Democrats are “super-duper worried” about the drag that President Joe Biden will have on them in the 2022 midterm elections, according to journalist Jim VandeHei. During an interview on MSNBC’s “Way Too Early,” VandeHei was asked how worried Democrats are about Biden’s dismal approval ratings. VandeHei confirmed that all Democrats are extremely worried it. “They’re
Acid? Medical-grade marijuana? Scotch & fentanyl? Whatever it is they’re on at the Federal Reserve, it’s powerful stuff. Inflation just hit another 40-year high, the economy is probably already in a recession, there are still fewer Americans with jobs than there were before the lockdowns, and mortgage rate hikes are sucking the wind out of
George Washington University will discontinue the use of Colonials as a moniker after years of campaigning against the school’s mascot by students who insisted it was racist. The school’s board of trustees announced Wednesday that a new moniker for the school will be introduced by the 2023-24 academic year “after a broad university community engagement
On Wednesday, Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, and Chief Medical Advisor to President Biden, tested positive for COVID-19 on a rapid antigen test. The news came in a statement from the National Institute for Health (NIH). Dr. Fauci
Two weeks after the smashing electoral recall of San Francisco district attorney Chesa Boudin, New York Times reporter Shaila Dewan, who covers criminal justice issues, defended the political sustainability of the far-left vision of criminal justice “reform” — no cash bail, no jail time, and selective enforcement of crime: “Liberal D.A.s Draw Lessons From San Francisco Recall.”
Authorities have opened an investigation after a Bibb County, Georgia, citizen discovered human remains behind a Macon, Georgia, Burger King restaurant on Monday. The body, according to various reports, was located in a wooded area near the undisclosed franchise. What are the details? According to a report from WGXA-TV, an unnamed passerby was walking in
According to rumors, the Supreme Court was set to release its final opinion on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization this week. Opinions were released on Monday and Wednesday, but Dobbs was, once again, not one of the opinions issued. When the draft majority opinion of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization was leaked last month, it indicated that the
The mounted U.S. Border Patrol agents who were falsely accused of using whips to drive Haitian migrants away from the border in Del Rio, Texas, will be punished for violating Department of Homeland Security policy, according to a report. Fox News reporter Bill Melugin revealed Tuesday that the DHS is expected to allege that multiple
Brace yourself for ’70s-style stagflation: Wall Street’s key recession indicator is flashing, “Danger, Jimmy Carter! Danger!” It didn’t make big headlines in the Complicit Media, but the bond yield curve inverted on Monday. Inversion is when bond yields go higher in the short term compared to long-term bonds, the reverse of how bonds are usually
NEVER FORGET: Antifa-BLM Leader Who Was Filmed Inside US Capitol on Jan. 6, Broke a Window, and Organized Antifa Rally Near Capitol That Day – ONLY SPENT ONE DAY IN JAIL Click to Watch: The Truth about January 6th Documentary Tap here to add The Western Journal to your home screen.
Sunday night’s CNN Newsroom with Pamela Brown hosted Republican strategist Alice Stewart and Democratic strategist Maria Cardona to discuss issues within our nation today, examining them from two different angles. Giving you just a glimpse of what was said, the two discussed New York Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and she alluded to the fact that
It’s June, so we receive relentless messaging about the importance of “Pride” for the LGBTQIA community. One prominent vehicle was the cover of the “Pride Issue” of People magazine dated June 20, featuring “Robin Roberts In Her Own Words: Love, Faith, & Breaking Barriers.” Underline the “faith” part. The Good Morning America co-host insisted she was
A former top aide to President Joe Biden said gas prices won’t matter if people are living under martial law after an “insurrection” is successful. Symone Sanders made the comments on the “Hell & High Water” podcast with John Heilemann released on Tuesday. Sanders was defending Republican Rep. Liz Chaney of Wyoming when she criticized
During remarks last week, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry said that “energy security worry is driving” the thinking that there is a need for additional drilling and for going “back to coal” — but he flatly rejected those notions. “No we don’t. We absolutely don’t,” Kerry declared, adding that “we have to prevent
The left’s reactions to the January 6 hearings just keep getting more and more entertaining. On the Tuesday edition of Morning Joe, main host Joe Scarborough took it to a heavily exaggerated level when talking about former Attorney General Bill Barr by comparing him to a character on The Simpsons. To start, Scarborough and friends called Barr out for
(Natural News) The Biden regime’s catering to the far left of his Democrat Party when it comes to their radical ‘green’ agenda will plunge our country into widespread unemployment and poverty, say most sane economists, because our first-world economy cannot power itself simply on wind, solar and prayers. But that reality isn’t stopping the president’s push —