London Library Apologizes For Hiring ‘Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey’ to Encourage Children to Read


A London public library has issued an apology after hiring a man to dress as a rainbow colored, bare bottomed, dildo swinging monkey to encourage children to read.

Redbridge Libraries Summer Reading Challenge event at Goodmayes Library in east London sent shockwaves through social media as footage of the monkey thrusting his prosthetic penis at passing vehicles went viral.

The sick performer, now known online as “Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey,” is part of the Mandiga Arts Group.

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The Standard reports that “Redbridge Council said that they did not arrange the event and it was organised by Vision Redbridge Culture and Leisure (RCL), a registered charity and a non-profit organisation, who have ‘since apologised to residents’.”

Warning, the following images are not safe for work, or anywhere, really.

Following massive outrage from both local parents and the rest of the world, the library has now issued an apology and said that “this will never happen again.”

“During an event put on at the library today there was a performance by a Carnival Arts Company. Unfortunately one of the animal costumes was inappropriate which we were not aware of at the time of booking. We deeply apologise for the offence caused. This is being looked into,” their statement posted to Twitter began.

The statement continued on to say that “a further statement will be made. This event was arranged by Vision and not Redbridge Council. Upon receiving complaints passed on by the Leader and Deputy Leader, we ceased the performance and are truly apologetic for the distress caused to residents. This will never happen again.”

The bizarre artist group said in a statement, “We never intended to offend residents. We respect everyone’s individual opinion with no offence to any part.”

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