Month: January 2022

Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers tore into President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 pandemic posturing in a new interview that was published Friday. Rodgers’ rebuke of the president came after Biden, while touring tornado damage in Kentucky last month, told a Green Bay Packers fan that she needed to “tell that quarterback he’s gotta get the
Political commentator Scott Jennings delivered a scathing rebuke of President Joe Biden during a recent appearance on CNN. The blistering takedown questioned whether Biden was any different or better on key issues than former President Donald Trump. “I never imagined how quickly this would all unfold,” Jennings said on Thursday’s episode of “Anderson Cooper 360.”
President Joe Biden leaves after holding a news conference in the East Room of the White House, in Washington, D.C., January 19, 2022. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) Dear Weekend Jolter, President Biden keeps forgetting, or ignoring, that he was picked — twice — to be the normal, boring, moderating force in an environment where the chaotic and
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s campaign store is selling flip-flops that are likely to appeal to critics of prominent public health figure Dr. Anthony Fauci. The straps say “Freedom Over Fauci,” and the words on the soles of the two sandals combine to convey the message that reads, “Fauci Can Pound Sand.” The DeSantis campaign is
The Federal Bureau of Investigation revealed that Brian Laundrie had left a written confession about the death of Gabby Petito before committing suicide. The disappearance of Petito in September grabbed national headlines after her fiancé, Laundrie, returned to his parents’ home without her during a cross-country road trip in their van. Her remains were later
On Thursday night, Fox News late-night host Greg Gutfeld began with mostly negative reactions to Biden’s press conferfence on CNN and MSNBC, and then drew a contrast with NBC reporter Yamiche Alcindor for her “kiss-ass tweet” praising Biden as so much better than Trump. Alcindor bizarrely claimed Biden didn’t “lash out” at reporters, which Gutfeld demonstrated
President Biden and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin arrive for the U.S.-Russia summit in Geneva, Switzerland, June 16, 2021. (Saul Loeb/Reuters) MBD probably gets me to stop and rethink what I think more than any other writer around here, and today I think he lays out the case for being not-so-hawkish on Russia and Ukraine as
Pro-life activists protest outside the Supreme Court building, ahead of arguments in the Mississippi abortion rights case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, in Washington, D.C., December 1, 2021. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) On Friday, Virginia attorney general Jason Miyares filed a legal motion seeking to remove the state from a pro-abortion amicus curiae brief filed at the
Black Lives Matter activists are calling for the resignation of the strategic advisor for Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti over leaked emails that showed her irritation with the organization and with “lefties.” The private emails from 2016 and 2017 were obtained by Vice News and contained messages from Ana Guerrero, who worked as chief of
The Congressional Hispanic Caucus is nothing if not ambitious. First, they came for a Miami AM radio station whose content they didn’t like. Now, they are trying to haul Big Tech CEOs before Congress in order to whip them into fighting Spanish-language “disinformation” online and on social media. Per their statement: “Addressing Spanish-language misinformation must
Without minority voters, Democrats wouldn’t win elections. They’ve had a near-monopoly of the minority vote for a long time now, but things appear to be changing. Recent trends suggest that Donald Trump attracted a significant number of African-American voters in the past two elections, though they’re still a reliably Democrat-voting demographic. But Democrats have lost a
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R., Ga.) addresses a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., February 5, 2021. (Sarah Silbiger/Reuters) With a redrawn district that subtracted some of her most faithful supporters in her 2020 primary race and added hostile suburban territory in return, freshman congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene faces a serious primary challenge
A demonstrator holds a pro-abortion sign as she listens to speakers at a Black Women Take Action event outside the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C., September 15, 2021. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) They’re making a risky bet on the federalization of abortion policy. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE O ne of the more surprising developments of the
(Maximusnd/iStock/Getty Images) Tech stocks have been having a tough time of late, for reasons (I suspect) probably associated with a general souring of mood rather than anything more precise (some maintain that is a consequence of a recalculation of the present value of cash flows at a time when interest rates have been moving up,
Comedian and television host Bill Maher questioned the usefulness of COVID-19 booster shots during an interview with Deadline and said that he will not be getting one. Some people who have been fully vaccinated and received a booster shot have still tested positive for the illness. Maher told the outlet that COVID-19 vaccines “do not
The congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 rioting at the U.S. Capitol formally asked Ivanka Trump to voluntarily answer questions about former President Donald Trump’s behavior during the attack. The daughter to the former president also served as a top advisor during the 2021 incident. “The Select Committee wishes to discuss the part of the
Fairfax County school buses sit in a in Lorton, Va., July 22, 2020. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) The superintendent of Fairfax County Public Schools has instructed principals in the district to suspend students who refuse to wear a mask in school, defying an order by Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin that grants parents the authority to select whether
M&M’s has a global plan to become more inclusive? Mars, Incorporated, the creators of M&M’s, announced its multi-pronged approach to “creating a world where everyone feels they belong and society is inclusive.” Apparently, the candy company believes the way to be inclusive is to offer a “fresh, modern take” on their iconic characters with “more
Needless to say, the late night “comedy” hosts did not appreciate Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Krysten Sinema (D-AZ) voting to uphold the filibuster. The Daily Show‘s Trevor Noah on Comedy Central and Late Night‘s Seth Meyers were the most aggrieved, insisting on Thursday night and early Friday that the duo doesn’t actually support “voting rights.” Noah, as part of his
Welcome to China! Communist China was previously giving COVID anal swabs to adults and children. The Chinese government also gave Biden Administration officials anal COVID swab tests upon arriving in China… ‘in error.’ China supposedly stopped the invasive swab testing after Japan, the US and other countries said the virus test was “undignified” and caused