
New York City teachers who declined to get the COVID-19 vaccine had their personnel files flagged and their fingerprints sent to the FBI and the New York Criminal Justice Services, according to a legal group. The New York City vaccine mandate required Department of Education employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID by Sept. 5,
The Department of Homeland Security is reducing its fleet of surveillance blimps along the overwhelmed southern border from 12 to four, Fox News reported Thursday. “It’s hard to believe how badly Biden has botched the border,” Senator Rick Scott (R-Fla.) told EWTN News Nightly on Thursday. “Now, if he gets rid of these blimps, we’re
For more than forty years, I’ve been wrestling with the issue of abortion. Is it always wrong? Can there be exceptions? The traditional Republican position has always made exceptions to the abortion law for rape and incest. But what about the health of the mother? About 700 women die every year in the United States
Freedom of religion doesn’t exist at this Catholic school. Canadian high school student, Josh Alexander, was suspended for saying that there were only two genders in November 2022. Since then he’s also been arrested for protesting transgender girls (biological men) having access to girls bathrooms.  Alexander’s Catholic high school, St. Joseph’s, conducted his punishment, which
The Biden administration has played Fox News all week on whether or not Joe Biden would do the traditional Super Bowl interview with the network this Sunday. The White House went around Fox News on Thursday and made arrangements for a softball interview with two personalities with Fox Soul, a little known digital broadcast and
The U.S. downed an object off the coast of Alaska on Friday, according to Pentagon press secretary Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder and National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications John Kirby. Ryder said that at President Joe Biden’s direction, “fighter aircraft … successfully took down a high altitude airborne object off the northern coast of
Police are searching for a woman they say abandoned her two children in “deplorable” conditions for nearly two months. 31-year-old Raven Yates is accused of leaving her 12-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son alone at a home in Roman Forest, a small town in eastern Texas. Yates is believed to have left the two children at
(Natural News) A lesbian “mother” of two sons has decided to stop pushing transgenderism on them – but is the damage already done and irreversible? To protect her identity, “Rose,” as the woman is calling herself in online blogs, was a self-described “social justice warrior” (SJW) who is “co-parenting” the two children with her female
(Natural News) The Republican-led Oversight and Accountability Committee at the House of Representatives grilled several former Twitter executives Wednesday, Feb. 8, over their possible role in censorship and First Amendment violations. The former Twitter executives were asked to clarify the company’s decision to limit the reach of a New York Post investigative article on the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop
(Natural News) For years, the global warming cult has shamed people for not believing in their religion of doom, for not agreeing that the oceans are rising, that the world is ending because of CO2. According to decades of tidal data collected by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), ocean levels have generally stayed
An ISIS-inspired terrorist convicted of murdering 8 people in a 2017 truck attack is arguing that prosecutors are motivated by racism in seeking the death penalty for his sentencing. A jury convicted Sayfullo Saipov of all 28 counts after deliberating for only six hours. Saipov rented a truck from Home Depot in Passaic, New Jersey,
Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna of Florida ripped into a Washington Post article intended to smear her reputation, and the paper was forced to issue a retraction. The article claimed that Luna had a history of identifying as different ethnicities based on what served her purposes and accused her of lying about her upbringing. Luna
A man calling himself a “witch doctor” is accused of raping a woman who had paid him for a cleansing ritual, and police believe that he targeted illegal aliens because he could threaten to report them to immigration officials. Police say that 44-year-old Hassan Shalgheen took an appointment from a woman seeking a cleansing ritual
Popular fast-food restaurant chain Chick-fil-A has announced that it will test a “Cauliflower Sandwich” at locations in several markets. The chicken-centric chain is describing the new item as “plant-forward” and saying that development was a years-long process. “The sandwich is made with a tender filet cut from a whole, real cauliflower and embraces the plant-forward
Former President Donald Trump targeted superstar singer Rihanna on Thursday, asserting that she lacks talent. “Without her ‘Stylist’ she’d be NOTHING. Bad everything, and NO TALENT!” Trump wrote on Truth Social. Rihanna is slated to perform at the Super Bowl halftime show on Sunday. Trump’s attack came in response to comments from GOP Rep. Ronny