Bible museum puts up transgender Jesus exhibit

News & Politics

A German bible museum has created a controversial exhibit that displays Jesus Christ as being transgender.

“For some years now, society has been opening up to non-binary gender concepts. We sometimes have heated debates about gender-equitable language. It seems to be one of the burning issues of our time. Take a look at the diversity of gender identities from biblical and modern times and find a divine answer that fits all questions: You are good as you are,” the museum’s website says.

The Bibelhaus Frankfurt displays three artifacts from its transgender Jesus exhibit on their website including a 3,000-year-old clay statue of the Sumerian goddess Asherah, an image of the “new Adam,” and a statue of Austrian drag queen singer Conchita Wurst, real name Thomas Neuwirth, according to Fox News.

The artifacts are presented to suggest the more gender-fluid attitudes of ancient societies during biblical times.

“Is what we call God fluid between the sexes?” Angela Dorn, Hessian minister for science and art, asks in the museum’s greeting to visitors.

In addition to the exhibit, the Bible museum also hosted a play entitled “Jesus Queen of Heaven” on Dec. 15, according to the Bibelhaus website.

Grußwort von Angela Dorn zur Ausstellung “G*tt w/m/d – Geschlechtervielfalt seit biblischen Zeiten”

Originally written by English playwright Jo Clifford in 2009, the play tells the story of Jesus Christ, but through the lens of being a transgender woman.

“I had been brought up as a Christian and taught that when you’re unsure of what to do, you should try to think, ‘What would Jesus do?’ I thought, ‘Well, what would Jesus do if Jesus came back to earth now and was me, a trans woman? What would she do and what would she say?’ That was the origin of the play,” Clifford said in an interview with Dazed.

The museum has drawn some harsh criticism from world-famous evangelist Franklin Graham, who blasted the idea of a transgender Jesus.

The Samaritan’s Purse founder called the idea of LGBT- friendly themes in the Bible a lie.

“When homosexuality is mentioned in the Bible, it is sin — rebellion against God and associated with His judgment. Any suggestion that Jesus Christ is transgender is not only false, it’s just sick,” Graham said in a statement to Fox News on Wednesday.

Graham concluded that there could be no confusion that God chose to reveal himself to humanity as a man based on the biblical accounts found in the Gospels.

“The Bible doesn’t leave any confusion or uncertainty over how God has revealed Himself to us,” Graham told Fox News.

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