Left-wing CNN host Don Lemon asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre whether President Joe Biden has the physical and mental stamina to serve beyond 2024, but the White House spokesperson said that such a question should not be posed. Jean-Pierre remarked, “You’re asking me this question. Oh my gosh,” she said, noting that Biden
United Kingdom – A former police officer was sentenced to 20 weeks in jail for sharing offensive memes on WhatsApp mocking the death of George Floyd. James Watts previously resigned from West Mercia Police after he admitted to 10 charges of ‘sending grossly offensive messages.’ The Express UK reported: James Watts, who worked for West
The National Public Radio social media account was mocked mercilessly for using the transgender-friendly phrase “people who menstruate” instead of “women.” NPR posted the tweet on Monday covering an article about the shortages of feminine hygiene products for women. “Tampons, a necessity for many, are becoming harder and harder to find,” read the tweet. u201cTampons,
Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon called out Taylor Lorenz of the Washington Post for inaccurately claiming that the Bee had invested in Libs of TikTok. Libs of TikTok involves a popular Twitter account that reposts videos and other content to expose the radical left, while the Babylon Bee is a popular satire website. “As I
(Natural News) Gina McCarthy, the Biden regime’s national climate adviser, is calling on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to start censoring critics of the climate change cult and their wild global warming doctrines. Even though Facebook already tried this several years back by pulling in third-party “fact checkers” to review posts and comments
Florida-based PolitiFact picked a fight with Christina Pushaw, the press secretary for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and she didn’t shrink from the fight. PolitiFact editor Angie Drobnic Holan wrote a fundraising piece titled “PolitiFact reporters face online harassment; we keep fact-checking anyway.“ It was all bragging about their courageous “fact checking,” and she linked to
World Health Organization officials will meet in emergency session next week to evaluate the international outbreak of monkeypox and determine whether the virus should be considered a global health emergency. They will also rename the virus after scientists raised concerns that the name “monkeypox” is racist, officials said. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Tuesday
Any objective person can see that the Democrats are merely exploiting the Capitol riot with primetime hearings in an effort to distract the public from the nation’s economic woes. This isn’t subjective interpretation — they’ve admitted to this. “When these hearings are over, voters will know how irresponsibly complicit Republicans were in attempting to toss
Professional boxer and YouTube influencer Jake Paul took off the gloves Saturday, pummeling President Joe Biden in a tweet for the terrible state of the economy, not to mention his often “incomprehensible” way of speaking. Paul tweeted: u201cBiden accomplishments nn1. Highest gas pricesn2. Worst inflationn3. Plummeting crypto pricesn4. Highest rent prices evern5. Created new incomprehensible
Joe Biden on Tuesday spoke at the AFL-CIO labor union convention in Philadelphia where he defended his abysmal economic track record and attacked the “MAGA agenda.” Biden trashed Trump’s “America first” agenda in his speech to 2,000 union members and state officials. The US never had baby formula shortages, tampon shortages, record high inflation rates
Elon Musk blasted Twitter — the social media giant he recently agreed to purchase for $44 billion — after the creator of Libs of TikTok said she’s received “about a dozen death threats,” and yet Twitter didn’t sanction any of the accounts from which the threats originated. What are the details? Libs of TikTok on
President Joe Biden’s economic advisor told CNBC that the White House didn’t miss “much at all” on inflation. That was despite inflation firing up in June for the fastest increase since December 1981.  White House Council of Economic Advisers member Jared Bernstein made excuses for the inflation crisis on the June 13 edition of Squawk
Republican state lawmakers in Pennsylvania have moved to impeach far-left Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner for being soft on crime and allowing “chaos” to reign in the streets, Fox News reported. What are the details? State Reps. Tim O’Neal, Josh Kail, and Torren Ecker introduced articles of impeachment against Krasner on Monday, and the trio
Cancel culture is coming for Lizzo because she insulted spazzes by calling them “spazzes.” Also, Ohio has a plan to arm teachers. You know it’s a good plan, because CNN hates it. And Christina Aguilera performed for children wearing a giant dildo. [embedded content] Want more from Steven Crowder? To enjoy more of Steven’s uncensored
Until Joe Biden took office I thought that George W Bush had dibs on the “stupidest foreign policy blunder in history” award. His decision to invade Iraq rather than eliminate Al Qaeda hurt the United States and fueled international terrorism. But leave it to Joe Biden to one-up W by imposing sanctions on Russia that
(Natural News) On Monday, Wall Street fell to levels not seen in years as “Bidenflation” — massively rising inflation thanks to purposefully destructive economic policies enacted by Joe Biden’s handlers — continues to destroy the perfect economy Donald Trump built. When the former president’s election was stolen from him and Biden was installed as a