Conservatives dealt losses in Tuesday elections

The political right faced losses in elections on Tuesday, as Kentucky’s incumbent Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear secured re-election, defeating Republican state Attorney General Daniel Cameron in the Bluegrass State’s gubernatorial contest, while Ohioans approved an abortion-related ballot initiative.

“Tonight, our Commonwealth rejected anger politics and proved there is more that unites us than can ever divide us,” Beshear tweeted.

In Ohio, Buckeye State voters approved an amendment to the state constitution that says everyone “has a right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions” on abortion and other issues.

While the amendment says that abortions may be prohibited following fetal viability, it stipulates that abortions may not be barred in cases where a physician deems an abortion is needed for the life or health of the pregnant individual.

“Thousands and thousands of babies will die in Ohio as a result of this evil, anti-human amendment. The pro-life movement and the church have some serious work to do,” the Babylon Bee managing editor Joel Berry tweeted.

“If you’re a pastor of a church and didn’t call your congregation to vote against this amendment, you’re no longer qualified to be a pastor,” he added. “If you’re a pastor and you did speak out, well done—but you need to do more. Appoint a pastor in charge of political engagement. Lead voter registration drives and get people out to the polls. In states where it’s legal, ballot harvest. This is salt & light stuff. Get to work,” he continued.

In Mississippi’s gubernatorial contest, incumbent Republican Gov. Tate Reeves is running against Mississippi Public Service Commissioner Brandon Presley, a Democrat who is a second cousin of the late music icon Elvis Presley, according to reports. As of the time of publishing, the Associated Press had not yet called the race.

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