Is it crazy to notice our institutions are falling apart?

News & Politics

I came across this thread recently about Boeing from financial analyst
Porter Stansberry. Here’s what he had to say:

A year ago
@Porter_and_Co published a dire warning about a mega-cap American stock. This was the only mega-cap stock we told investors to avoid. And it is no ordinary business. It is America’s most strategically important company. We said it would soon collapse.

Our January 27th 2023 headline? COMING SOON: THE BOEING COLLAPSE. How did we know? For the last 20 years, there hasn’t been a company in America that’s embraced more bad ideas — from financial engineering to ESG — than Boeing…

Boeing is a wonderful metaphor for our entire society. When we promote people because of their political views, or their race, or their sex, even if that sex is completely made-up, instead of what they know and who they are, the content of their character, we will continue to have planes fall out of the sky.

This is just a portion of Stansberry’s scathing account of Boeing’s sellout to “environmental, social, governance” and our financial overlords. I encourage you to
read the whole thing.

But he hit the nail on the head: “Boeing is a wonderful metaphor for our entire society.” Whatever company is involved in all of this stuff, whether it be ESG, “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” or the next elitist idea to emerge out of Davos, anything they build will “fall out of the sky.”

Unless and until our government gets away from this craziness, America’s republic will “fall out of the sky.”

Better look up

Let me give you a couple of things to think about.

The National Institutes of Health has spent millions on “equity” and LGBTQ+ issues instead of researching cures for deadly diseases. How do you think that will work out for us? The University of Michigan is paying an estimated $85 million a year for 142 employees to promote DEI. How is it working out?

Black students’ experience on campus hasn’t improved. Hispanic and Asian enrollments increased, but black enrollment dropped slightly last year from 4.3% to 3.9%. Moreover, the number of students who were satisfied with the overall campus climate
decreased 72% to 61%. Your education plane is about to “fall out of the sky.”

How about energy? Let’s all go in on electric vehicles! In fact, let’s have a government that thinks it knows better — that thinks it is God — so officials can reduce the oil we can pump and starve us for anything that we know historically works to give us a bunch of crap that doesn’t work.

“Let’s be more like Europe,” our elites say. “Let’s be more enlightened like France.” Did you hear that France is dropping its renewable targets to embrace nuclear energy fully? Why? So they have energy sovereignty. Sovereignty? How dare France separate itself from the collective!

New definitions of insanity

Meanwhile, on MSNBC last week,
Chris Matthews claimed that rural Americans are essentially members of a “cult” who will vote in their “craziness” if Democrats don’t show up at the polls.

What is the “craziness” that we want to vote in? Is it crazy to demand that the president actually go to Congress to authorize another war instead of wielding unchecked power? It’s crazy that we’re entering into yet another war in the Middle East.

Is it our love for history and heritage that’s so crazy? Is our passion for the mission statement in the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal” repulsive? Is it crazy not to believe that to be anti-racist, you must indeed be racist — to do the opposite of what Martin Luther King preached? No, I don’t think that’s crazy. I think that’s
settled science.

Are we crazy for demanding that our border be shut down until we can get control of it? Is it crazy to say that 10 million new people have come across our border and we don’t even know who they are?

We’re building shantytowns and our kids are being kicked out of their own schools to accommodate them. We put illegal aliens in nice homes because we’re out of hotels. Is that crazy to say that these policies are jeopardizing the rights and safety of the American people?

We don’t even know who is in our country. The U.S. intelligence community recently warned that Hezbollah and Hamas probably have operatives here in the United States. They’re lining up at the border, and we let them through. Did we learn nothing from 9/11?

Is it crazy to insist the Constitution and the Bill of Rights be followed? Is it crazy that we demand our government remove secret courts, our intelligence agencies not spy on us, and the CIA does not conduct “cognitive operations” on U.S. citizens?

Is it crazy to say we need to be energy-independent at a time when Iran is hijacking oil tankers? When
whole fleets of electric cars are being sold and the old combustion engine is back because the tech isn’t there to support mass EV production?

Who’s the crazy one?

Is it too much to ask in a country like ours to allow the citizens to make their own decisions on what they buy, what they eat, what medicine they inject into their own bodies? Is it really all that crazy to demand that the government rein in spending when we’re $34 trillion in debt and our budget deficit in December alone was 50% higher than they said it would be?

Is it really crazy to question authority when that authority has lied over and over about serious issues? We have witnessed corruption at the highest levels: Hunter Biden’s laptop, Russia, Clinton’s email servers, January 6, Ray Epps, ESG, and collusion with Big Tech to silence and censor those who
do question the “approved narrative.”

How about some accountability? Is it so crazy to ask for some answers on what happened in Afghanistan or how we lost at least a
billion dollars of our hard-earned money in Ukraine? And dare I mention America’s role in the lab leak and all the lies from Anthony Fauci and companies like Pfizer?

It isn’t crazy for those of us who actually
believe in the Constitution, for those of us who actually believe in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights and the rule of law, not to be dismissed, marginalized, and called “traitors,” “insurrectionists,” or “crazy.”

Until Chris Matthews and his leftist friends abandon their elitist attitude, well, I guess we’ll continue to be crazy in their eyes.

But in
our eyes, it is their clinical mental illness that is the real danger to freedom, democracy, and, the very survival of the republic.

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