At least 2,000 cattle have died in recent days due to a heat wave baking Kansas, NBC News has reported. What are the details? Kansas, the third-largest cattle-producing state in the country, took a hit this week after high temperatures and humidity caused the cattle to die from heat-related distress. A spokesperson for the Kansas
(Natural News) Following over 100 fires that appear to be acts of sabotage against food facilities across the United States, speculation is now running rampant about thousands of cattle that appear to have died suddenly in Kansas over the weekend. According to the corporate media which also claims all covid vaccines are “safe and effective,”
The White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, said that it is the “patriotic duty” of oil and gas companies to combat rising prices by cutting profits and producing more fuel amid the administration’s continuous narrative of blaming the war in Ukraine. Since day one, the Biden administration has been on a campaign to end the oil
Big Tech platforms agreed to provide data to the European Union to fight “disinformation” online. Financial Times reported that Meta, Twitter, Google, and Microsoft provided data to individual EU countries, giving the bloc more control over speech online. The countries targeted groups that spread so-called “fake news” via the platforms. “To respond to disinformation effectively,
The Biden White House will announce the launch of a task force today supposedly to help prevent online abuse, including so-called “gendered disinformation.” Is this a Disinformation Governance Board 2.0 in disguise? Much like the Disinformation Governance Board (DGB), the new White House task force will go after alleged disinformation — more specifically, alleged “gendered
On Wednesday’s CBS Evening News, anchor Norah O’Donnell and congressional correspondent Seth MacFarlane erroneously linked Republican Congressman Barry Loudermilk (GA) to an alleged advanced reconnaissance inside the Capitol building prior to the January 6 riots at the Capitol. This despite Capitol Police stating that nothing suspicious or out of the ordinary was spotted on surveillance
Lindsey Kornick at Fox News reports that Joy Reid and others in the liberal media orbit found another reason to rage against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis: when South African-born billionaire Elon Musk suggested he could support DeSantis for president in 2024, DeSantis said while he’s primarily focused on the 2022 gubernatorial election, he welcomes “support from African-Americans.” 
You may have heard by now that Elon Musk said on Twitter Wednesday that he’s “leaning toward” voting for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the 2024 presidential election. When asked about Musk’s suggested endorsement during a press conference in Madeira Beach, Florida, DeSantis managed to both avoid committing to a 2024 presidential run ahead of
Democratic Reps. Katherine Clark of Massachusetts and Hakeem Jeffries of New York are advocating for single occupancy bathrooms on Capitol Hill in order to cater to transgender and nonbinary individuals, as well as disabled people and others. They described the matter an “important issue” in a letter to Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren, chair of the
(Natural News) A lengthy Twitter thread posted by a user called Charles Wing-Uexküll unveiled remarkable details about a post-World War II program to bring former Nazi scientists to the United States where they were put on U.S. government payroll to help America develop then-nascent missile and nuclear weapons technology. The program called “Operation Paperclip” was a secret
California State University Los Angeles professor of pan-African studies Melina Abdullah issued a tweet telling white individuals not to request to attend a Juneteenth cookout. “Attention white people… Please don’t ask if you can come to the cookout… #Juneteenth is freedom day for Black folks. It should be #Reparations day for white folks,” Abdullah tweeted
US Marshals believe Kaitlin Armstrong, the yoga teacher who killed her boyfriend’s lover in Texas last month, may have stayed at a remote campsite in upstate New York. Kaitlin Armstrong may have been hiding out with her sister Christine Armstrong and authorities believe the fugitive may also be using her sister’s name to hide out.
This week, society learned an essential lesson from cancel culture: Song lyrics that describe castrating men are acceptable but using the word “spaz” is a no-no. On Wednesday, BlazeTV’s Chad Prather of “The Chad Prather Show” expressed his disgust over the “wokesters'” latest successful and lame attack on free speech. I am talking about Lizzo,
On Wednesday morning, ABC, CBS, and NBC chose to do something it’s only occasionally done in mentioning President Biden during their coverage of the porous economy. But, as one would expect, they absolved him of blame and instead commiserated with the “frustrated” President as he’s “[felt] the heat” from voters while “pointing fingers at” Republicans
Wednesday, June 15, 2022 by: Mike Adams Tags: bitcoin, chaos, Collapse, crash, crypto, Federal Reserve, finance, interest rates, loans, money, mortgage rates, Real Estate, risk, stock market This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author Bypass censorship by sharing this link: (Natural News) The Fed raised interest rates by 0.75%
President Joe Biden sent a letter to oil companies on Wednesday threatening to use the tools and “emergency authorities” of the federal government to make them increase oil output and lower gas prices. “At a time of war – historically high refinery profit margins being passed directly onto American families are not acceptable,” wrote Biden
Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York accused business magnate Elon Musk of backing “white supremacy and authoritarianism” — the congressman made the comment in response to Musk’s announcement that he had voted for Republican congressional candidate Mayra Flores. Flores, who was born in Mexico and legally arrived in the U.S. at the age of
(Natural News) It is becoming increasingly difficult for the corporate-controlled media, which now includes Big Tech’s social media platforms, to keep a lid on Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” injuries and deaths. The body count is mounting and all the propaganda mouthpieces can do is continue to scream safe and effective! whenever someone points out the