Uncovering COVID-19 lies; could it have been an intelligence operation?

News & Politics

Glenn Beck
has spent years exposing COVID-19 for what it really was: a cover-up.

Now, BlazeTV host and Free the People president Matt Kibbe is joining him after his own deep dive into the latest evidence that Fauci was lying the entire time.

“Nobody thinks anybody’s going to pay, but I actually believe because of what you’re going to start showing tonight, and with Rand Paul, it’s going to happen,” Glenn says, referencing Kibbe’s docuseries “The Coverup,” which is available now for BlazeTV subscribers.

“A lot of Fauci deputies are starting to talk,” Kibbe says. “We had a former NIH director announce in testimony that of course we were doing gain-of-function research. So pretty much a smoking gun.”

While Fauci has continuously called Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) a liar as he challenged him over the past four years, it seems that Fauci was the real liar all along.

“This wasn’t a public health response. It certainly wasn’t a scientific response. It probably is a national security response,” Kibbe says. “I mean that the actors, and we still don’t know who they all are, don’t work at NIH. They don’t work at the CDC. They work in the alphabet agencies starting with Homeland Security.”

“I think this story goes back to the response to anthrax, and the response to the war on terror, and a bipartisan obsession with bioterrorism,” he adds.

What Kibbe believes is that he’s been uncovering what is a “mad science experiment driven by the security agencies.”

“We’re going to imagine what our enemies might do to us, we’re going to harvest those viruses, we’re going to manipulate them, and then we’re going to come up with a solution to everything.”

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