WATCH: Former Vivek supporter compiles footage suggesting Ramaswamy copied Obama’s speeches

News & Politics

As election day moves closer, tension continues to escalate between candidates and their supporters.

Dave Rubin plays a video that was compiled by a former Vivek Ramaswamy supporter (current Trump advocate) that shows a series of uncanny similarities between the candidate’s speeches and those of former President Barack Obama.

The compilation includes the following comparisons:



“This has never been a Democratic or Republican idea. This is an American idea.”

“These are not Democratic ideas or Republican ideas. These are fundamentally American ideals.”

“Imagine they were driving a car, and they drove it into the ditch. You can’t have the keys back!

“If somebody has repeatedly crashed your car, do you wanna turn over your keys to the same people who crashed it?

“The Cold War has been over for 20 years.” “I have a news flash – the USSR does not exist anymore. It fell back in 1990.”
“Who the heck is this skinny guy with a funny name?” “Who the heck is this skinny guy with a funny last name?”
“They sense deep in their bones … e pluribus unum – from out of many, one.” “I believe deep in my bones e pluribus unum – from out of many, one.”
“We are one people.” “I have a dream that we can be one people again.”

Watch the video yourself and decide whether Vivek garnered too much inspiration from Obama or whether he’s merely guilty of using too many platitudes.

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