Hamas Brutally Blocks Gaza Civilian Evacuations

As idiotic Westerners and anti-Semites worldwide continue to demand a ceasefire with Gaza to “protect civilians,” it’s important context that Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have gone out of their way to facilitate civilian evacuations from Gaza — which Hamas has violently blocked. Hamas terrorists can’t allow their human shields to escape.


“Hamas is actively stopping Gazans from moving to safer areas,” said IDF Rear Adm. Hagari, per The Epoch Times on Nov. 6. “The IDF adjusted our ground operations to keep the corridors from the north to the south open, but Hamas is attacking our forces.” Meanwhile, IDF Lt. Col. Richard Hecht wrote, “The goal is to maximize Gazan civilian casualties, point a finger at Israel regardless of who hurts them (see the al-Ahli Gaza Hospital as a case in point), and to get the world to condemn Israel.”

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Sunday that its troops have encircled Gaza City in a ground offensive targeting Hamas terrorists, dividing the Gaza Strip in two as Hamas attempted to block resident evacuation…The spokesman said at a press briefing that Israeli forces would continue to open a ‘one-way corridor’ for Gazan residents to flee southward.

There have been multiple reports before now that Hamas was blocking civilian evacuations and telling Gazans to ignore IDF warnings, which is not surprising considering Hamas’s years-long history of using civilians as human shields. If cultural imperialists in the West would bother to do a little research and stop insisting Palestinians think as we do, they’d know that Hamas and its Palestinian Authority (PA) funders would prefer to see every Gazan civilian dead rather than surrender to Israel. Indeed, a Hamas official just went on TV to boast that Palestinians will sacrifice an unspecified and apparently unlimited number of “martyrs” to accomplish the complete “annihilation” of Israel. 


There can be no ceasefire because Palestinian terrorists will never stop waging jihad on Israel.

RelatedHamas Official: We Will Repeat the October 7 Atrocities Again and Again

Palestinian terrorists have long hidden their weapons and military targets in and around schools, mosques, residential high-rises, and hospitals, and Israel recently identified a major terrorist base under Shifa Hospital. Why is it that Israelis are vilified by the world even as they go out of their way to evacuate Gaza civilians — the majority of whom support jihad against Israel — while the very terrorists ensuring that civilians are killed get all the sympathy?

From Epoch Times:

Hagari told reporters that Hamas had set up roadblocks to stop residents from leaving and fired anti-tank missiles at Israeli soldiers operating at the evacuation route…There have been reports that Hamas may have gunned down civilians trying to flee Gaza in a bid to prevent losing the protection of human shields, with footage posted on social media showing a roadway littered with bullet-riddled bodies…

The IDF also revealed the systematic exploitation of medical facilities by Hamas. Rear Adm. Hagari presented videos, satellite images, and audio recordings as further evidence of how Hamas has been using hospitals in Gaza as its ‘war machine.’

Again, this isn’t exactly shocking news, even if it’s disturbing. If civilians are dying in large numbers in Gaza, that’s Hamas’s fault far more than Israel’s.


By the way, another truth most media doesn’t want to cover is that we have no way of knowing for sure whether some 10,000 Palestinians have actually been killed in Gaza, or how many of those are children. The statistics are coming from the Hamas-run health ministry — yes, that’s right, from Hamas. Enough said. Neither is confirmation from the United Nations (UN) any guarantee of accuracy, because the UN’s pro-Gaza, anti-Israel track record is so bad that it recently drove the Israeli ambassador to wear a yellow star, reminding the UN of how Nazi-like their attitudes are.

Western morality is weaponized against Israel even while the terrorists running Gaza, the same who committed horrific atrocities on Israeli civilians Oct. 7, come in for much less hatred. Idiotic Westerners make the deaths of “Palestinian” civilians so helpful a PR tool for Hamas that Hamas will only continue to prevent evacuations and hide behind human shields.

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