Month: January 2023

(Natural News) A now-shuttered government-run transgender clinic in the United Kingdom known as Tavistock was targeting autistic children for recruitment into the LGBT fold, we now know. The Guardian dropped this bombshell in a recent report about the explosion of trans youth in the UK, many of whom were shuffled through Tavistock’s transition programs specifically
(Natural News) In order to meet the local school district’s new “equal outcomes for every student, without exception” strategy, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ) in Alexandria, Va., has been withholding National Merit awards from students and their families. Even though doing this has deprived many students of the opportunities that these
(Natural News) The latest drop from the Twitter Files shows that the world’s most controversial social media platform rigged the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) debate to control the narrative. It did this, according to journalist David Zweig, by censoring information that was true but inconvenient to U.S. government policy; discrediting doctors and other experts who disagreed
In her New Year’s Day Inaugural speech following her 2022 election, New York Governor Kathy Hochul took aim at one of the biggest problems plaguing her state: People who are fleeing New York to escape the consequences of Democratic policies. Her words were a far cry from her campaign rhetoric back in August where she
Self-appointed worldwide sports commentator LeBron James directed attention away from his losing Lakers Sunday to rave about Deshaun Watson. The troubled Cleveland quarterback threw three touchdown passes in the Browns’ 24-10 win over the Commanders, but the NFL minimized its publicity on the man who was fined and suspended earlier this season for alleged sexual misconduct. 
All three broadcast morning newscasts devoted full stories on Monday to the first day of public viewing for the late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. CBS’s Chris Livesay was the most antagonistic to Benedict’s legacy, regurgitating once again the “God’s Rottweiler” epithet, and tagging Benedict as an “arch-conservative” vs. the merely “more liberal” Pope Francis. Livesay
For decades the liberal press, including the New York Times, used the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a symbol of the fears of oppressive government surveillance, investigating allegations that the agency surveilled civil rights leaders and radical anti-war groups during the Vietnam War. The Times hyped myriad other civil liberties concerns regarding the “sullied agency.”
To know Mike Leach — the head coach of the Mississippi State University football team who passed away from a heart attack a few weeks ago — was to love him. I loved him, and I never even met him. The closest I came was watching him on the sidelines. My favorite team — the
When you’re a parent of young children, it’s hard enough to enjoy your downtime by putting on a movie or a television show that you’re catching up on because, these days, even network television is rife with inappropriate language and topics that you’d prefer not to have to your child exposed to. But it’s gotten
Twitter might encourage hot-take clicks when someone important dies. On Saturday afternoon, Politico cybersecurity reporter Eric Geller couldn’t help but trash recently deceased Pope Benedict XVI with this (linking to the New York Times obit): “Homophobic pedophile protector and Hitler Youth alumnus dead at 95.” After he received a rash of harsh replies (and perhaps
(Natural News) When Dr. Anthony Fauci took the podium at the White House Coronavirus Task Force in March of 2020, a new religion was born. Since the beginning of the covid-19 scandal, Big Tech worshiped at the feet of Fauci, re-configuring algorithms to protect Fauci’s reputation, his image, and his agenda. When questioned, Fauci refers
(Natural News) Dr. Wilson Chin, a Hong Kong-born, U.K.-trained physician who practiced medicine in Queensland, Australia, is dead after getting “vaccinated” for covid. Chin was an aggressive promoter of covid jabs, having been among the first to start injecting children under the age of 12 after Pfizer’s mRNA (messenger RNA) variety was approved for children
It was a challenging task but an esteemed panel of NewsBusters editors led by MRC President L.Brent Bozell and MRC’s Vice President for Research and Publications Brent Baker boiled down all the biased outbursts from lefty hack hosts, anchors, reporters and pundits in 2022 and on December 15 announced The Brian Stelter Memorial Award for
California is now a “sanctuary state” for children seeking transgender procedures and medications. The bill was passed in September but went into effect on January 1. California will now “offer refuge” to minors and their families “if they’re being criminalized in their home states” over transgender treatments. Many of these treatments irreversibly sterilize and/or disfigure
On the first show of the new year, ABC’s This Week co-anchor John Karl granted a friendly softball interview with zero challenging questions to the newly elected radical leftist Congressman-elect Maxwell Frost (FL-10). One of the more outrageous moments came when Karl touted Frost accosting Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis at an event that Frost
For two years, the Biden administration has run amok, pushing radical policies and abusing its power. With Democrat majorities in both chambers of Congress, oversight has been virtually nonexistent. But when Republicans assume control of the House, the Biden administration will no longer have the protection of the Democratic Party to prevent investigations into its
(Natural News) A former top medical and health adviser to then-President Donald Trump says that Twitter’s massive censorship of ‘non-deep state-approved’ COVID-19 information under the old management team very likely cost thousands of Americans their lives. Dr. Scott Atlas, M.D., said that when talking about censorship in general, there are “vague implications” on the effects of