
Good tweets, good message. And to his credit, not the first time he’s taken care to distinguish the Iranian government from the people of Iran. That’s what made his grumbling last week about bombing Iranian cultural sites so foolish. It’s the sort of blow that would be felt by the entire population, not just the
It’s tough being an attention-seeking freshman lawmaker, as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez is finding out. This week two negative stories about her made headlines. AOC is feeling the wrath of some of her fellow Democrats in the House of Representatives because she isn’t paying dues to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. She is doing her
The president, yesterday: “Trump tells Fox News’ Laura Ingraham ‘four embassies’ were targeted in imminent threat from Iran.”@realDonaldTrump — Sean ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@SeanCordicon) January 10, 2020 Hard to believe, and not just because he’s prone to exaggerating numbers. (Case in point, he repeated his standard claim on Twitter this morning that he’s at 53 percent
A “fairly small group,” she called it. I bet we’d all have some pretty good guesses at this point about who’s in that “fairly small group.” Some righties were high-fiving earlier this week when McConnell announced that he had the votes to proceed with a Clinton-style rules package, in which the Senate would postpone any
There are more important things to write about but it’s been a long week and the collective palate needs cleansing. So enjoy one of the dumber game-show flubs in modern history, punctuated by the contestant breaking into a swaggering celebratory dance because she’s convinced she just won the game for her family. Strong Kelly Bundy
Between this and last month’s weak-ass cop-out on the big impeachment vote, she’s repaying her righty fans richly for their inexplicable political interest in her. There was suspense surrounding her vote on impeachment, though. There was no suspense as to whether she’d agree with Pete Buttigieg that moral culpability for the Ukrainian jet shootdown is
Give NBC credit for allowing Parnaz Foroutan the opportunity to challenge the media’s embrace of Iranian propaganda — including at NBC. Just one day after running it, however, it became evident that MSNBC’s Chris Matthews didn’t bother to read it. Earlier today, Matthews compared Qassem Soleimani’s death to that of Elvis Presley and Princess Diana
If you’ve spent any time on Twitter in the past week or so you’ve probably seen plenty of progressives worried about Trump’s strike on Gen. Soleimani. There were many worried that WWIII was imminent and some confusion about why Trump would dare to attack an Iranian governmental figure. Michael Moore made the case yesterday that
An especially weird reminder that the president should be taken seriously, not literally, and usually not all that seriously. Even according to his own advisors. .@barbarastarrcnn: “Could you both say whether you are willing to target cultural sites?” .@EsperDoD: “We will follow the laws of armed conflict.” Starr: “And that means no, because targeting a
One of the more depressing aspects of the whole Qassem Soleimani story is the way that so many talking heads in the MSM, along with Democrats, are describing it as an “assassination.” Our own Taylor Millard jumped into that debate last night and, disappointingly, decided to adopt the same language. Interestingly, he based his conclusion
You had to know this was coming. Iran is done with the nuclear agreement it negotiated with the Obama Administration and the European Union. Via Islamic Republic News Agency aka the official Iran news outlet. The cabinet said Iran will observe no restrictions in operational areas, including enrichment capacities, enrichment percentage, the volume of enriched
Imagine trying to punish Donald Trump by making it easier for him to withdraw American troops from a Middle Eastern country. Next they’ll penalize him by greenlighting construction of a new Trump hotel and casino in downtown Baghdad. The headline is true, Iraq’s parliament did technically approve a resolution this morning that could potentially lead
It’s ironic that political considerations suddenly now require Trump and the GOP to place their faith in the good judgment of the intelligence community after deriding them as deep-state liars for the past two years. Say what you will about Tucker Carlson, at least he’s consistent in receiving government assurances about the necessity of military
As Karen pointed out earlier, actress Rose McGowan reacted to the strike on Soleimani with a pathetic tweet begging Iran’s forgiveness and claiming Americans were “being held hostage by a terrorist regime.” “Please do not kill us,” she concluded. After that tweet, she spent the next half hour slowly crawling away from her statement: Eat