Month: August 2022

The 2003 release of Peter Jackson’s film version of The Lord of the Rings coincided with America’s response to 9/11, the invasion of Iraq. Tolkien’s inspired story of the West’s defense against barbarism well suited a national mood of optimism and indignation. Sadly, the Amazon series “Rings of Power” that premiers Sept. 1 appears to
(Natural News) New research out of Italy proposes that everyone who has been “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) now has tainted blood marked by mystery particles of various sizes and shapes. Published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (IJVTPR), the study, which began in March 2021, looked at blood
Republicans have been lambasting the Biden administration’s plan to cancel massive amounts of federal student loan debt, but on Thursday, the White House fired back at several GOP lawmakers by saying that the Republican figures had benefitted from Paycheck Protection Program loan forgiveness. The PPP program was meant to help buoy businesses during the COVID-19
Mark Zuckerberg says that Facebook restricted the spread of the Hunter Biden laptop story because of a warning from the FBI against the spread of election disinformation. Zuckerberg made the comments while appearing on Joe Rogan’s podcast released Thursday. Rogan asked him specifically about the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story. “Basically, the background
California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who survived a recall election last year and is currently seeking another term in office during the Golden State’s 2022 gubernatorial contest, announced that he is pledging $100,000 to support Democratic Rep. Charlie Crist’s bid to defeat incumbent GOP Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis during the Sunshine State’s governor race. “Time to
Thursday’s White House press briefing represented the massive political landmine that’s become the Biden administration’s plan to forgive $10 to $20 million in student loans for Americans making under $125,000 as, for the second day in a row, reporters from across the political spectrum had serious concerns about its legality, purpose, and rollout. Fox’s Jacqui
President Joe Biden came out forcefully against the Republican Party during his comments at a Democratic National Committee fundraising event in Bethesda, Maryland. “What we’re seeing now, is either the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy. It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the – I’m going to
One brave waitress followed her instincts a couple years ago, and in doing so, she likely saved a young boy’s life. On New Year’s Day 2021, a family of four entered the Mrs. Potato Restaurant in Orlando, Florida. However, waitress Flaviane Carvalho immediately sensed that something about the family wasn’t right. While the mother, stepfather,
Robin Niceta, a former Colorado social worker, has been accused of abusing her position by making false accusations to separate children from their parents. Aurora councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky filed the lawsuit against the former caseworker on Wednesday. The lawsuit stated, “During the course and scope of her former employment with Defendant ACDHS, Defendant Niceta baselessly,
The White House cannot say how much President Joe Biden’s student loan debt forgiveness plan will cost taxpayers or how it will be financed. But new analysis suggests the plan will cost at least $500 billion. What are the details? The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget published analysis on Wednesday showing how Biden’s plan
Follow the “science.” But what about when the “science” changes? Apparently Big Tech changes the censorship rules in the middle of the game. Google-owned YouTube quietly changed its COVID-19 medical misinformation policy in significant ways within the past four months, particularly concerning masking, social distancing and COVID-19 vaccines. Since April, YouTube changed its COVID-19 medical
The anti-vax hits just keep on coming! On Wednesday, I wrote ‘Anti-Science Nutjobs’ Right Again: Majority of COVID Hospitalizations, Deaths in 25 States Were Vaxxed, in which we learned from an exclusive story by The Epoch Times that people who bent their knees, raised their sleeves, and took the vaccine are, in many cases, leading the
On Thursday night, NBC Nightly News committed a random act of journalism during their broadcast segment on the political fallout from President Joe Biden’s student loan bailout executive order. NBC even highlighted the growing divisions in the Democrat Party over the bailout.  Introducing the segment, anchor Lester Holt announced that there’s “new debate over President
The Democrats’ midterm election ploy of pissing off over half the country is certainly a bold one, if nothing else. There’s been such a cavalcade of precedent-shattering outrageous behavior from this administration that it’s gone largely unremarked that the Biden administration formally ended Trump’s brilliant “remain in Mexico” policy earlier this month. It’s not even
Over 1.9 million illegal aliens have stolen across the southern U.S. border in 2022 — more than ever before in recorded history. Yuma, Arizona, is a particularly high-traffic sector, which has seen a 250% increase in migrant encounters this year, with over 259,895 illegal aliens encountered between October 2021 and July 2022. Citing “the worst
Dr. Vanessa Toolsie, president of the NAACP’s Orange County branch, announced her resignation this week after she claimed to have experienced “harassment and racist marginalization” from members of the executive board of the nonprofit civil rights organization. Born in Trinidad of Indian descent, Toolsie was the first female South Asian leader on the organization’s board.
The Washington Post cheered a reported ban of a gamer who made  a pro-America modification that offended the rainbow-praising Big Tech overlords. The Post seethed in a story headlined — “‘Spider-Man’ modification scene turns into Pride flag battlefield” — about how the celebration of the newly released PC version of the LGBTQ+-friendly 2018 game “Marvel’s
Joe Biden unilaterally announced a massive forgiveness of student loans Wednesday afternoon. Biden canceled up to $10,000 in student debt for borrowers who earn $125,000 a year or less and up to $20,000 for recipients of Pell Grants, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.” NBC News reported. Biden claimed ‘canceling’ student loan debt (AKA transferring the