The Morning Briefing: Warts and All, It’s Time to Embrace Trump or Start Studying Mandarin

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Dauphenza struggled to balance avocational lepidopterology with her duties as treasurer of the Peoria Tony Little Fit Fanclub. 


Now that we’re getting dialed in for our “Groundhog Day” 2024 presidential election as far as the candidates go, the Republicans can focus on what they do best: tripping over themselves with internecine squabbles rather than focusing on beating the Democrats. A contested primary provides some cover for intra-party turmoil, even one that was never really a contest. 

Very often, it feels as if Republican voters and politicians fall in love with the sound of their feet stomping during what they think is a righteous tantrum and lose sight of who their real enemies are. I said to a friend last week that I don’t know how this party ever wins any elections. 

Even though Nikki Haley had the good sense to jump from her sinking ship of a campaign, she made sure that everyone knows that she is not a team player, which Catherine wrote about

Rep. Mike Loychik, a pro-Trump Republican running for Senate in Ohio, slammed Haley’s skipping an endorsement of Trump. “Shame on Nikki Haley for refusing to bow out gracefully and endorse President Trump. Trump is trying to unify the party so we can save the country in November while Nikki throws a sore loser tantrum. Disappointed. Not surprised,” Loychik posted. Dr. Sebastian Gorka was also irritated: “Incredible. Nikki Haley suspends her campaign and doesn’t have the good grace to endorse the man America clearly wants back in the White House.”

Endorsements aren’t what they used to be and, as Catherine notes in her post, Haley’s wouldn’t have helped Trump that much. The barest appearance of a united front would be nice for this particular election cycle. 


Most of the time, the GOP’s unwillingness to be a hive mind like the Democrats is a selling point for a lot of us. Most are in agreement, however, that everything is weird and different here in the Year of Our Lord 2024. Conventional wisdom isn’t very wise at the moment; it’s a good time to shake things up.

I’m going to keep writing about this a lot until November, because it bears repeating: this is not the election to let one’s feelings get in the way. Or matter at all. We are voting for a president who will hopefully reverse some of the damage done by the commies who are running Joe Biden’s brain. We’re not looking for a significant other or a prom date. 

Feelings mean nothing. 

The Biden administration has been a nightmarish wrecking ball, doing even more damage in three years than most of us though that they’d be able to. Imagine this bunch of lefty loons operating in a pressure-free lame duck environment. President LOLEightyonemillion will no longer have to be coy about his ChiCom connections. The White House will be in full “ni hao” mode. 

Look, Trump wasn’t my first choice this time around either. Once it became apparent that, barring any legal overreach election tampering by Democrats, he was on his way to being the nominee, I got over what I originally wanted. Pragmatism is the only option on the electoral menu that has a chance of bringing the country back from the brink. I value my freedom too much to waste time being a fussy nit about Trump’s shortcomings. 

People can vote for Trump without becoming part of the swooning MAGA faithful. I’m not going to become one of the gaga-eyed denizens of Truth Social or get a MAGA tramp stamp.


I just want the United States to still be the United States in a few years. 

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Everything Isn’t Awful

But can he say his alphabet backwards?

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