Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin was criticized and mocked online after she claimed that women could now be “executed” by a state after the Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade decision. Rubin tweeted her bizarre claim and was immediately lambasted for it. “[A] state can now execute a woman for refusing to submit to
During remarks on Friday about the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down Roe v. Wade, President Joe Biden called for any protests to be peaceful — but Carlos Maza responded to the president’s comments by declaring that violence is a suitable reaction to oppression. Maza, who describes himself on Patreon as “a writer and video
The Supreme Court of the United States officially overturned Roe V. Wade, and the debate over abortion rights has been given back to the states. On this historic day, BlazeTV hosts react to the Supreme Court’s incredible decision as well as the left’s insanity as pro-abortion activists completely fall apart. Glenn Beck reacts LIVE to
The crew at Telemundo News earnestly joined their mainstream media counterparts in the collective meltdown over the Supreme Court´s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Yet, in the case of anchor Felicidad Aveleyra, her eagerness to condemn the end of federalized abortion rights, led her to break two holy commandments of the abortion-loving, pronoun-obsessed liberal
In a statement responding to the Supreme Court’s move to strike down Roe v. Wade, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin declared that the Department of Defense is assessing its policies to make sure it keeps providing “seamless access to reproductive health care as permitted by federal law.” “Nothing is more important to me or to this
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, who wrote the court opinion overturning abortion precedents, torched his three colleagues who dissented from the court’s 6-3 majority opinion. What did the dissent say? Even though liberal jurists, like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, often criticize the jurisprudence upon which Roe v. Wade stood, the dissenting justices — Stephen Breyer, Sonia
President Joe Biden on Friday called for peaceful protests of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, denouncing planned violence by radical pro-abortion groups. “I call on everyone, no matter how deeply they care about this decision, to keep all protests peaceful. Peaceful. Peaceful. Peaceful,” Biden said in an address on the
I’m not a fan of stupid people. And when it comes to the issue of abortion, the stupid really shines. If you listen to pro-abortion leftists, abortion is a sacred cow, enshrined by the Constitution and affirmed by Roe v. Wade — a “super precedent,” or something like that. For years, they’ve been under the impression
The far-left governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer, has once again rediscovered the term women. Though Whitmer recently used the term “menstruating people,” she has since returned to using the word women, now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade. In a video denouncing the Dobbs decision, which returns the abortion issue to individual
The Supreme Court overturned the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision on Friday morning. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) railed against the Supreme Court’s decision with fellow pro-abortion activists and a Revolutionary Communist outside the Supreme Court. Ocasio-Cortez was chanting that the Supreme Court’s decision is “illegitimate” along with the pro-abortion crowd, as seen in a
‘Heartbroken’ and furious Michelle Obama took to Instagram on Friday morning to post a lengthy statement following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade. Michelle Obama condemned the decision as ‘horrifying’ and said it will have ‘devastating consequences’ and women across the nation will ‘bear its burden.’ “I am heartbroken for people around
(Natural News) The American dream is fast being flushed down the toilet, and the only thing the Biden regime seems to be focused on is grooming your children to become transgenders. A new executive order signed by the Resident-in-Chief himself massively expands access to so-called “gender affirming” care, particularly in more conservative-leaning states where laws
(Natural News) America’s largest reservoir is drying up fast, which could make states like Nevada, Arizona and California, and parts of Mexico, no longer livable in the not-too-distant future. Lake Mead, which generates just under 40 percent of Las Vegas’ power supply via the Hoover Dam, currently sits at just under 1,044 feet. It is less
The end of Roe does not mean the end of the debate over abortion rights. That battle is continuing and will no doubt dominate our politics from time to time in the future. States that will ban abortion in all circumstances — 14 mostly southern states that passed “trigger laws” if Roe were overturned —
(Natural News) The Supreme Court has struck down a longtime gun control law that barred most people from carrying a firearm concealed. And MSNBC talking-head Keith Olbermann is enraged. On Twitter, Olbermann called for an insurrection against the Supreme Court, including its total abolishment. If that does not work, then Olbermann wants people to just
After the Dobbs case was announced that ended the practice of abortion in states that choose not to allow it, Hillary Clinton tweeted out this response: Hillary Clinton is wrong. It takes two people — a male and a female — to create another human being. The doctor should not be involved in a decision