Month: January 2022

The White House at sunset in Washington, D.C., March 6, 2021. (Erin Scott/Reuters) Sleepy Washington is likely on the verge of being awakened by a major world crisis. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE W ashingtonians may not fully grasp the impression their city gives to foreign visitors these days. It is one of somnolence. Too many shops
NBC News anchor Chuck Todd warned Sunday that Democrats could face a “shellacking” in the 2022 midterm elections. What did Todd say? Reacting to a grim new NBC News survey, the “Meet the Press” host admitted that President Joe Biden’s perception is quickly sinking and warned that Democrats could lose big time in the 2022
Sunday’s Washington Post Magazine carried yet another pathetic softball interview for a leftist in their “Just Asking” feature. KK Ottosen rolled out the Black Lives Matter carpet for Kimberle Crenshaw, an architect of “critical race theory.” As usual, the Posties didn’t identify Crenshaw as a leftist, let alone a radical leftist. The interview began: Recently, critical
The situation in Ukraine is quickly developing. The latest updates regarding the potential hot spot for hostilities, include the U.S. State Department ordering family members of U.S. diplomats to evacuate the country, and a report that President Joe Biden is considering deploying thousands of American troops, warships, and aircraft into the powderkeg region to deter
Dr. Anthony Fauci suggested on Sunday that Americans may need more boosters, and painted a grim forecast for areas of the country that are not fully vaccinated. During an appearance on ABC’s “This Week,” host Martha Raddatz expressed optimism regarding the COVID-19 pandemic – citing cases beginning to fall nationally and that certain areas had
Supporters of Critical Race Theory and transgender students meet outside the Loudoun County School Board headquarters before a school board meeting, in Ashburn, Va., June 22, 2021. (Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters) Desperate for excuses to tear down our traditions — free enterprise, limited government, private property, and so on — the Left calls America irredeemably racist due
Another poll, another bleak outlook for President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. According to a new NBC News survey, the overwhelming majority of Americans believe the United States is headed in the wrong direction, Biden’s job approval is underwater, and Vice President Kamala Harris is more unpopular than former President Donald Trump. The most
A Connecticut man is accused of going on a xenophobic tirade at a smoothie shop. The wealth manager was arrested for throwing a drink at one of the employees at the smoothie shop in Fairfield, according to police. James Iannazzo, 48, of Fairfield, reportedly went to the Robeks smoothie store in Fairfield on Friday afternoon.
(Natural News) Several cryptocurrency analysts once again suspected fraud in the industry after shares of MicroStrategy fell nearly 18 percent on Friday following a decision by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to reject the firm’s bitcoin accounting methods. The business intelligence software firm’s stock was already declining in value along with the price of
EXCLUSIVE: PA Secretary of State’s “High-Minded Talk of Election Security and Dark Conspiracies Hides a Low-Minded Political Power Play” – PA Senate President Pro Tempore Corman and Senator Dush Ask Court to End Stay on PA Election Investigation Tap here to add The Western Journal to your home screen.
Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States by Howard Chandler Christy, 1940 (Wikimedia) Adrian Vermeule uses a fundamental question to fashion a straw man and justify abandoning the constitutional order. There is a better way. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE I n his latest essay at the Postliberal Order Substack, Harvard law professor
A law enforcement officer takes position as a building burns during nationwide unrest following the death in Minneapolis police custody of George Floyd, in Los Angeles, California, May 30, 2020. (Patrick T. Fallon/Reuters) Sacramento County district attorney Anne Marie Schubert claimed that “rogue prosecutors” in California have been incentivizing offenders to perpetrate crimes with their
Oklahoma state Rep. Forrest Bennett (D), who describes himself as a “pragmatic progressive,” walked back a legislative proposal that attempted to corner pro-life advocates. Instead, pro-life advocates and conservatives agreed with the premise of the proposed legislation, while progressives sharply criticized him. What happened? Bennett announced on Twitter that he had introduced HB3129 to codify
Howard Dean didn’t quite unleash his infamous scream on Sunday but he did express a lot of angry emotion on Jonathan Capehart’s MSNBC show. Interestingly, most of that anger was directed at … Democrats! Although—true to Democrat form—Dean did call Republicans “neo-fascists” [singling out Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley] and said there were “similarities” between Hitler and
Twitter ignored the March for Life and is instead commemorating the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. An estimated 150,000 people braved the frigid temperatures to march. Pro-lifers have marched at the March for Life since the first anniversary of Roe. “The cold couldn’t dampen the spirits of the Pro-Life Generation who knew we were celebrating