vote for, all will want their piece of the pie…

    Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) and city leaders will seek federal assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to “offset” the cost of damage repairs, the Star Tribune reported. Walz’s administration is reportedly discussing the matter with Minnesota’s congressional delegation, including with Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D).

    The request comes despite Frey openly admitting that city leaders allowed violent protesters to destroy the Minneapolis Police Department’s third precinct building.

    “The delayed response of city and state leaders to the growing unrest also contributed to out-of-hand violence, destruction, and endless looting… The request (for FEMA money) comes despite Frey openly admitting that city leaders allowed violent protesters to destroy the Minneapolis Police Department’s third precinct building.” So typical of those on the Left, to continue to beg for somebody else to pay for THEIR votes! Minnesota is in desperate need of some Adult Supervision…

  12. The good folk (voters) of Minneapolis need to RECALL ALL their city and government leaders, who didn’t bother to do the jobs they were elected to do – – -that is KEEP their towns and cities “safe and orderly”. Then arrest, charge and fine the do-nothings; confiscate ALL their properties and monies and USE THAT to pay for the damage their inactions allowed.

  13. They won’t like my reply, they can wish in ond hand and they know what to do with the other hand, which one do you think will fill up first?

  14. They didn’t want the government to stop the riots, the government shouldn’t pay for the damage the citizens caused. When they defund the police they can expect more burning and killing. Stupid leaders get stupid results.

  15. Not 1 time of Federal money should be used to repair the mindless destruction that was ENCOURAGED and ALLOWED !

  16. I think the Federal Government should provide SOME assistance to rebuild/repair damage caused by the looters in Minn. After all tax payers pay millions of dollars, per weekend, for just one person to regularly go golfing at any one of his resorts. In addition, tax payers pay HIS resort(s) for accommodations for all the personnel required to tag along just because he wants to play. And lets not forget the federal tab taxpayers pick up for those adult children who join him or who go jetting off on some “business venture”,

    So, if there is no loud and continual outcry on the spending of these wasteful tax dollars…what’s a couple more Billion to spend on rebuilding activities that will actually benefit a community?

    1. Just like the millions spent on separate travel and vacations every date night and weekend for previous administration?

    2. Are you talking about Obama?? Yeah I couldn’t believe the way taxpayers paid for his daughters to go to the Bahamas. The things these some of these elected officials do with our money.

    3. They wont need to rebuild, the people who own those businesses are already planning to open up elsewhere. Even baby birds know not to shit in their own nest. They wont need to rebuild the police building theyre disbanding those. Just bulldoze all the burnt out buildings. There fixed it!!!

  17. Every responsible person that reads this should do as I am doing, which is to e-mail President Trump, and ALL of my state’s congressional representative(s) and DEMAND that not one cent of taxpayer dollars be given to these money grabbing morons! ! !
    They have made their own beds, now let them lay in them.

  18. I believe they made a mistake not charging bail on the rioters in sufficient amount to cover damages.

  19. Never mind all of the shouting, and pointing of fingers and asking who will pay the damages. You and I will pay the damages, just the way we always have. Why all noise? Nothing has changed. Yet!

  20. To my fellow Americans, We all know who is behind these vicious acts of violence, the RICH ELITES who play their games to gain more Power and Control over Our Great Country that is being torn apart by the Racism Card again. I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOUR OPINION’S on not paying “ONE DIME” for ALL of the damages across Our Country!!! Here is the SAD TRUTH, not all American Citizens were involved in the looting,burning,killing and untold damages that occurred… We the taxpayers of OUR GREAT NATION will be Damned if we don’t, and Damned if we do, because it would only add more fuel to the fire against our American Citizens if we do not help Our Citizens in need that had their lives ruined even though they were working their way to make their lives a little better!!! We are given the opportunity to LEARN how to improve ourselves and then go out into the world to EARN a living, make something of ourselves and build a better future for ourselves!!! This Great Country was built on opportunity, not on you are OWED by Others to PAY YOUR WAY!!! LIFE IS NOT FAIR to ANYONE REGARDLESS OF WHOM YOU ARE!!! Learning, hard work and discipline help create the path that your life follows!!! OUR LORD AND SAVIOR gave us Free Will so we can choose the path we take!!! It is up to EACH and EVERY INDIVIDUAL to make the division’s to do what is RIGHT!!! MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON OUR GREAT NATION, and HEAL the line of division between US now!!!

    1. Pay the Business owners that lost their Businesses. With the stipulation that they must rebuild in another State.

  21. The DemonRATs have run minneapolis , and minnesooooootuh since 1961, they ran the police department into the ground, they welcomed all the somali trash in and set them up, they Instigated and condoned these RIOTS they were NOT protests they were RIOTS plain and Simple, the DemonRAT trash that has run the City into the ground Destroyed the police Standards Destroyed the community standards, and The RIOTERS, can pay for that crap, Enjoy the lack of Employment, enjoy the skinny’s. and as far as Americans paying for that Damage ?…. You Caused it, you brought it, you Own It, I dont want to spend a Dime on you or any demonRAT, the company’s that are leaving town due to the Ineffectual leadership are welcome here, Or most anywhere in America, as long as they leave their DemonRAT employee’s up there…. and I will withold my portion of DemonRAT reparations for Damages caused by these Riots

  22. Instead of spending money on non essential items, use some of that money to really help Blacks, set up training programs to teach job skills instead of spending it on entitlements, with training they can get jobs, feel like humans, buy homes, be productive, there are thousands of Construction, Healthcare, Trucking, Computer jobs that are looking for people to train with paid training, and job referrals, that is what would help BLACKS more, I do not believe that Blacks would be willing to say no to a chance to really better themselves and get off government entitlements and lead a life of respect and dignity instead of poverty and depression!!! My Black friend TRAVIS is now a computer security guy, he used to work at Pizza Hut, and now he has a company car, goes into companies and helps set up security on their computer systems, my other Black friend ALFRED has a construction job as a carpenter, he got training from the EDD office, my point being no matter what color your skin if you want a better life it is there you just have to GO FOR IT!!!!

  23. I would like to see some tax dollars go for training any one who would rather be working instead of on entitlements, the training is there, look online tons of jobs with paid training and job referrals, a person just has to want something better than government entitlements, if people could get training they would have more respect for themselves and be leading a good life instead of being poor and depressed which is how the demonRats want to keep any many people as they can dependent on government, instead of independent and living the dream of LIFE LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, these are things demonRats hate for us to have because then they have no power over us, remember this, “UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL, SO LET’S STAND TOGETHER AND STAND TALL”!! JUST GO FOR IT!!!

  24. I have been stopped by the police several times( Not Proud) I have never been thrown to the ground sat on, Jumped on,or had a knee on my neck, was it because I was white? i don’t think so! It was because I said yes sir, no sir, and treated the officer with RESPECT and if we’re to do any arguing I would save it for the Court and not on the street, I was smart enough to Know that’s when the ground hits you and Dogs bit you,
    So the point to my story is if you show the police a little RESPECT you willl never hit the ground, You do your fighting in a Court of Law not on the street, several people would still be alive today if they would have done that, no need for riots or burning your neighbors building, That is just an excuse to get a new pair of Nike shoes, it doesn’t bring anyone back!
    Just me pass it or trash it

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