Walmart CRT Training Encourages Employees to Accept That ‘White Is Not Right’

(Daniel Becerril/Reuters)

Walmart has put more than 1,000 employees through a critical race theory training that teaches that the U.S. is a “white supremacy system” and that white trainees are guilty of “white supremacy thinking” and “internalized racial superiority,” according to a new report.

Whistleblower documents obtained by City Journals Christopher Rufo reveal that Walmart first launched the program, which is based on the core principles of critical race theory, in 2018 in partnership with the Racial Equity Institute.

The company has made the program mandatory for executives, while it is recommended for hourly-wage workers. Rufo calls out Walmart over its hypocrisy, noting that its whole nine-member top executive leadership, except technology chief Suresh Kumar, is white.

Walmart confirmed to Rufo that it has “engaged REI for a number of training sessions since 2018” and has “found these sessions to be thought provoking and constructive.” 

The training claims that the U.S. is a “white supremacy system,” created by white Europeans “for the purpose of assigning and maintaining white skin access to power and privilege,” according to the report.

The program suggests that white people are guilty of “white privilege” and “internalized racial superiority,” the belief that “one’s comfort, wealth, privilege and success has been earned by merits and hard work” rather than through the benefits of systemic racism. The training claims that the “white supremacy culture” is defined by several qualities, including “individualism,” “objectivity,” “paternalism,” “defensiveness,” “power hoarding,” “right to comfort,” and “worship of the written word.”

It adds that “discussions about racist conditioning” should occur in racially segregated groups as “people of color and white people have their own work to do in understanding and addressing racism,” the report notes.

According to the training, employees who are racial minorities suffer from “constructed racist oppression” and “internalized racial inferiority” and struggle with internal messaging such as, “we believe there is something wrong with being a person of color,” “we have lowered self-esteem,” “we have lowered expectations,” “we have very limited choices,” and “we have a sense of limited possibility.”

This harmful internal thinking forces them to buy into the “myths promoted by the racist system,” according to the training, and to develop feelings of “self-hate,” “anger,” “rage,” and “ethnocentrism,” and they are forced to “forget,” “lie,” and “stop feeling” to survive.

The program suggests that the solution is for white people to work on “white anti-racist development” and to accept their “guilt and shame” and that “white is not right.” Ultimately they should work toward “collective action” where “white can do right.”

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  1. It figures that the useless company would go woke. I have noticed” where as I worked there for 10.5 years” that most of the colored workers left there and went else where. Walmart has always treated colored people like slaves. Now that I think of it that is how they treated ALL employees.

  2. Why do people still shop there? Go to your mom and pop shops, provided you can find any left. Quit feeding their tyranny.

    1. What mom ands pop shops? Corporate America has pretty much put them out of business. In order to get the things you need, you have no choice but to go to the big box stores.

  3. Very disappointed in Walmart. We ALL are born equal and should have the same treatment in the work place. SAME test given to all applicants as well. Why keep focusing on what race we are. The end.

    1. “individualism,” “objectivity,” “paternalism,” “defensiveness,” “power hoarding,” “right to comfort,” and “worship of the written word.” In other words, they don’t think minorities are capable of this. If I was a minority, I’d be insulted by all of this.

  4. Color of skin should make no difference whatsoever. Anyone that uses only that to judge someone is a racist fool, no matter his or her skin color.

  5. If you’re working at or shopping at Walmart, I think we can say for certain you aren’t privileged much at all.

  6. Why do I feel no shame for being White? Could it be that White skinned people created the modern world, lifted billions out of poverty, disease, and true oppression (not imagined)?
    How about art, music, science, philosophy, literature, and all the other things that seperate us from mud hut dwelling bug eaters, and savages?
    The history of all races is chock-full of atrocities, and they continue around the world, to this day.
    CRT, in all of it’s forms, is nothing but divisive Marxist trash, meant to destroy Western civilization, and further consolidate wealth and power for those who view us all, regardless of race, as “lesser”.
    Wake up, and never get in the train car, people.

  7. My money is no good at Wall mart because I am white. See what happens when white people do not shop at Wall Mart I bet their tune will change !!

  8. Target feels the same way so pretty much being white today is the minority and it’s not about being equal it’s about destroying everything about America. The past ! To bad

  9. White people believe that “one’s comfort, wealth, privilege and success has been earned by merits and hard work”; rather than through the benefits of leeching off the welfare system like the kneel grow.

  10. @WaltonFamilyFdn

    I just ordered ONLINE for food delivery.
    FK you if you think I or this country is Racist.
    What is MENTALLY WRONG with you?
    I am cancelling that order. FK off.
    Seems like Old Man Walton was a totally #PissPoorParent!
    Look at the Anti-Americans he raised.

  11. Lol if you ask me black employees are the rudest ones there . And iam a half breed saying that . Their more pissed then whites and don’t care as much . But boy do they cry about things more . I find most whites dont care about your color , not like blacks do . Yet blacks cry racist more , go figure

  12. I’ve seen the pictures of those delightful patrons of Walmart… They must sell a lot of goods geared for Homes With Wheels

  13. Almost 90% of the things you see in WalMart are MADE IN CHINA. What’s left? just the money. If we cut off China, you can imagine the humongous tidal wave of panic that would ensue.. China would be scurrying around like a headless chicken.

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