Rep. Jamaal Bowman blames his staff for sending out talking points calling Republicans ‘Nazi members’ without his consent

News & Politics

Progressive Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York offered a bizarre excuse and apology after his office sent out talking points calling his detractors “Nazi members” over his fire alarm scandal.

Republicans and others have called for Bowman to be expelled from Congress and face criminal charges after he admitted to pulling a fire alarm on Saturday before an important vote on the budget. He said that it was an accident caused by his hurrying to get to the vote.

On Monday, his office sent out a bizarre memo with talking points accusing his critics of being Nazis. Soon after, he apologized.

“I just became aware that in our messaging guidance, there was inappropriate use of the term Nazi without my consent,” responded Bowman on social media.

“I condemn the use of the term Nazi out of its precise definition,” he added. “It is important to specify the term Nazi to refer to members of the Nazi party & neo-Nazis.”

The memo offered statements that Democrats could use to defend Bowman against his critics.

“I believe Congressman Bowman when he says this was an accident. Republicans need to instead focus their energy on the Nazi members of their party before anything else.”

Bowman has been mocked and ridiculed relentlessly online, where he has been the target of hilarious memes and photoshop jokes. He was similarly mocked about his Nazi apology.

“The Congressman’s office did not know the use of the term Nazi would set off rhetorical alarms. They thought calling people Nazis was what opened rhetorical doors. This can all be very confusing,” joked commentator Mary Katherine Hamm on social media.

Here’s more about the bizarre Bowman incident:

Is there ANY way Democrat Jamaal Bowman ‘ACCIDENTALLY’ pulled a fire alarm?

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