News & Politics

Democratic mayors of two self-declared “sanctuary cities” are demanding that Colorado stop sending migrants because their social services are already overwhelmed. The letter to Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, also a Democrat, from Mayors Lori Lightfoot and Eric Adams was first reported by Bill Melugin of Fox News. Polis had announced that Colorado was busing migrants
Former President Donald Trump is calling for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and other GOP senators who vote with him to face primary challengers. California Republican Kevin McCarthy secured the House speakership last week after a days-long process that included more than a dozen votes before McCarthy, who had been backed by Trump,
CNN This Morning took a surprisingly skeptical stance on President Biden’s failure to meet any migrants during his border visit yesterday. Kaitlin Collins delivered the segment and noted: “During a tightly-controlled visit to El Paso, Biden met with border patrol officers, lawmakers, and local officials. But he didn’t appear to actually meet with any of
U.S Attorney General Merrick Garland tasked the U.S. attorney in Chicago with reviewing classified documents found at a think tank, according to two sources who spoke to CBS News. The documents were discovered at a locked closet at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington, D.C. CBS News reported that the
A Pfizer director pushed Twitter to censor critics of COVID-19 vaccines while denying his actions, according to the most recent Twitter Files drop. Former FDA commissioner, CNBC contributor and current Pfizer Director Dr. Scott Gottlieb pressured Twitter to censor tweets critical of COVID-19 vaccines, former New York Times journalist Alex Berenson said in the latest
Ghislaine Maxwell, 61, has gone from grooming underage victims with the now-dead pedophile Jeffrey Epstein to grooming female felons in prison. According to the Daily Mail, the convicted child sex trafficker and pedophile, who used to hobnob with Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew, is now hosting etiquette classes for fellow inmates. What’s the background? Maxwell
Things were a tad more exciting than usual at Bingo Paradise in Pensacola, Florida, on Wednesday night when a couple of good guys with concealed guns used them to detain a man accused of shooting at two females outside the bingo hall. Image source: YouTube screenshot What are the details? The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
Fox News chief political analyst Brit Hume lambasted CBS News’ 60 Minutes for propping up the debunked babblings of overpopulation-obsessed climate fanatic Paul Ehrlich. Hume rebuked CBS as a network for having gone the way of the “woke mob” by breathing new life into Ehrlich’s propaganda during the Jan. 5 edition of Fox Business Tonight
An art professor was fired from an American university for showing a respectful Medieval painting of the 7th-century religious leader Muhammad. Erika López Prater’s termination by Hamline University in St. Paul, Minnesota, comes after a Muslim student complained, even though Prater had previously invited students with deep-seated religious beliefs or iconoclastic tendencies to approach her
The liberal media likes to depict Never Trumpers like Charlie Sykes as the voice of center-right reason and moderation. But in recent days, founder of The Bulwark and MSNBC columnist has revealed a spiteful, vulgar streak. Last week, we caught him literally laughing as he reveled in Kevin McCarthy’s sticky predicament in seeking the speakership, and
Though much of the controversy regarding so-called “transgenderism” and athletic competition focuses on biological males infiltrating women’s sports, a recent op-ed in the New York Times highlights the story of a female college swimmer who has begun competing against men — and has more or less tanked her collegiate career. Iszac Henig, a senior earth
A 27-year-old transsexual has reportedly admitted to burning down a historic Korean church in Portland, Oregon, underscoring how he wanted to “take credit” for this act of apparent anti-Christian hatred. What are the details? The 118-year-old, 3,000-square-foot Portland Korean Church at Southwest 10th and Southwest Clay Street, formerly the First German Evangelical Church, was set
On Friday’s Morning Edition, co-host Steve Inskeep broadcast some unintentional hilarity when offering a seven-minute attack on conservative talk radio starring Katie Thornton, who has a liberal podcast series called “The Divided Dial.” NPR’s website summarized the segment as NPR “examines how right-wing radio spreads misinformation.“ Inskeep explained that somehow, Thornton discovered the “very conservative”
Police bodycam video shows the deadly encounter between Nashville SWAT officers and a Grammy-winning recording engineer. Mark Capps, 54, shared four Grammy Awards for best polka album every year between 2006 and 2009, along with Jimmy Sturr & His Orchestra. Capps – the son of late Grand Old Opry lead house band guitarist Jimmy Capps
Fox News viewers are degenerate drug addicts, desperate for their next fix of government-hating heroin. That was the take of ex-Republican Congressman turned MSNBC analyst David Jolly on Katie Phang’s show on Saturday morning. Jolly was reacting to the news that Speaker Kevin McCarthy will reportedly organize a Frank Church-style committee to investigate abuses in
A few short weeks after being the defendants in Kari Lake’s election lawsuit that exposed a tremendous amount of evidence of chicanery that may have altered the outcome of a number of statewide elections, officials in Maricopa County, Ariz., say they have launched an investigation the ballot printer problems that plagued a significant number of
Kevin McCarthy hadn’t even been Speaker for eight hours when MSNBC’s Ali Velshi welcomed Washington Post national politics reporter Eugene Scott onto his Saturday show eagerly anticipate his replacement by new minority leader and noted election denier Hakeem Jeffries. Velshi began by playing a video of Jeffries early Saturday morning before he formally handed the
Nine years ago this week, the national media showed their partisan stripes by inundating their news programs with massive coverage of a negative story involving just-reelected New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie, hoping to demolish his presidential hopes. At the time, liberal reporters considered Christie one of the strongest candidates to oppose former Democrat Hillary