Month: October 2020

President Trump ran the table tonight on China Joe. According to a snap poll by WGN Trump won decisively 74% to 26%. That’s a thumping!Via Sean Hannity. Advertisement – story continues below BREAKING: WGN snap poll: Trump: 74% Biden: 24% #Debates2020 — Randy Clemens™ #MJMStrategiesRadio (@bostonrandy) October 23, 2020 TRENDING: Final Presidential Debate: President Trump
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo speaks during a daily briefing in New York City, July 13, 2020. (Mike Segar/Reuters) Many questions should have been asked before he blasted a Hasidic community over suspected COVID violations, and the media ran with it. People want answers. They crave certainty amid chaos. But for a year filled with
NBC News White House correspondent Kristen Welker received rave reviews from Democrats, Republicans, and folks in between for her performance in moderating Thursday night’s final debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. What are the details? After President Trump warned ahead of the debate that
In the last debate Thursday night before the Nov. 3 election, a much more reserved and presidential Donald Trump set out to label Democratic challenger Joe Biden as a corrupt, do-nothing politician in an appeal to the American people to grant him four more years. During the debate in Nashville, Tennessee, moderated by NBC News’
NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE J oe Biden’s tax plan is based on a deathless myth: that taxes are actually paid in economic terms by those upon whom they legally fall. The obviousness of this nonsense is clear enough if you put the proposition into plain English: “Don’t you worry, now, we’re not going to raise taxes
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden told a brazen lie about Obamacare Thursday evening during the final presidential debate in Nashville, Tennessee, claiming that no one lost their private health insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act. President Donald Trump attacked Biden’s health care plan, accusing the Democratic nominee’s plan of being “socialized medicine” that would
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden speaks during the final 2020 presidential campaign debate in Nashville, Tenn., October 22, 2020. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) President Trump and rival Joe Biden sparred over environmental policy at the end of the presidential debate on Thursday, with Biden indicating he would “transition” away from dependence on oil. “Would he close down
Tonight’s the big one. The last battle. The one that decides the presidency. Well … probably not. Everyone gets hyped for debates but the truth is that they rarely matter. The first debate between Trump and Biden was an exception, as the polls began moving towards Sleepy Joe in the aftermath and still haven’t fully
(Natural News) As the coronavirus pandemic swept across the country, governors and mayors — on the advice of ‘scientists’ — rushed to enact restrictive lockdowns that included orders to shutter scores of ‘non-essential’ businesses. The closures of those businesses, many now for months, is what led to rampant and historic unemployment in nearly every sector
(Natural News) In a desperate attempt to protect pedophiles, communists and Biden family corruption, Big Tech continues to purge the accounts of investigative journalists, independent thinkers and anyone seeking law and order. To make matters worse, YouTube is now locking users out if their views do not align with the World Health Organization and the
Taxpayer-funded NPR announced on Thursday on Twitter that they will not be covering the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. They call it “fake news.” Advertisement – story continues below Amazing that @NPR actually has the balls to post this bullshit the same day this text message was released, directly implicating Joe Biden in Hunter’s corrupt schemes.
Former Republican Ohio Governor John Kasich speaks during the virtual 2020 Democratic National Convention, August 17, 2020. (2020 Democratic National Convention/Reuters Pool) How did a man who started out as a somewhat interesting and effective fiscal conservative in Congress become the irrelevant blowhard he is today? Joe Biden, having already begun to consider the possibility
This is a moment “Cynical Theories” author James Lindsay probably hoped would never come. The liberal mathematician and host of the “New Discourses Podcast” recently came out as “unhappily” voting Republican, including for President Donald Trump, because the Democratic Party is now being controlled by a far-left movement that seeks to destroy our country and
President Donald Trump will reportedly have Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, as his special guest at Thursday night’s presidential debate. Much like he did in the 2016 presidential debates, Trump will attempt to use his special guest to gain a psychological edge against his opponent. President Trump has allegedly invited Bobulinski, the former
A well-connected heir to the Dupont fortune got no prison time after admitting to raping his three-year-old daughter, thanks in part to the actions of then-Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. It was February 6, 2009, when Robert H. Richards IV, the great-grandson of Irénée du Pont, the heir
First, Joe Biden’s Praetorian Guard argued that the New York Post’s Hunter Biden scoop was “Russian disinformation.” The DOJ, FBI, and DNI each publicly disagreed. No one in the Biden camp has denied the veracity of a single email thus far. Yet, as of this writing, the Post’s Twitter account is still … Read More
Speaker Nancy Pelosi SNAPPED this morning during her weekly press conference. Pelosi lost it when reporter Kerry Picket dared to ask about crackhead Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell! Advertisement – story continues below Pelosi was OUTRAGED! Pelosi snaps at a reporter asking about the Hunter Biden revelations: “I’m not answering those questions… we’re talking about