Biden Shamelessly Insults Our Military While Pandering for Pride Month

On Saturday, Joe Biden hosted an event at the White House lawn in honor of LGBTQ pride month. The event featured a lineup of talented performers and speakers who represented various causes within the LGBT community, and the White House was shamefully adorned with pride flags.

But the worst part was when Joe Biden made an extremely insulting statement to pander to the so-called “pride community.”

While speaking at the event, Biden praised the pride community as “the bravest and most inspiring people” he’s ever known, and an “example” for the U.S. and the entire world.

“We all talk about courage. Well, I see more courage on this lawn than I’ve seen in any time in the recent past,” Biden said. “But the thing about y’all is: You not only are about courage. You generate so much hope for people. Hope and light. You enrich every part of American life: educators, entertainers, entrepreneurs, athletes, actors, artists, scientists, scholars, diplomats, doctors, service members, veterans, and so much more.”

Biden continued, “As I said — I mean this; I swear to God — you’re some of the most — you’re some of the bravest and most inspiring people I’ve ever known. And I’ve known a lot of good folks. You set an example for the nation and, quite frankly, for the world. You know, we all move forward when we move together with your joy, with your pride lighting the way.”

Yeah, nothing sets a greater example for our nation than a community that holds parades featuring scantily clad adults gyrating and dancing suggestively in front of children, insists on placing pornographic books in school libraries, and actively promotes the mutilation of children.

This is an example of what Joe Biden calls brave and inspiring:

Really, Joe? Really?

It deeply insulting and disheartening when the commander-in-chief commends the LGBTQ community, which is widely celebrated in our culture and a legally protected class from discrimination, for their bravery. Are they really braver as a community than those who choose to serve their country? Is that what Biden thinks? Is the average LGBTQ person who carries a pride flag braver than Joe Biden’s own son, Beau Biden, who served in Iraq, or those who died at Kabul airport during his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan?

Earlier this month, Biden spoke at the Air Force Academy commencement, and he did not commend them for their bravery in wanting to serve their country and potentially put their lives in harm’s way. The closest he got to saying that was when he said, “as your Commander-in-Chief, I’m honored to be here as you take on the duties of serving and defending our nation,” which feels like an empty platitude compared to the gushing praise of the courage and bravery for a community that openly promotes its lifestyle during the month of June… and pretty much every other month of the year. Meanwhile, two Major League Baseball players were cut from their teams this past week for not being adequately pro-LGBTQ pride. And were’s supposed to believe that the LGBTQ community is brave merely for existing?

It’s insulting for anyone to suggest that the LGBTQ community is the bravest group of people when they have become one of the most protected and celebrated in our culture — even more so when the so-called commander-in-chief says it.

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  1. The Alphabet community is no longer a marginalized community. Making up only a sliver of the population, they have more political power and “allies” than even the largest minority communities. The fact that they get a month while past presidents and hero’s only get a day, says it all.

  2. There is no bottom to how low. They will go not normal Americans better stand together before its too late its gone way too far already I’m sure those that gave there lives would be prode sad so sad

  3. The more the deranged perverts try to force me to accept their immoral lifestyle, the more vocal and forceful I become in letting them know how much I not only hate their lifestyle choice, but have come to hate the people themselves and anyone who supports their perversion!
    They can all F.O.A.D as far as I care!

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