Croatian MEP: Time to Declare WHO a Terrorist Organization

Mislav Kolakušić, a member of the European Union parliament, recently offered a prescription for dispensing with the World Health Organization (WHO) at an appearance before the body regarding so-called “pandemic treaties” proposed worldwide to surrender national sovereignty to the organization for Public Health™.


The World Health Organization wants all countries to sign an agreement on handing over the authority on declaring a pandemic… It would be healthier and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Colombian drug cartel [than to sign an agreement with the World Health Organization]…

During the COVID pandemic, [the] World Health Organization only told lies. It should be declared a terroristic organization…

Today, [the] World Health Organization is more dangerous for humanity than [the] World Economic Forum.

          RelatedWHO Global Vaccine Passports Go Live in Europe

You will rarely if ever — even from the best of the national American leadership in government like Rand Paul — hear this kind of talk from the American GOP, let alone the Democrat Party.  


How embarrassing for the GOP pharma cucks — as the United States, Land of the Free, along with the entire Western world, is plunged into a globalized totalitarian technocracy with the pharmaceutical industry and its various appendages like the WHO at the top of the pyramid — to be outdone by a member of European parliament from a country once behind the Iron Curtain.

And anyone with any sense knows why: the entire leadership of both parties in the United States is compromised to hell by pharmaceutical campaign cash, just like the corporate state “brought to you by Pfizer” media is.

The Democrats are gone. We know that. They are the handmaidens to the global technocracy. They are its midwives, the Renfeld to its Dracula.

But, for the Republicans, it’s easy and safe enough to go on about Pride Month™ and the transgender indoctrination in the schools because the teachers’ union money and the LGBTQ+++™ lobby money is already all on the Democrat side of the ledger.


Decrying transgenders in women’s sports is low-hanging fruit — red meat to toss to the base.

What nationally elected Republicans won’t touch, because it would be career suicide and they would no longer be invited to the fancy Georgetown cocktail parties, is the pharmaceutical overlords who bankroll and profit off of all of this Cultural Revolution nonsense, which they then further leverage to consolidate their control over the political process.

RelatedStudy: ‘Transgender’ Youth Prescribed MORE Psychotropic Drugs After ‘Gender-Affirming Care,’ Not Less

So it’s left to Croatian MEPs to take things rhetorically to the logical conclusion: the WHO is a terrorist organization, as is Pfizer, as is the NIH in the United States.  

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