2020 Democratic candidates use oppression to seem relatable to voters. #Tucker #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, FOXNews.com and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX Nation. FOX News also produces FOX News Sunday on FOX Broadcasting Company and FOX News Edge. A
Beto O’Rourke speaks with supporters in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, March 15, 2019. (Ben Brewer/Reuters) During a campaign event yesterday at the University of Nevada, Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke cast his support for unlimited abortion rights in terms of protecting “women’s health,” claiming that Planned Parenthood — the nation’s largest abortion provider — saves lives.
(Dejan Krsmanovic/Dreamstime) 2015—Federal district judge Jon S. Tigar denies the state of California’s request for a stay, pending appeal, of his preliminary injunction ordering the state (supposedly pursuant to the Eighth Amendment) to provide prisoner Jeffrey Norsworthy “sex reassignment surgery as promptly as possible.” Tigar agrees that the state’s appeal raises a serious legal question
I’m not going to take the easy lay-up by running through his statements over the years expressing skepticism about vaccines. He did a good thing here. He should do more of it, writes Tiana Lowe: Most political adversaries ought to be reasoned and negotiated with. But vaccine opponents aren’t most political adversaries. They’re conspiracy theorists
Vice President Mike Pence walks outside in Munich, Germany, February 16, 2019. (Michael Dalder/Reuters) Vice President Mike Pence on Friday condemned beleaguered FBI agent Peter Strzok and Justice Department lawyer Lisa Page for discussing the possibility of “infiltrating” his transition team in a series of text messages reviewed by Republican lawmakers. Pence is demanding further
Republican Senator Ted Cruz speaks during his election night party in Houston, Texas, November 6, 2018. (Jonathan Bachman/Reuters) Indianapolis, Ind. — Texas senator Ted Cruz, having won a hard-fought reelection bid last year and out of the presidential campaigning world until at least 2024, relished the opportunity to poke some fun at the 2020 Democratic
With so many people priced out of housing, wouldn’t local leaders want to stop the flow of new arrivals to get prices under control? #Tucker #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, FOXNews.com and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX Nation. FOX News
Former Vice President Joe Biden announces his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination, April 25, 2019. (Biden Campaign Handout via Reuters) Incorporating nonpartisan national symbols into partisan endeavors — a presidential campaign, for instance — only deepens the nation’s division. EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is Jonah Goldberg’s weekly “news”letter, the G-File. Subscribe here to get
Democrats still do not understand how Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election, says talk titan Rush Limbaugh, host of ‘The Rush Limbaugh Show.’ #TheStory #MarthaMacCallum #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, FOXNews.com and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX Nation. FOX
DailyMail.com editor at large Piers Morgan says it’s ridiculous to believe Trump tried to obstruct an investigation into a crime he didn’t commit. #Hannity #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, FOXNews.com and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX Nation. FOX News also
Rod Rosenstein won’t stick around much longer at the Department of Justice, but the deputy Attorney General will make his departure memorable. At a dinner hosted by the Armenian Bar Association, Rosenstein took aim at critics, the media, and especially Russia, whose aims at destabilizing the US remain vastly underappreciated, he warned. However, when describing
Former Vice President Joe Biden campaigns for Democratic congressional candidate Mikie Sherrill at Montclaire State University in Montclair, N.J., September 5, 2018. (Shannon Stapleton/Reuters) In an effort to preempt the criticism he was sure to face after announcing his presidential bid, Joe Biden reached out to Anita Hill earlier this month to express his “regret”
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., September 4, 2018. (Joshua Roberts/Reuters) During a private speech Thursday evening, deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein lamented the Obama administration’s decision not to “publicize” Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election. Rosenstein, who oversaw special counsel Robert Mueller’s recently-concluded investigation into Russian election
Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx in Chicago, Ill., February 23, 2019 (Kamil Krzaczynski/Reuters) A Cook County judge recently castigated State’s Attorney Kim Foxx for upholding a double standard by prosecuting an anonymous woman for filing a false police report after dropping all charges against Empire actor Jussie Smollett, who was indicted for the same offense. Smollett
Former Vice President Joe Biden announces his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination (Biden Campaign Handout via Reuters) The Biden premise is to go back. But progressives want progress Joe Biden has been ahead in the early polling for a long time. But, I wonder: Why? The argument for Joe Biden’s nomination seems to be
Field workers pick strawberries on a farm in Oxnard, Calif., in 2013. (Reuters photo: Gus Ruelas) Agriculture secretary Sonny Perdue has dispatched a top aide, a former farm industry lobbyist, to make sure the White House immigration plan provides for the importation of even more foreign labor for agribusiness. As the McClatchy report notes, this
President Trump listens to Franklin Graham during a ceremony for the late Rev. Billy Graham in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda in Washington, D.C., February 28, 2018. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) Graham’s willingness to abandon Christian principles when it’s politically expedient has cost the church dearly. It’s hard to think of a single prominent American Christian who better
Former Vice President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama at the White House in Washington, D.C., March 30, 2016 (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) As he threw his hat into the ring for the Democratic presidential nomination Thursday, former vice president Joe Biden was asked whether President Barack Obama, his former running mate, would endorse his candidacy.