Month: July 2024

Radical Hamas protestors are not happy with their comrades in the progressive left movement. Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) recently wrote a letter to the “progressive left,” advising them that they’re not “loyal to our oppressors” and they “demand accountability.” National Students for Justice in Palestine shared the message on X following Rep. Jamaal
ESPN personality Sarah Spain said that she was stifled in her attempt to bring a women’s sports show to the network, despite having multiple sponsors on board. Spain has worked with ESPN for two decades and has made many controversial statements about pushing women’s sports broadcasting forward. She has often been at odds with others
CNN anchor Jake Tapper accused the Democratic Party on Monday of engaging in Orwellian tactics to mislead Americans about President Joe Biden’s mental acuity. At the opening of his show, Tapper called out the Democratic Party for engaging in a “discernible pattern” of lying to the public. He argued that party officials want Americans “to
Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary, aka “Mr. Wonderful,” offered a passionate defense of Tractor Supply’s decision to put customers over ESG ratings. During the June 28 edition of CNBC’s Last Call, Anchor Brian Sullivan asked O’Leary whether Tractor Supply had moved too quickly and openly by announcing the end of all their diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. O’Leary
As the woke mob grows ever louder and crazier, some Western churches are bending the knee and embracing values contrary to biblical principles, especially when those values earn them the checkmark of approval from the LGBTQ+ community. Pat Gray and the “Unleashed” team turn their gaze toward the Pilgrim United Church of Christ in Carlsbad,
Republican Reps. Wesley Hunt (Texas) and Byron Donalds (Fla.) detailed some of President Joe Biden’s domestic and international failings on the Tuesday episode of the “Sage Steele Podcast.” Donalds noted, for instance, that under Biden’s watch, “we have had to evacuate seven United States embassies. That has never happened in American history. Never. That is
A George Soros-funded fact-checking organization heads up a coalition arguing that fact-checks are … free speech. Huh? The director of the Soros-funded International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at the leftist Poynter Institute announced a statementgaslighting on behalf of 130 organizations at a global fact-checking summit.  “World’s fact-checkers issue ‘Sarajevo statement’ supporting fact-checking as free speech, not censorship,” IFCN director
Anonymous sources close to President Biden have reportedly witnessed “15, 20 occasions in the last year and a half” similar to what the country saw at last week’s presidential debate, legendary journalist Carl Bernstein told Anderson Cooper on Monday night after Biden’s brief address to the nation about the Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity.
On Monday, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Clarence Thomas raised questions about the legality of the special counsel’s appointment in the two federal cases against former President Donald Trump. The court recently ruled that presidents have absolute immunity for official acts and no immunity for unofficial acts. However, the justices
During the presidential debate last Thursday night, the entire world began asking questions: What the hell happened to Joe Biden? What happened to this guy’s brain? Who is really running the United States?  Advertisement We’re willing to bet that most voters don’t know or remember that when he was 45, during the Reagan Administration, Sen. Joe
For decades, Congress has relied on a lazy technique. Rather than enacting real laws, Congress has delegated much of its lawmaking power to unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats. In other words, rather than making laws, Congress has, in many instances, made other lawmakers. There are several problems with this approach. The Constitution makes Congress the sole lawmaking
The best way to mark the beginning of time off is to listen to Todd Rundgren’s “Bang The Drum All Day” at high volume. This is most effective played over local terrestrial radio and introduced by a DJ named “Scooter” or “The Bearman,” while you and Carol from accounts payable play air drums. Unfortunately, we
Christianity will always be new. The meme evangelists agree with Billy Graham on why: Christ is alive. Christianity has done a great job of adapting to digital tech. videos, gifs, clips, pictures, cartoons, apps. They all offer grace to millions of people. He is alive and we are forgiven. And the Holy Spirit moves through
As the Gateway Pundit reported earlier today, Jill Biden is on the cover of Vogue Magazine… again. Some Twitter/X users decided to get creative with the cover image and the results are downright hilarious. Take a look below: — Dr. Richard Harambe (@Richard_Harambe) July 1, 2024 — TheMorningSpew2 (@TheMorningSpew2) July 1, 2024
CNN commentator Scott Jennings came off the top rope in response to Paul Begala’s assessment of President Joe Biden’s (brief) speech attacking the Supreme Court’s opinion in Trump v. United States, which delineates and clarifies the scope of presidential immunity, liberal pants-soiling about executive power notwithstanding. Watch as Begala and Jennings open a broader segment
They’ve been lying his entire presidency, and Joe Biden’s debate disaster on Thursday night outed them. Now they’re terrified that the public has caught them.  Advertisement This is how it worked: during Joe Biden’s debate disaster, panicky Team Biden columnists, anchors, and spinmeisters quickly disseminated to key reporters that Joe “has a cold.” Or, as
Top O’ the Briefing Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Dodduwal enjoyed disrupting rec center karaoke night with the occasional Richard Simmons-inspired haiku.  Advertisement The 2024 United States Presidential election certainly isn’t lacking any drama, is it? A lot of it feels like a hangover from the 2020 election because we’ve got the same
Bill Maher is advocating for President Joe Biden to bow out of the presidential race so Democrats can choose a different candidate to run for president in 2024. The comedian noted that his choice would be California Governor Gavin Newsom. “But whether it’s Mr. Newsom or someone else, we need to start talking about who
Pennsylvania police arrested two men for a slew of charges related to the alleged kidnapping and sexual assault of three women and a teenage female. Monroe County District Attorney Michael Mancuso said the case involved “a car chase, there were kidnappings, transportation to places of isolation, threats of murder, of mayhem, and sexual assaults.” ‘You
Just like CNN on Monday, MSNBC’s live coverage of the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity quickly launched into the hot talk of Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s dissent, all about Trump ordering a Seal Team Six assassination of a political rival. These Democrat judges can’t get enough of this hyperbole.  Legal analyst Neal Katyal — an
Drone strikes and SEAL teams and canceled elections, oh my! After the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that Donald Trump (like all presidents before him) does have presidential immunity for official acts, multiple leftists seemed to call for the assassination of Trump on Twitter/X and TikTok. Advertisement The Supreme Court ruled Monday that a former president