NewsBusters Podcast: LOL! Media Claim ‘No Evidence’ the Trump Trial Was Partisan

News & Politics

Reporters might admit the Trump convictions are a “political gift” for the Democrats, but they still claim there’s “no evidence” the prosecution was political — and especially, that anyone could claim Biden and his administration were behind it. The networks strongly suppressed the painfully obvious notion that Democrats are prosecuting Trump to damage his re-election chances.

In a piece puffing up Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, Washington Post reporter Shayna Jacobs wrote: “Some thought the case was weak. Others — namely the defendant and his allies — continue to insist without offering evidence that it was a politically motivated attack on Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee in this year’s presidential election.” The paragraph right before it noted Bragg was an elected Democrat.

An Associated Press “fact check” by “news verification reporter” Melissa Goldin concluded: “Throughout the trial Trump has said, without evidence, that the indictments were politically orchestrated by Democratic President Joe Biden and his administration in an effort to keep him out of the White House. But Biden and his administration have no control over this prosecution. The case was brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, a state-level prosecutor.”

Even that doesn’t acknowledge Bragg is an elected Democrat, and it doesn’t mention former Biden Justice Department official Matthew Colangelo joining Bragg’s team to get Trump.

It also happened on TV. ABC’s George Stephanopoulos exploded at Trump lawyer Will Scharf when he insisted Biden was involved. CBS analyst John Dickerson lamented on Friday morning: “But when you say things like Joe Biden is behind this, for which there is no evidence, that sows doubt, and we have a really, really recent example of what happens when you sow doubt in the system, people take matters into their own hands.” (Translation: January 6 riot.)

The networks also attacked Trump by associating him with violent messages on social media. On PBS NewsHour, reporter Laura Barron-Lopez announced “I was working with Advance Democracy, a nonprofit investigative group that tracks far-right social media.” The group is run by Democrat Daniel J. Jones, a former Dianne Feinstein staffer who was also associated with Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm Hillary Clinton hired to create the phony Steele Dossier. 

NBC reporter Ryan J. Reilly also played masquerade in an online report:Advance Democracy, a nonprofit that conducts public interest research, said there has been a high volume of social media posts containing violent rhetoric targeting New York Judge Juan Merchan and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg…” You know a group is on the Left when the media refuse to label them accurately.

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