House GOP introduces bill naming China top national security threat but Democrats won’t go along because Joe Biden, their candidate, appears compromised by Beijing

(Natural News)
House Republicans have introduced a bill that would name the Chinese Communist Party the “United States’ prevailing economic and national security threat of this generation,” but there is zero chance it’ll pass because the Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, is reportedly linked financially to Beijing.

Nevertheless, the legislation is important for what it says, what it acknowledges, and for putting Democrats and the big tech giants who support them on record for siding with the interests of an authoritarian regime instead of their own country.

The Epoch Times reports: 

The 25-page legislation, titled the China Task Force Act, bundled together 137 key China-related legislative recommendations, including existing bills, resolutions, and other measures, for speedy passage. They cover a wide range of issues, including proposals to sell arms to Taiwan, secure safe 5G networks, punish the Chinese regime’s suppression of ethnic minorities, curb imports of Chinese products made with slave labor, and condemn China’s organ trafficking.

The No TikTok on Government Devices Act, would ban TikTok from all government employees’ electronic devices, while the CONFUCIUS Act aims to limit the influence of Chinese-funded Confucius Institutes on U.S. campuses. A portion of the measures has already passed through the House or the Senate.

And let’s not forget that the U.S. and the world are still dealing with the Wuhan coronavirus, thanks to Chinese incompetence (or hostile intentions — we haven’t decided which one it is, yet).

“The United States’ goal should be the end of the CCP’s monopoly on power, rather than indefinite coexistence with a fundamentally hostile communist state,” the legislation says.

GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who we hope will replace his crusty California counterpart, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, if Republicans retake the chamber next month, introduced the legislation with Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas). 

McCarthy called the bill a “milestone in our efforts to hold China accountable” for a range of issues including cyber theft, the virus, unfavorable trade practices, and non-stop espionage.

The GOP leader also acknowledged that if Joe Biden wins the presidential election, China’s biggest nemesis in generations — President Donald Trump — goes away and Beijing will have a free hand to manipulate America and its elected leaders.

“For more than 40 years, we have seen China’s ruthless rise in power result in attacks on freedom and human rights around the world. And for far too long the United States’ policy of accommodation, as underscored by the Obama-Biden administration, has only continued to enable the Chinese Communist Party’s brutal dictatorship,” McCarthy said.

“House Republicans not only understand the complexities of the CCP threat, but through our work on the China Task Force, we put forward a comprehensive blueprint that will be critical in curbing China’s dangerous behavior and securing America’s prominence on the world stage,” he added.

The legislation comes as new allegations of corruption involving Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Chinese interests surfaced ahead of the final Trump-Biden presidential debate.

An email released by Senate investigators indicates that Hunter Biden was provided with some $4.8 million from a now-defunct Chinese energy company with ties to the regime. The CEFC conglomerate proposed an “interest-free” loan to the Biden family “based on their trust of the [Biden] family[.]”

The July 26, 2017, email to Hunter Biden’s business partner, Tony Bobulinksi, adds: “Should CEFC keep lending more money to the family?”

“Through our actions and priorities, House Republicans continue to act on our Commitment to America agenda to rebuild the greatest economy in a generation,” McCarthy, in his statement, continued. 

“Making America more secure and more prosperous should not be a political issue,” he added. “Democrats should finally join us in holding the CCP accountable — our country, and the world, can no longer afford inaction.”

They should. But because of the Bidens, Democrats won’t.

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