
(Natural News) Public distrust regarding the COVID-19 vaccine is already quite high, and the way that some areas are handling the vaccine’s administration is not doing much to quell fears. Some vaccination sites are being very secretive about their location, only providing their address to people who have appointments. In some cases, they are not
(Natural News) Homocysteine is an amino acid produced when proteins are broken down. High homocysteine levels, called hyperhomocysteinemia, are known to increase disease risk. As a case in point, the condition is linked to heart attack, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease. High homocysteine levels and cardiovascular disease Previous research has found that homocysteine can damage the endothelium, the tissue lining the
Friday, February 05, 2021 by: Mike Adams Tags: brainwashed, consciousness, cyber war, disinfo, fake news, False flags, focus, freedom, Liberty, lies, mind control, mind games, neurology, propaganda, truth Bypass censorship by sharing this link: https://www.afinalwarning.com/494609.html (Natural News) Today’s Situation Update for Feb. 5th, 2021 reveals how media propagandists and narrative engineers hijack your conscious focus
(Natural News) One of the most repugnant, depraved aspects of vaccination is that many vaccines were developed using strategically harvested organs from aborted babies. The original scientist, who helped develop the first human diploid cell line for vaccine development, admits that dozens of babies were strategically aborted to find a suitable cell line for virus
(Natural News) Internal documents obtained by The Epoch Times show that only a very small percentage of residents in one district in Shanghai are willing to take the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines manufactured by China. The Epoch Times obtained a set of January work reports from the Shanghai Health Commission regarding a survey of residents in the district of Jing’an, one
Thursday, February 04, 2021 by: Mike Adams Tags: chaos, Collapse, EMP, grid down, Joe Biden, national defense, power grid, Russia, survival, Trump, world war Bypass censorship by sharing this link: https://www.afinalwarning.com/494298.html (Natural News) Until the illegitimate Biden regime is removed from power, fake President Biden is picking up where Obama left off, pushing hard to
(Natural News) One of the more serious issues with the Pfizer and Moderna coronavirus vaccines is their propensity to cause inflammation of the cardiovascular system. The vaccine causes an antigen-specific immune response that may additionally cause an inflammatory immune response along the endothelial lining of blood vessels. If natural viral antigens are present in the
(Natural News) As Florida Governor Ron DeSantis launches a war against Big Tech censorship, it’s increasingly obvious that tech giants like Google, Facebook and YouTube will soon have to deliver different content results to the “free” states where censorship is banned. Yet those same tech giants will simultaneously deliver heavily censored, limited content results to
(Natural News) A few months ago, some infectious disease experts began warning that it would extremely difficult, as the COVID-19 pandemic lingered into the fall, for frontline healthcare providers to determine if sickness was due to the novel coronavirus or good, old-fashioned influenza. The reason, they said, is that in many respects, flu symptoms could
(Natural News) A group of Australian scientists called on the country’s federal government to review its use of AstraZeneca’s coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. They argued that the jab is ineffective at generating herd immunity and has a low efficacy rate. However, the central government has rejected the proposal to pause the rollout scheduled next month. The opposition Labor
(Natural News) LifeSiteNews co-founder John-Henry Westen sat down with vaccine researcher Pamela Acker the other day to discuss the contents of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, not the least of which include ingredients derived from aborted human babies. Acker revealed that China virus vaccines contain what are known as HEK-293 cells, which come from human embryonic
(Natural News) Medical tyranny continues. The Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center in Vancouver, Washington violated both ethics and law when they falsely imprisoned an elderly woman in their facility. According to family reports, the falsely imprisoned woman was admitted for a urinary tract infection and agreed to stay overnight in the hospital. Upon entry, she
(Natural News) The latest headline attention-grabber away from the GameStop phenomenon is silver, which the mainstream media claims is the next big stock for a populist “squeeze.” Multiple media outlets are claiming that Reddit users have SLV (paper silver) in their crosshairs, though the latest posts in r/wallstreetbets (WSB) would seem to suggest otherwise. Zero
(Natural News) Back in November, Johns Hopkins University (JHU) published a study that suggests Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) testing swabs may be laced with “tiny, star-shaped microdevices” capable of delivering vaccines to people without their knowledge or consent. Because more than half of America is “vaccine hesitant,” meaning most people want nothing to do with Chinese
(Natural News) One of the nation’s leading independent schools recently conducted a “diversity audit” to determine how “woke” its teachers are about “sexual identity,” “social justice,” and other far-left “virtues.” The Harvard-Westlake School in Los Angeles brought in an outside consultant to quiz faculty on their compliance with progressive views in six categories of diversity:
(Natural News) In remembrance of their fellow prisoners who died after receiving injections of experimental chemicals at the hands of Nazi eugenicists during World War II, hundreds of Holocaust survivors on Auschwitz Liberation Day decided to get injected with experimental Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) chemicals endorsed by billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates. Hundreds of Holocaust survivors in
(Natural News) When Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, Democrat activists in blue states like California threatened to secede but never really did much more than that — make threats. But now that the most left-wing regime in the history of the country has stolen its way into power, one Texas lawmaker is doing
(Natural News) A new “study” from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims that depriving children of in-person education due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is both misguided and unscientific. Letting kids have a social life or do anything else outside the classroom, however, is still very dangerous and should not be
(Natural News) Hundreds of people were vaccinated in the middle of the night in Seattle after a freezer filled with Moderna’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines malfunctioned and put over a thousand doses at risk of spoiling. At around 8:50 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 28, an alarm went off at a Kaiser Permanente clinic in Seattle. One
(Natural News) Wuhan coronavirus vaccines are not the only thing causing adverse effects these days. It seems that some of the first moves by President Joe Biden are causing them as well. Among them, Biden’s decision to cancel the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline has led to the loss of a lot of jobs. A general manager working on the
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(Natural News) General Motors has announced its plans to completely halt all production of gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles worldwide by the year 2035. This means that the company has over a decade to completely phase out the production of diesel and gasoline vehicles. The American carmaker will transition to producing more electric-powered vehicles. GM made the
(Natural News) People who still use Twitter and believe that elections should be fair and free; that vaccines are unsafe and ineffective; and that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic” has been blown way out of proportion will now have to face a new “feature” known as “Birdwatch” that allows leftists to flag content deemed as
Friday, January 29, 2021 by: Mike Adams Tags: big government, Collapse, dirty bombs, domestic terrorism, evil, Joe Biden, nuclear attack, nuclear terrorism, President Trump, terror, terrorism, Twisted, Tyranny Bypass censorship by sharing this link: https://www.afinalwarning.com/492856.html (Natural News) In yesterday’s Situation Update podcast, I revealed that all the seemingly insane events of Big Government can best