News & Politics

Twitter has slapped the Libs of TikTok account with another temporary suspension, and Libs of TikTok is warning again that it will pursue legal action if the social media company ever permanently suspends the account. “Twitter has once again hit Libs of TikTok with a 7-day suspension for ‘hateful conduct.’ No specific tweets were flagged.
This week, PolitiFact is hosting “United Facts of America,” a so-called “festival of fact-checking. But the virtual conference, like their website, betrays that they identify strongly with the liberal media, hosting journalists from NPR, PBS, and CNN to discuss how the conservative media is “misinforming” the nation. Our new study shows they’re six times more
One local NBC journalist made waves on social media during her coverage of Hurricane Ian because of a practical measure she took to protect the network’s broadcasting equipment. On Tuesday, while NBC2 news reporter Kyla Galer was out covering the hurricane on location in Fort Myers along the southwestern coast of Florida, viewers noticed that
The Michigan man who shot an elderly pro-life canvasser claimed that she was arguing with his wife at the time and that the shooting was an accident. The incident unfolded on September 20 at a home near Lake Odessa in Michigan. The 83-year-old volunteer for Right to Life said she was peacefully walking away from
In the past 17 years, Denver has launched six plans and invested millions of dollars into addressing the city’s homelessness crisis. On Tuesday, the city council announced yet another plan, slated to cost $250 million. Denver’s Department of Housing Stability (HOST) detailed its latest five-year strategy to end the housing crisis, which includes creating 1,700
A self-described “incel” was arrested last week following several incidents in which the suspect recorded himself harassing and pepper-spraying women in Orange County, California. KTLA reported that Johnny Deven Young, 25, was detained by San Mateo County authorities and charged with four felony counts of assault with great bodily injury, four felony counts of illegal
As Hurricane Ian bears down on Florida’s west coast, CNN anchor Don Lemon tried and failed to get an expert from the National Hurricane Center to blame the storm’s intensity on climate change. Despite repeated prompting by Lemon, the agency’s acting director, Jamie Rhome, declined to attribute this specific storm to climate change. “Can you
Over with our friends at the Washington Free Beacon, staff writer Josh Christenson posted a study showing the liberal media have largely ignored sexual assault allegations against Iowa Democratic senatorial candidate Mike Franken, who’s seeking to take down longtime Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA). Christenson wrote that Franken — who’s been “accused of forcibly kissing his
A panel of judges on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals struck down a law signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) that would have forced Immigration and Customs Enforcement to move their migrant detainees to other states. Newsom signed bill AB32 into law in 2019 that outlawed for-profit prisons, but that would have banned
As Hurricane Ian chugs toward Florida with the potential to wreak havoc when it plows through the state, Rachel Vindman, the wife of Alexander S. Vindman, issued a tweet jokingly suggesting that people should refer to the storm using “they/them pronouns” in a bid to irritate GOP Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. “We should use they/them
Singer and entrepreneur Rihanna was called a hypocrite by some after she was announced to be the next performer for the Super bowl halftime show when she had previously said she refused the gig to respect Colin Kaepernick’s anti-police protest. The popular artist confirmed the reports by posting a photograph of her holding a football
The New York Times published an article detailing regrets from people who received transgender surgeries, and many on the left went on the attack on social media. Azeen Ghorayshi, the Times science writer, tweeted that she wrote the article because many on the left denied that operations related to the transgender agenda were being performed
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has once again quietly changed its COVID-19 recommendations and no longer recommends universal masking in health care settings. Without fanfare, the agency made sweeping changes to its infection prevention and control recommendations for health care workers on Friday, notably removing the masking recommendation except in areas with
The title of the new CNN Sunday show hosted by Chris Wallace, “Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace?”, might ask a remarkably appropriate question, though perhaps not in the way its creators and producers intended. “Who’s Talking?” recently debuted to abysmal numbers, leaving some of Wallace’s colleagues and supporters scrambling to spin the news favorably. At
The Biden family has a creepy history involving children, which the left denies despite stacks of videos and a mountain of evidence. Some leftists are okay with ignoring child molesters who agree with them politically. Others are actively trying to make pedophilia normal. They do this by calling pedophiles “minor-attracted persons” (MAPs). Remember, if they
Biogen Inc., a pharmaceutical company that produces multiple sclerosis drugs, agreed to settle for $900 million to resolve allegations that it provided kickbacks to physicians and submitted false claims to Medicare and Medicaid, the Justice Department announced Monday. A former Biogen employee, Michael Bawduniak, filed the lawsuit against the Massachusetts-based company accusing Biogen of providing
A columnist for the liberal outlet Bloomberg took a sledgehammer to the woke environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards movement currently plaguing corporate America. Bloomberg Global Business Columnist Adrian Wooldridge blasted the ESG movement and its super-woke cousin, the diversity, equity and inclusion movement (DEI) as “the ruling business ideology of our age” in a