Month: January 2022

Amanda Gorman recites a poem during the inauguration of Joe Biden at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., January 20, 2021. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) Amanda Gorman, youth poet laureate, can’t believe she wasn’t murdered at Joe Biden’s inauguration. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE I have some good news for Amanda Gorman: Americans don’t murder our poets. Gorman, who
(Natural News) A massive criminal complaint filed last week with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office accuses the makers of COVID-19 vaccines, as well as all corporate and government officials involved in pushing and distributing them, with “murder” and “crimes against humanity.” The complaint, which was filed by Harris County resident Jack E. Boteler, represents “all interested
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) speaks during a news conference about the House vote on H.R. 3755, the “Women’s Health Protection Act” legislation to “establish a federally protected right to abortion access” at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., September 24, 2021. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) Important context in considering what might happen in the event that
Buried beneath a meandering avalanche of words, ESPN reluctantly platformed and profiled the NFL’s best player giving voice to the voiceless and speaking his truth to power. An impatient and easily bored reader likely missed Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers’ rebuke of President Joe Biden. In a profile story stretching to 6,660 words, ESPN waited 5,302
Actor Kirk Cameron delivered a rousing speech at the March for Life and made an appearance on Fox News, where he revealed that the “tide is turning” in how society views abortion — even in progressive Hollywood. “Most of us have someone in our life — sometimes it’s a wife, sometimes it’s our children —
By Aaron Maté,  RealClearInvestigations: As he documents the role of Hillary Clinton’s campaign in generating false allegations of Trump-Russia collusion, Special Counsel John Durham has also previewed a challenge to the FBI’s claims about how and why its counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign began. At stake is the completeness of the official reckoning within the
George Washington Bridge seen from Fort Lee, N.J. (Mike Segar/Reuters) The new infrastructure law’s Bridge Formula Program turns out to be a windfall for inefficient, unionized blue states. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE T hroughout the bipartisan infrastructure law’s legislative journey, President Biden has repeatedly said that there are 45,000 structurally deficient bridges in the United States
Michigan State University won’t allow for in-person learning until the final day of January, but at the same time had no problem opening up the school’s arena for nearly 15,000 screaming fans to attend every Spartans’ home basketball game this month. On Dec. 31, Michigan State University president Samuel L. Stanley Jr. announced in a
There is an obvious political slant in Hollywood toward Democrats and liberal ideologies. But Goldie Hawn is reminding Hollywood celebrities that their job is to entertain the public no matter what political affiliations they have. “The Center for Responsive Politics reports that individuals and firms in the television, movie and music industries gave $84 million
Clothing brand Carhartt, known for producing apparel for blue-collar workers, is facing a tidal wave of backlash after the company vowed to enforce a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for its employees. What did Carhartt do? One day after the Supreme Court ruled against President Joe Biden’s employer COVID vaccine mandate, CEO Mark Valade emailed every Carhartt
Donald Trump has begun to position himself as something of a “president-in-waiting” as Biden lurches from one foreign policy disaster to the next. So it’s not surprising the former president would use Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) to deliver a message to Vladimir Putin. Graham says Trump told him that “Putin is realizing that Biden’s weak,
Pro-life demonstrators in front of the Supreme Court during the March for Life in 2002. Pro-lifers come to D.C. because they know equality begins in the womb. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE E quality is on everyone’s minds these days, and for good reason. We are a prosperous nation — wildly so by world-historical standards — yet
Walter E. Williams on Life, Liberty & Levin in February 25, 2018 (Fox News via YouTube) Professor Don Boudreaux writes here about his late friend and colleague Walter Williams. In this time of hyperventilating about race, Walter was perfectly calm and reasonable.  Don brings up his Proclamation of Amnesty: I, Walter E. Williams, do declare
Liberal comedian Bill Maher tore into Democrats and even Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on HBO’s “Real Time” Friday over the COVID-19 narrative that Democrats espouse and Sotomayor advanced from the bench. What happened? During a discussion with journalist Bari Weiss and Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.) about COVID-19 vaccines and the Democratic Party’s posturing, Maher
Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D) was unanimously censured by the Arizona Democratic Party on Saturday, but the centrist Democrat refused to bow to increasing pressure. In a statement after the censure, spokeswoman Hannah Hurley said that Sinema’s allegiance lays with her constituents in the Grand Canyon State — not a political party. “During three terms
Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (Robert Knopes/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images) On the eve of Friday’s March for Life, the annual pro-life demonstration that’s expected to draw over 50,000 attendees from across the country, Catholics for Choice projected a pro-abortion message onto the largest Roman Catholic Church in North America. “Pro-Choice