
(Natural News) Who are Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters, really? When they were children, their parents refused to tell them “No.” Liberal mommy said spanking was wrong, and she coddled her children, obeying their every cry, telling them they were precious snowflakes. When they were young adults, public school teachers refused to tell them
(Natural News) Two years after the global spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) back in 2003, the Special Pathogens Branch (SPB) of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a series of theoretical models and detailed in vitro findings about chloroquine (CQ), a relative of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) that was found to
(Natural News) A massive explosion ripped through Beirut today, absolutely devastating buildings across many square kilometers in an event that many onlookers believe resembles a nuclear detonation. Officially, the explosion was caused by some sort of mishap at a “fireworks factory” and is being described as an “industrial accident.” But those who watch the videos
Tuesday, August 04, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: America, Anti Christ, Collapse, depopulation, dollar, evil, fiat currency, financial collapse, Fred Markert, God, Money Printing, pandemic, prophecy, risk, survival, wrath (Natural News) Without question, this is one of the most important interviews we’ve published all year. First-time guest Fred Markert of TheIsaacNewtonProject.com is a widely acclaimed
(Natural News) Public health officials in Virginia are warning prospective students to get all the required vaccinations before the start of the school year in order to do online virtual learning from their home. If parents do not comply and do not show proof their kid got the injections, then their kid won’t be able
(Natural News) Unprecedented flooding in communist China’s major food-producing regions is spiking demand for American corn, which is putting immense strain on already limited supplies. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), exporters here in the United States recently sold 1.937 million metric tons of corn to China, which is the third-largest deal for
(Natural News) Now we come to the real mission in the “plandemic,” the censorship, the banning of hydroxychloroquine and the silencing of America’s Frontline Doctors: It’s all about global depopulation via a new vaccine that’s designed to mass murder billions of human beings and sharply reduce the population of the human race on planet Earth.
(Natural News) One of the many tech platforms that uniformly decided to blacklist the America’s Frontline Doctors (AFD) “White Coat Summit” event for allegedly containing “misinformation,” YouTube was recently caught continuing to host fake news videos about the long debunked and retracted Lancet study that falsely claimed hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is “ineffective” at treating the Wuhan
(Natural News) We have now arrived at the ultimate moneymaking scam for Big Pharma, a corrupt, criminal industry that’s going to great lengths to pressure Big Tech to censor all speech that doesn’t earn them more profits. Now, vaccine manufacturers like AstraZeneca are openly bragging about how they’ve achieved absolute legal immunity from all side
(Natural News) Facebook and Google (YouTube) will not allow any doctor or survivor to speak about their success in treating coronavirus infection, unless their advice coincides with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). These are policies of censorship that come directly from the CEOs of both companies. The Big
(Natural News) After video footage of her powerful speech went viral, America’s Frontline Doctors’ (AFD) Dr. Stella Immanuel has faced endless abuse and ridicule from the left, which hates her for proposing hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and zinc as remedies for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). And now Twitter has gone a step further by actually imprisoning her
(Natural News) Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has ordered the Ohio Board of Pharmacy (OBP) to withdraw a rule preventing the prescription and use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for treating the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). After receiving a barrage of support for the drug, which America’s Frontline Doctors’ (AFD) Dr. Stella Immanuel publicly announced helped cure more than
(Natural News) Herbs and plants make for potent medicines and holistic treatments for a range of ailments, from muscle pain to bacterial infections. These natural remedies also do not cause harmful side effects like drugs and are cost-efficient to boot. In one of his recent articles published online, prepper and natural medicine proponent Claude Davis
(Natural News) With at least 11 different pharmaceutical and vaccine companies now working on new vaccines for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), the financial gravy train has never been more lucrative. According to reports, biotech executives and other insiders who are exploiting the plandemic for their own personal gain are raking in billions from stock sales,
(Natural News) After bravely taking a stand for health freedom at the recent “White Coat Summit” put on by America’s Frontline Doctors in Washington, D.C., Dr. Stella Immanuel, a black woman from West Africa, is enduring an endless barrage of abuse from leftists, which are relentlessly mocking both her ethnic heritage and her Christian faith.
(Natural News) No doubt the headline sounds like a massive conspiracy theory of the tinfoil hat kind, but if we had not seen the reports ourselves and the documentation, we wouldn’t have believed it, either. That said, if you really wondered why President Donald Trump has no tolerance anymore for the globalist organizations his predecessors
(Natural News) When pressed during a recent CBS interview with Norah O’Donnell about the fact that nearly every test patient given an experimental Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine thus far has developed systemic side effects, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates was nervously unconcerned, reassuring viewers that the FDA “will do a good job at that.” As O’Donnell
Wednesday, July 29, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: badhealth, badscience, banned, Big Tech, CDC, Censored, Censorship, coronavirus, Del Bigtree, FDA, free speech, Glitch, Google, hydroxychloroquine, rigged, tech giants, Twisted, vaccine wars, vaccines, WHO, YouTube (Natural News) YouTube has de-platformed Del Bigtree’s “The Highwire” channel today, following Del’s coverage of hydroxychloroquine, the low-cost, off-patent drug that
(Natural News) A Black Lives Matter (BLM) “protest” group in Georgia modified fireworks and turned them into nail-laced bombs that they chucked at the Atlanta Field Office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a new document obtained by federal law enforcement officers reveals. The commercial-grade fireworks-turned-bombs were discovered almost immediately after the “protest” ended
(Natural News) Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Media are now actively colluding to silence all doctors, websites, videos and online content that explains why hydroxychloroquine can save lives and end the coronavirus pandemic in mere weeks. Over the last few days, Big Tech and Big Media conspired to censor all videos of “America’s Frontline
(Natural News) Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and GOP U.S. Senate candidate Bill Hagerty, a former U.S. Ambassador to Japan who is leading in polls in Tennessee ahead of the November elections, laid out a vision last week to not only recapitalize American industry but to force China to accept responsibility for the global coronavirus pandemic
(Natural News) New research published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology has revealed that vitamin C combined with quercetin represents a powerful natural remedy for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Entitled, “Quercetin and Vitamin C: An Experimental Synergistic Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Related Disease (COVID-19),” the paper takes a detailed look at
(Natural News) The United Nations (UN) has decided to side with Antifa and intervene in U.S. domestic affairs, condemning President Donald Trump for defending American cities against left-wing terrorism. Liz Throssell, a UN human rights spokeswoman warned that unidentified federal agents are illegally detaining peaceful protestors, which may give rise to “arbitrary detention and other
(Natural News) Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) are reportedly in the process of trying to retake the Seattle “CHAZ” (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone), as well as occupy new “autonomous zones” across the United States. And aiding them in this insurrection is none other than Facebook, which is now openly facilitating domestic terrorism while actively
(Natural News) It is simply amazing how Democrats and Left-wing socialists within the party are allowed to get away with overt anti-white racism, but they do because the garage ‘mainstream media’ charged with holding all elected leaders to account only extends to the Republican Party. San Francisco Mayor London Breed, who is more concerned about