Month: December 2021

Power lines near the Golfech nuclear plant on the border of the Garonne River between Agen and Toulouse, France, in 2018. (Regis Duvignau/Reuters) Parts of the Left are shifting to pro-nuclear NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE T he past few weeks have seen a radical change in the outlook for nuclear energy. Coincident with the global COP26
Brian Stelter, host of the poorly-watched CNN show “Reliable Sources,” joined fellow CNN host John Berman on the poorly-watched “New Day” Wednesday, and suggested that disgraced host Chris Cuomo’s “indefinite” suspension might be rather brief, indeed. CNN announced that it was suspending Cuomo “indefinitely” on Tuesday pending an investigation into revelations that Chris Cuomo had
According to Detroit police, the parents of Oxford High School shooting suspect Ethan Crumbley were arrested early Saturday morning after a citizen spotted their vehicle and relayed the tip to police. Police stated that the couple was found inside a commercial warehouse and appeared to be “hiding” and “distressed.” It is believed that a friend
Police officers check the COVID vaccination status of shoppers in Vienna, Austria, November 16, 2021. (Lisi Niesner/Reuters) Using the awesome power of the state to turn a section of any society into second-class citizens should be roundly rejected. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE ‘N ecessity has no law.” This maxim was quoted on the arrest of Richard
Oregon police worked for almost a year to solve the murder of a 9-year-old who was found stuffed into a duffel bag and left near a rest stop on the Oregon coast. They arrested the girl’s mother and the mother’s girlfriend on Tuesday. The remains were discovered in Lincoln County in Dec. 2020. Investigators estimated
Democratic digital strategist Elizabeth Spiers, who was adopted as a baby, penned an opinion piece in which she said that adoption can be more traumatic than abortion. “The right likes to suggest that abortion is a traumatic experience for women — a last resort, a painful memory. But adoption is often just as traumatic as
(shironosov/iStock/Getty Images) In what amounts to state-orchestrated discrimination, California is using bizarre grounds to mandate racial and gender diversity on corporate boards. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE T he trial commenced this week in Crest v. Padilla, a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch to enjoin California from requiring that publicly held corporations headquartered in California include at
Official Photo of Nikki Fried (State of Florida/Wikimedia Commons) Florida agriculture commissioner Nikki Fried labeled Governor Ron DeSantis an “authoritarian dictator” after DeSantis proposed the re-creation of a state guard to respond to emergencies such as natural disasters. DeSantis’s proposal would bring back the Florida State Guard, which was originally formed during World War II
Liberal Hollywood actress Bette Midler called for former President Donald Trump to be arrested for the attempted murder of President Joe Biden — based on the claim of a former staffer. The actress was reacting to a report that Trump had tested positive for the coronavirus before acknowledging it publicly, and he reportedly went to
America executed a drone attack targeting a senior al-Qaeda figure on Dec. 3, though the attack may have resulted in civilian casualties, a U.S. Central Command spokesperson said in a statement, according to Fox News. “U.S. forces conducted a kinetic strike near Idlib, Syria, December 3, targeting a senior al-Qaeda leader and planner,” CENTCOM spokesperson
How total is Michael Steele’s transformation from RNC chairman to Democrat sycophant? On today’s Morning Joe, Steele, an MSNBC analyst and member of the disgraced Lincoln Project, slurred Republican judicial appointees while expressing his preference for Democrat nominees. Steele was commenting on Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana telling Biden judicial nominee Dale Ho that he
Science, we’ve been told countless times, is a process that must be respected, particularly regarding the groundbreaking new mRNA vaccines against COVID-19. Let me back up a moment. In Early 21st Century/Mid-Weimar/Late-Roman America, we actually have two sciences. Traditional science is the one we all learned about in school. It’s really nothing more than a
President Joe Biden speaks at the White House in Washington, D.C., December 1, 2021. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) The rules should apply to everyone, regardless of citizenship or residency status, and use all the scientific tools available. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE J oe Biden never tires of saying his COVID-19 policies follow “the science.” He recently pontificated that
Photographs of James and Jennifer Crumbley that were released by police on December 3, 2021. (Oakland County Sheriff’s Office/Handout via Reuters) Oakland County, Mich., prosecutor Karen McDonald announced involuntary manslaughter charges on Friday for the parents of the high school sophomore who allegedly killed four students and wounded seven other people in a shooting at