WATCH: James O’Keefe vs. Southern Border NGOs Allegedly Involved in Human Trafficking

News & Politics

James O’Keefe, of Project Veritas fame, has a damning report straight from the epicenter of the migrant invasion.


NOGALES — We just followed the trail of the migrant vans right to the source, visiting the Arizona border town of Nogales, where we encountered some rude and suspicious “Alita’s Angels” NGO (@alitasangels) workers who once again called the police on us.

A volunteer with the American Red Cross, who wouldn’t give us his name, tried to prevent us from filming outside a migrant facility and kept sticking his hand over our cameras. Then, when we questioned a volunteer with the NGO, she said “I am your father” and stormed off.

Nogales Police officers showed up and questioned us after Alitas and Red Cross workers falsely accused us of using racial slurs and inhibiting their movement*. We tried to get the officer’s first name but he refused to give it. When we FOIAed the bodycam footage, we were told Nogales police don’t use them.

A group called “Alita’s Angels” runs the facility, but they’re a brand-new nonprofit with no tax records on file. (We requested the documents, with no luck.)

*Calling the cops and crying wolf about “muh racism” to cover for a human trafficking operation! Straight out of the Social Justice™ playbook.

“These ‘Alitas’ ( groups are part of a shadowy network of secretive nonprofits funding the mass migration of millions of people into the country, without truly vetting asylum seekers’ claims and determining if they are eligible for refugee status,” adds O’Keefe.


The reason, of course, that the corporate state relies on NGOs to do its dirty work — often assisted by federal money funneled through agencies like US AID — is because they operate outside of even the theoretical bounds of public accountability that government actors (again, theoretically) are subject to.

          Related: John Kerry Goes Full Davos Totalitarian: No Politician Can Reverse Climate Change Policy

This applies to all manner of social engineering schemes — mass migration to destabilize the West, “racial justice,” transgenderism, Climate Change™, etc.


USAID proudly joins this government-wide effort with its own commitment to advance the human rights of LGBTQI+ people around the world, including members of its own workforce, and supports efforts to protect them from violence, stigma, discrimination, and criminalization. In 2014, USAID released the LGBT Vision for Action, which reflects USAID’s commitment to protect the human rights of LGBTQI+ people in all programming and guided USAID work in previous administrations. Additionally, in 2018 USAID developed Suggested Approaches for Integrating Inclusive Development Across the Program Cycle and in Mission Operations to identify ways to include people who are underrepresented, marginalized, and/or in vulnerable situations—including LGBTQI+ people—in USAID’s work.


If and when Alita’s Angels tax documents come to light, it’s virtually guaranteed to be funded either directly by the government via USAID or indirectly through shady foundations, as these groups enjoy playing the shell game almost as much as multinational bankers and Joe Biden.

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